Can we please have ai survivors?

I really would like an offline mode with ai survivors or in custom match. Not ai killers, just ai bots. Please add this it would make me and alot of players soo happy
This is way beyond the dev team's ability to program. Making bots is one of the more complicated things you can do.
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But what about the tutorial. A ai survivor is smart enough to run away from you and drop pallets
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On a predefined path. For DbD you have to consider the RNG aspect of the maps e.g. And then comes the complicated thing. Dealing with chases and actual interaction with the killer. Reacting to their movement, actions, especially the killer powers, which is also complicated. With each new Killer and their power they would have to constantly update Survivor AI behaviour as well.
Designing and support bots on an acceptable level, probably takes way too much ressources to be worth it, considering the niche use they would have.
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True. But what about if they add difficulty levels? I feel that may help a little bit.
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Thats actually the tricky part. Making an AI that messes up every now and then is hard, and you also wouldnt have any of the typical "mindgames". The bots would always know your location, so sneaking up on them with ghostface or myers for example would be impossible. Imagine playing against 4 OoO, but you dont see their aura and they see yours at any range... That would be what playing against bots would feel like. One one end, theyd be predictable and never spice things up from 1 bot to the next unlike humans do, so hitting them with Huntress hatchets shouldnt be too difficult. On another end, stealth killers would be a joke and theyd be pros at jungle gyms. No amount of red stain tricks and moonwalking is gonna matter.
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True. True
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They can't even fix the damn sound bugs in the game, much less make bots.
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Doesn't Identity V have bots? Maybe BHVR can borrow those.
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That would require a lot of work, and their is a lot more important things they need to focus on, right now.
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This would be a welcome addition no doubt. But if it ever exists then it won't be seen until way down the road.
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Forget about an offline mode, they might need bots just to fix these queue times.
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Not if they program them like the survivors I get. All the bots would need to do is crouch in grass at the edge of the map until the hatch spawned.