Happy No Ruin Day!

Happy no old ruin day
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But...but...what about my free wins?
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Survivor is sooooo ez
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This, but unironically.
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Time to main survivor
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Happy facecamping, tunnelling, slugging, playing dirty, and salt Day.
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It's actually giving red ranks survivors more of a challenge, I could work through Ruin every game with my usual SWF party, it actually felt like going against a 3 perk killer, but not anymore
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What do you mean "No Ruin day"? Its No Ruin forever now!
Let the 4 minute games begin!
*Searches through my collection of Commodious Toolboxes*
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Killer? What's that? I don't know that a "killer" Is, I main survivor now, with long wait lobby times :D
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So true. I’ve played 2 matches so far in purple after update and both doctors camped tunneled and/or slugged. Ugh.
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Ahh, remember the old times when ruin used to be a thing. As I remember those game with old ruin were the 90% of games where 2 gens didn't pop in first 1-2 minutes.
So happy so that I and my teammates (who could never do it) don't have to bother to hit those skillchecks anyome. It was sooo incredibly hard and not like there was any counter like gen tapping or breaking a breakable perk that caused it. Too OP needed the nerf since it was overused unlike survivor perks that have high diversity.
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Happy slug day!
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Suuure is a beautiful day today.......
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12/08/2016 - 1/22/2020, Goodbye Ruin. It's been great.
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This is the offical day it starts! to the toolboxes survvior mains!
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Knockout new meta???
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I want to think that getting rid of ruin will allow BHVR to change how generators work. I'm cautiously optimistic. But still mad because they talk to the community as killers were bots who are supposed to lose every game.
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And I played in one against a rank 1 Doctor and ranks 2-3 survivors and he 4k'd without camping or tunneling and only slugging like twice. 🤷♀️
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You say that when the reality is they still refuse to even acknowledge that there even MAY be a problem with the reasons killers, even great killers, used Ruin to begin with.
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I still think the problem is that there's no motivation to climb rank as you are technically punished for doing so with longer lobby times and sweatier players. I bet if you put a sweet cosmetic or two at the end of the stick you would improve morale and give people a reason to git gud. Heck you could even measure the newer player base by making legacy skins a reward fo climbing rank as the veterans will have no interest and the new fans will skip work to grind for them. Just a thought.
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I do think this is a bad change for the game. I expect que times to soar with slugging and moris way more common.
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My games is faster than my queues as survivor, and we all depip or black pip, happy day!
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Hurr hurr rip a crutch perk. I didn't see this much fanfare and belly aching when Decisive Strike and Mettle of Man getting utterly destroyed to pave the way for tunneling. Which I might add that I, as q survivor main fully accept your "taboo" tactics as part of the game, albiet relying too heavy on them can lead to weak killers. Time to buckle up buttercup and adapt.
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I’m soooooo scared! 😱
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Happy infinite queue day 🥳
It’s only gonna get worse from now 😌
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Has this happened now? Need to know if I'm gonna play killer or not, but hopefully they will tell us if this insane change is here.
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Op mains survivor
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I finally managed to go from rank 16, to rank 15. So glad for this Ruin nerf! Having to hit a Greater skillecheck, powering through it or even cleansing the Hex totem, several ways you can deal with a perk, was just too many ways tbh.
Like, why should a killer be rewarded so heavily for a perk that gets destroyed so quickly most of the time? It's such an amazing, PASSIVE perk! It isn't like there aren't countless survivor perks that are passive and allow you to do things that are total BS passively and with 0 effort xD
I think killers should just be happy that they have this new Ruin, which is so insidious that there's no way you'd even recognize the killer has it, or how good of an end game perk it is because of it! How can we stop this new, overpowered Doc rework from 3 genning? I can never find the totem and I'll always be pushed off the gen, so tbh it might be a little TOO strong!
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Unfortunately I got no way to test it right now. But I'll play as doctor after this flood gets away from my city.Lol
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There’s a tell for Ruin. The gen sparks when you let go.
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pst he's joking
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Just played a game with new ruin where they got all the gens done in 4 min even though I was applying pressure with new ruin but I guess survivors just need their free wins
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Le funee post about ruin xD
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As soon as BHVR look at the data and ruin is getting a 5% success rate they will change it back
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So the way most killers played before ruin nerf.
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Just like I've said. If they go through with this without compensating by adding a second objective for survs or lengthening gen times... I'm gonna give those little shits a reason to cry toxic.
I'm gonna bring NOED, I'm gonna slug, tunnel, camp and nod every time I see someone. But it wont matter- the gens will be done in 3 minuets and they'll all be teabagging at the 99ed gate and get out and trash talk.
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I agree, as a red/purple rank I was used to play against 2 perk killers since BBQ and old Ruin are useless against reds, now they are starting to use useful perks against us (luckily BBQ is still there wasting a slot except for Hillbilly, Nurse and Freddy).
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Lol I just got Harassed for using Ruin by some red ranks that shouldn't be in Red.
Dev's looks like you gotta nerf it again.
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Since the update (granted I haven't played in awhile) I've only been met with face camping bubba's and Billy's. It's kinda ridiculous. But other than that I think the update is great.
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You. . . you actually, really believe that DS was destroyed? It was literally buffed to a 60 second immunity. . . it's a survivor crutch perk for not being able to loop, if you want to equate Ruin as a crutch. As for MoM, I agree. It was ruined.
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That's because you had about half a dozen other crutch perks to fall back on, Bailout McCarry.
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Happy increase wait times day for all survivors
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You better do totems now, cuz NOED is the 2nd best totem. :D
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I see your rick and morty, and raise you a Todd Howard!
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I can't wait to Gen Rush salty killer mains when I get home. :)
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It feels so much better as survivor knowing that gens will get done and that looping the killer for 10 mins wont be pointless since your team can’t be bothered with the skillchecks. Thats what was frustrating before, running the killer for so long and having no gens done because of Ruin.
Also interesting to see killer playstyles. Ones that can apply pressure and play smart seem to be doing ok. Ones that camp are now getting punished more for it.
As for the perk itself...not sure what to think. On one hand it feels like it encourages gen rushing more. Theres a pressure now as survivor to not let go of a gen and not leave a gen unattended which is bad for killer. On the other hand if you can kick survivors off a gen long enough this just keeps adding to the amount of gen repair they need to do.