If you do want all this ingame info...make it fair

ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946
edited January 2020 in General Discussions

So ill say right now im not a fan AT ALL of the amount of information we get ingame these days.

Dead Hard having a dedicated animation is great for avoiding confusion and jumping to conclusions, but man, why do survivors get this big fat indicator that for example NoeD is in play when someone is hit?

If the gens are done and a survivor gets downed in 1 hit and they werent the obsession, gee...I wonder what is going on... is that not what playing games for a long time is about? knowing how it works? instead of the game just telling you/handing you everything?

I mostly bring this up now because recently I went up against a demogorgon going for Adept.

Now when I went for Adept demogorgon I got it in 1 try (I know I know, hold you applause) and after that I straight went for the perks I had in mind for him.

So because of that I never really got to know...mindbreaker...well with this demo killer I was playing against I finally knew what an absolute garbage perk that is, I have NO clue how something like that made it into the game.

The game flat out TELLS you on the left of your screen that mindbreaker is in play as soon as you start working on a gen.

And it flatout TELLS you how long you are affected by mindbreaker with the little circle on the right side.

As soon as a Sprintbursting survivor hears the killer coming, all they have to do is let go, and (perk at max!) 3 seconds after letting go (which again they can see when the effect is over by the circle dissapearing) they can sprintburst away again...

are you kidding me? how crappy can a perk be?

Not only does it last very short and even when working you can get...1 hit MAYBE, you have to remove the element of suprise as well? by just showing survivors exactly what perk is in play?

Now sure, I want mindbreaker to get a buff, right now it only would "work" on stealth killers and indeed maybe demo or Freddy, its just rediculous, even more so when you realise that when all the stars align and it does actually work, its again only helpful for those players who run sprintburst or are wounded and have dead hard, thats it.......

But this thread is more about fairness. balance, if this information is just given to survivors...then why not for example have a DS ready survivor glow on the floor? give the killers information that is going on, similair to how BT shows a survivor is glowing after you hit them....and what is up with that even? why not let the survivor glow right away so the killer knows there is no reason to go after that survivor over the one that unhooked? (Heck thinking about it that would actually make more sense because BT works for that hit, when the glow after the effect is no long there and they will go down, so it makes more sense for them to glow right away and the killer hit removes that glowing layer of protection)

Post edited by ZoneDymo on


  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    The reason BT and DS have no indicator is because camping and tunneling aren't fun strategies.

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946


    and as I said before, is that not what playing a game for a long time is all about? knowing how it works, knowing what to do, getting.... good...at the game?

    Well as stated in the original post, BT having an indicator would actually help against tunneling more then not :P

  • Astrian
    Astrian Member Posts: 320

    Honestly the amount of information BHVR is actually stupid depending on where you're at.

    1 thing that really bugs me and I'm shocked that there isn't uproar about this is the stupid ass "Slightly" "Moderately" and "Considerably" they put for stats instead of just hard numbers.

    Like I don't understand, how hard is it to just put in straight numbers in the fields instead of this mystery crap. If I'm playing Legion and I know my ability cooldown is 4 seconds, reducing it by "Slightly" does absolutely nothing for me. What the hell does slightly mean? You have to go to an outside resource to fine the hard numbers on what everything does?

    Seriously? Is it that hard to change some numbers around whenever you do a change once a century or do they not want the players to realize how garbage the majority of addons are?

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Yes killers that see a survivor that has no BT on them won't tunnel them. Why again?

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    well I would down then and go for the unhooker, but thats just me.

    I do see what you mean, but why I mean is, if you hit the survivor, then see BT is in play, well now you have a wounded survivor infront of you, might as well go get them right?

    While if they were glowing right away you would know there is no preference to go for that survivor over the one who did the unhooking.

  • VexTheHex
    VexTheHex Member Posts: 1,009

    These are pretty tiny things to be up in arms about. :I

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    really? massive game changing indicators are tiny things?

  • VexTheHex
    VexTheHex Member Posts: 1,009

    Umm, what? Maybe you should camp less if BT is MASSIVE to you.

    And you basically already supplied why it would be a BAD IDEA cause then the Killer will know the unhooked Survivor doesn't have BT and would get a easy down.

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    man you just skipped over everything, I suggested you read the original post if you care and if not, well, dont reply then.

  • VexTheHex
    VexTheHex Member Posts: 1,009

    Meh, you want BT nerfed and some Killer perk buffed. There is like 85% useless perks on both sides. As you say, doing the Adept achievements typically showcases you how dumb most perks are. I realized I don't have Legion's despite having him P3, but two of his perks are worthless in almost every match. Iron Maiden has a short duration and Mad Grit only helps if they body block, I see A LOT less body blocking in the present.

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893
  • RipleHHH89
    RipleHHH89 Member Posts: 86

    That is how it should be. I would much prefer to not know if the killer has a certain perk, everytime I come across huntress lullaby it shows you soon as you touch a gen and the other survivors I get paired with leave to go find it as if its ruin or something. The indicators are too early if they have to be in the game.

  • Colton147
    Colton147 Member Posts: 523
  • Mrwood204
    Mrwood204 Member Posts: 226

    I'd actually prefer it if we saw nothing as a survivor. There is definately waaaaay too much info provided to survivors and basically none to killers

  • ChunChunMaru
    ChunChunMaru Member Posts: 52

    DS is stronger now than it used to be. You could AT LEAST dribble before.

    Generator repair time increased? How many years ago was that?

    Killer vault speed increased? Wow OP. That's closer to a QoL change than a buff considering how effective looping is.

    Do you remember the old self care? It was clearly overtuned. So much so NO ONE ran medkits and healing in between loops and pallets was meta.

    In a game where gens can go in 3 minutes at base, old BNP was severe overkill and unfair.

    Flashlights are still good? I'm sorry you have to time it...?

    Getting rid of infinites is not nerf, ITS FIXING THE GAME

    Pallet Vacuum? Again... clearly broken? How is giving survivor a mini teleport not broken?

    Balanced Landing? That was a soft nerf as it was also given some "extra functionality".

    Sabotage? Sure lets buff sabotage. As long as survivors can't make the whole map a dead zone in case you forgot how OP it was.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    You're missing the point of the meme. It's not saying these changes were unfair; it's pointing out the cognitive dissonance that a lot of killer mains show with regards to the game's updates.

    Majority of the time, it's a positive change for killers. (and that is good. the meme doesn't suggest it's bad in any way)

  • Zenro
    Zenro Member Posts: 319

    Agreed. Its not the direction the game is going but i think it would be more of a horror game if survivors didnt get so much information. The lack of knowing is what causes the fear. When i first started i liked the idea that the killer gets information on where you are which created intense hiding moments that got the adrenaline going!

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Survivors make up more of the playerbase, statistically. They will make desicions that benefit them over killers because there is a potential for a bigger income from that side.

    That and they would like to cater to new players.

  • Zenro
    Zenro Member Posts: 319

    I get why they tell you for certain things but I feel this is my biggest gripe with a majority of the HEX perks. They tell the survivor they are there before they really can do any damage. Except devour/haunted/NOED of course which let you know when its already a huge problem. But lullaby and third seal announce themselves before they are even near full effect. Even Thrill of the hunt announces itself instead of staying hidden. Just so many little things that give survivors a eay to avoid it completely.

  • ChunChunMaru
    ChunChunMaru Member Posts: 52

    The reason that cognitive dissonance exists is because of the quality of the nerfs that survivors get vs the quality of nerfs killers get. And some of the stuff that they call "survivor nerfs" or "killer buffs" are neither, but a fix to the broken aspect of the game, like infinites.

    Freddy was absolutely gutted and left that way for how long? Legion got gutted. Mending does nothing. Pig Traps are useless. Madness just got nerfed this recent PTB. Nurse. Spirit, EVEN ONI.

    Huge differences.