The problem people have with Billy.



  • Rasinbran
    Rasinbran Member Posts: 240

    So why does my precious nurse get nerfed but the brain dead easy to pick up killer known as Billy that has a built in Insta down and unlimited map pressure get no readjustments?

  • TheDiz
    TheDiz Member Posts: 243

    Billy capitalizes on everything, lol. While he is zipping around, he can stop the moment he sees someone and depending on the add ons you barely stand a chance. The worst is seeing a P3 Billy because you already know he either has insta-saw and will tunnel and proximity camp everyone pretty quickly. Good times

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,334

    The Hillbilly does have a lot of map pressure but he's also extremely loud giving you ample time to hide or avoid him. Unless he's using addons the chainsaw pretty much kills any ambushes unless you're oblivious. Usually the people that get found are the ones who hide in an obvious corner when it's too late to get distance from Hillbilly without initiating a chase.

    The chainsaw isn't really good anywhere except out in the open either. Unless a survivor makes a misplay they shouldn't be caught by it by normal means. Granted I believe the Bloodlust argument is a fair one where Hillbilly should lose bloodlust if he revs up his chainsaw.

    Basekit wise though he's fine I would agree half his addons need touchups though. I'd imagine people just can't stand killers who don't suffer from maps being too big. Billy should be the norm for killers honestly. Map pressure and a deadly ability that requires a bit of finesse.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,266

    Billy gets targeted because he's next on the tier nerf-list

    • Nurse
    • Spirit
    • Billy
    • Etc.

    Wow its like killers have been seeing this coming since the announcement of the nurse nerf.

  • kimukipi
    kimukipi Member Posts: 137

    IMO, every killer needs some sort of teleportation (like freddy) power for map pressure at least until they shrink those mindlessly huge maps.

  • Kbot22
    Kbot22 Member Posts: 96

    Billy is not as over powered as spirit or nurse, the only way Billy gets a chainsaw is if he gets lucky with a curve in high ranks or if the survivor makes a mistake. Billy can be easily looped just like any other killer as long as the survivor makes no mistakes

  • david0711
    david0711 Member Posts: 23

    Its people that haven't played enough to hone in their skills to certain killers that are the ones that complain to much and get killers nerfed, i wish no killers were nerfed at all, wouldnt that be awesome if the devs did like one week every once in a while that returned the killers to how they used to be or maybe more things, just for old times sake lol

  • Dr_doom_j2
    Dr_doom_j2 Member Posts: 869

    My guy, Spirit gets surprise hits all the time, nurse can warp through pallets, and wraith can always sneak up to be close to you. Why are you only looking at what their power Doesn't do that his does? Does Billy turn invisible? Does he ignore pallets and loops?

  • BongRips4Wraith
    BongRips4Wraith Member Posts: 87
    edited January 2020

    Billy is fine, I love playing him. Even when survivors know how to deny your saw, the map pressure alone and the threat of a ranged insta-down is enough to make even the worst killer maps playable.

    Billy with pop/ruin and insta-saw is an absolute bore fest for a solo team. You don't need gen stalling perks with Billy, if you lose every time without them on this killer, you don't deserve the win. Get better.