How can any killer complain about...

... getting crushed by survivors? I dont understand it. Even i, a mediocre killer gets more 4Ks then anything else.
This was a red rank game. After looping the trapper for almost 3 gens (he gave up), a teammate gets downed like within 10 seconds. Since apparently nobody tried to safe her, i went in for the trade.
Keep in mind.. this is red rank, and therefore, these ppl should be the best.
BHVR, i said it before i know, but please. FIX the ranking system. Make it HARD, so we dont have to deal with actual rank 20s that somehow grinded to rank 1.
Imagine removing the rank system from your game 😂
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I mean there was a time, when ranking up was really hard, you had to have a perfect game to get pip.
Just make it, that you need 16 Points for Double pip, 15-14 for single, 13-11 is black, and everything below 10 is depip.
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Making it hard to pip will result in fewer people at rank 1 yes. However, the trade off is that in order for you to get matches you will have to wait longer or be matched up with players outside of your rank bracket. Both of those options are heavily complained about so no matter what bhvr does with this people will not be happy with it.
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Look, it's a game. You have to go in knowing sometimes you're the bug and sometimes you're the windshield. The game wouldn't be fun if you won all the time.
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Isn't this the way it goes for Killers ?
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So... a problem with the Ranking system doesn't invalidate the complain of the Killers. Just cause the game puts boosted Survivors in your lobby the game is not "balanced", when you verse the real red rank survivors the match is most likely a stomp on the Killer.
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people complained ranking was 2 hard.......those people were massive idiots...and now we are were we are.
I have never seen a game where a ranking system was so controversial, so messed up, as it is in dbd.
that said, idk if you have much right to complain with your boring blandette look and DS and DH tbh.
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Too late. People are now used to being rank 1. You can't put them back to the mid ranks and make them unhappy. Unhappy players aren't good for business.
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Saying every red rank is 'best' is invalid.
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He said they should be, not they are
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I'm ok with what you said in everything (all killers have a 50%+ killing accuracy) BUT, red ranks do not give you good teammates, SWF with people you get to know and aknowledge they are good players give you good teammates.
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Though if they stop letting all the bad survivor players rank up so easily then statistic's would become more accurate and then they could actually balance killer's better.
Lol and the dev's thought Ruin was their only problem skewing statistic's.
There is a reason that the saying is "The game is easier when you kill the weak ones first".
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How could they not notice the ranking problem?
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You conveniently left off the screen that would show their Ranks. You being Red Rank in no way means your team mates are Red Rank.
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Bad players get into high ranks, the Killers stomp those bad players quickly.
Because the game ended so quickly against bad solo survivors who ranked easily the Killer de-pips or black pips, even though the Killer got 2-4 kills.
Behavior receives these statistic's, looks at them, puts the score that says they de-pip'd or black piped into the shredder and goes "They got 2 (or more) kills, that's balance".
Now if the dev's fixed ranking, making it harder for survivors to rank up when they play bad.
Only the good survivors get into Purple, and Red ranks. They start to see in Purple and Red Ranks the killers getting stomped each round, with little as to 1 kill or no kills.
They start to see the Killers are much weaker than survivors (some more so than others). Then at the same time start to see that even if a Killer plays well the score doesn't reward them.
Developers then buff weaker killers.
Also maybe add a voice chat so that Solo survivors have the same tools as SWF.
Like dude I know you like to stalk me on the forums to try and bat down my opinions, but by the end of the day we both want the same thing. A balanced and fun game for EVERYONE, and not just one side.
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Geez I was just asking a question. I agree ranking needs to be fixed.
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Well, you just answered your own question? You got a rank 20 in team, he dies fast, ez 4k. It's the games without potatos where people get crushed i guess
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Ranks got reset every month by a lot back then. BHVR could do a "yearly hard-reset" so it doesn't hit people too hard who care about ranks since they got one year to climb up again
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If they would hurry up and do crossplay it wouldn't be as bad and the wait times would reduce.
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Its not about winning, its about playing with people that match my/our skilllevel. Same with killer. I dont like facing a killer with 100 hours playtime, especially not when it becomes the majority of time - which might happen, if this ranking system stays the way it does.
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Just balance the game around having to win to pip. :P
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And how often do you really get those "real" rank 1s? There are so many boosted red ranks, that the chance you run into a really good team is not high, lets be honest here.
But thats exactly what i mean by the way.. if you are a top tier killer, you should run into these top tier survivors (and the way around ofc). But with the current ranking system, it is just a lotterie. You might run into a 4man squad with 5000+ hours players, or you might run into solo players who installed the game 2 weeks ago.
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It is super easy to do gens when the killer is not on them.
And it is not even about they steping into those traps. It is just about how the deal with that situation. All 3 are running around like headless chickens i would expect from guys who just installed the game. When i watch them i see myself after 1-2 weeks playing the game.
I dont wanna ######### on them by the way. It is not their fault that they are not properly matched.
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Its rare to see such a lack of companionship in a team. They might as well have run to the opposite end of the map as soon as you were hooked.
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what are you talking? Go 2:27 please.
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I fully agree with what you say, even with your insult ;)
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I would definitely be ok with a harder rank system. Harder for both killers and survivors. Weed out the players that are not really top-tier material. Furthermore, give a bp boost to red and purple ranks. Or something. Make it worth going there.
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You know its not against the rules to make posts just BaD wOrDiNg? Like if anything the point of this is "Fix ranking survivor is too easy" but you went with "How can people complain about ruin when I DIED"
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With matchmaking as it currently is, I doubt the game would change much.
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If you pip you've won, safety is a draw.