I'm (insert emotion) because (insert generic complaint) and I think (assuage my demands)

I'm making this post to announce to the general dead by daylight community just how angry I am about (generic hackneyed complaint) while offering no unique or nuanced explanation outside of how mad I am.
My reasoning is simple: (generic and biased observation) and I think the entire Dev community needs to resolve these problems because I specifically have the most important complaints or observations over everyone else. At this point, I will now continue my hackneyed monologue to express my extreme malcontent.
The solutions I present (assuage my demands) will fix every problem I've identified (apply aforementioned linear bias) and should be taken very seriously because I'm angry.
Obviously Behavior doesn't care about the gaming community because I don't get the single response I demand. So you will need to assuage my anger or else I will quit this game forever and return in a couple of months to express how mad I am while I still play the game I quit.
*mad face*
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(Not gonna read all of these cuz I'm lazy)
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I'm moribund because Hex Ruin has been nerfed to the ground and I think the devs are too busy splashing all the cash they have made on David King pillows to even care.
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Obviously its because you're a behavior dev and you dont care about my complaint. >:(
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(Insert Scooby doo joke)
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Classic Behavior Dev response smh >:(
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I am outraged and object to your assertions.
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THATS BECAUSE YOURE A GROSS (insert character main)
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You forgot the (insert backhanded insult towards the general dev pool or single out a specific dev to insult)
Seriously though, everyone has a right to their opinions but please, do it in a respectful manner.
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I can appreciate what you're trying to do here, but I still think the devs deserve all the criticism they are getting.
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The community itself deserves just as much.
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this post is (insert a large word that is apparently an insult), and i know this because i am a master player who is always rank one. stop attacking the devs because your complaint is not possible to be appeased. i feel like (demanding different demands that mean the same thing stated in the post)
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I'm going to tag @Unicorn into this thread because I feel like you'll definitely agree with this thread.
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I love this guy xD
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Thank you!
You see it too, right?
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Yep, too well.