How the Ruin nerf affects the health of the game.

DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410

Some friends and I are testing how quickly SWF can power through gens with toolboxes. I'll post screenshots of our post game screen to show our results.





  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I’m excited to see the end results.

  • Lucama
    Lucama Member Posts: 461

    This will be interesting to see. Try to get some way of keeping time as well, to see how fast the gens pop/games are finished.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    We keep forgetting to screenshot the endgame screen. 😅

  • Boosted_Dwight
    Boosted_Dwight Member Posts: 3,059

    This is gonna be interesting. Good luck to you guys! :D

  • Zagrid
    Zagrid Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,000

    80 seconds for 3 at most another 2 min for the last 2... I estimate if you play... optimally ... 3min 20sec

  • Umbrae_pk
    Umbrae_pk Member Posts: 482

    No way! You play with @Cornpopers_Evan ??? Jealous...

  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    Queue times have been horrible for survivors the last month on PS4, worse if you are playing any version of SWF. Killer queue is almost instant. Matchmaking is broken across the board.

  • samination
    samination Member Posts: 312

    That's why I only play killer on console. Lol. No wait. On steam it's 15 minutes.

  • SteelDragon
    SteelDragon Member Posts: 745

    to few killers, most quite because of all the BS. thousands of survivors with only hundreds of killers. Q times for survivors will be long. more killers will be quiting in the coming days

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    The Ruin change is great for the game.

    Before you saw so many people pick a top tier killer, they’d bring Ruin to slow the game down and buy them enough time to camp and tunnel survivors out of the game. If you got past all that they’d have NOED as a back up. People were getting 4ks with minimal effort.

    Now if someone sits around hooks they’re much more likely to get genrushed. Sure they can still fall back on NOED but it hands more of a punishment to crappy players and will hopefully push them down the ranks a bit more.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Ruin bought people more time to camp and tunnel thats a fact. Whether it was 30 seconds or 5 minutes it was extra time the killer could use to camp/tunnel a survivor. Many players took advantage of this. Say what you want about WHY Ruin worked bad survivors etc but the fact is it did work. It did slow buy the killer more time.

    I’ve been playing solo and seeing plenty of killers winning games. The average survivor just isn’t that good.

  • Tro
    Tro Member Posts: 223

    I play both killer and survivor, multiple times R1 on both w 1.5k hrs played. The fact of the matter is that now, unless you are playing hillbilly or spirit, any team of decent red rank survivors can finish all gens in a match within six-8 minutes and the killer can do almost nothing about it.

    I can get 4 kills if the group has some lower rank survivors or if they are not in comms but if they are in comms as a group or if they are good red rank survivors? good luck.

  • MarksmanSpecal
    MarksmanSpecal Member Posts: 117

    U know u have to do 12 chases, land 24 hits? And a gen just needs 80 seconds, alone, without PT or a toolbox. So, yes, buying time is essential.

    Omg, killers winning a game, that should never happen again, ffs. Something must be wrong with the source code.....

    Average means average, not only the average survivors aren´t that good, also the average killers aren´t. So it equals, and even if someone drops every pally instant and waits fpr the killer to kick it, the chase lasts forever.

  • Lucama
    Lucama Member Posts: 461

    Again with the "survs aren't good so balance for the potatoes". Maybe they should just get good.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    This experiment won't show anything different to pre-nerf ruin games tbh.

    SWF could always rush gens insanely quickly if they were optimal and kept split pressure on gens.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Its always “survivors need to get good”

    and they do

    but a lot of killers aren’t that good either. Why do they never need to get good? We’ve had complaints in here previously about killers being genrushed in 3 minutes or being looped for 5 gens. Why do killers never need to get good?

    Ironic when you all say its survivors that want to be coddled.

  • Lucama
    Lucama Member Posts: 461

    It will be faster since now you'll get the 2% boost from skillchecks.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Sorry to disappoint people expecting this but we kept forgetting to screenshot our games and then we all had other stuff to do, so no experiment was done.

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,726

    It's utterly impossible to not get genrushed against good survivors who want to genrush. It's completely possible to destroy dull totems against a good killer that wants to use NOED.

  • Lucama
    Lucama Member Posts: 461

    Except none of us are using "well killers aren't good" as an excuse. Literally how do you stop a team that wants to genrush? Slugging? Cool, I still depip. Getting looped for 5 gens is on the killer, but some maps do just have insanely good and easy loops, and any chase longer than 30s is detrimental to a killer.

    When the deck is stacked that much, when even the insanely good players sometimes have unwinnable games, something is off. It shows when even awful teams can get a majority of the objectives done.

  • thenegativone
    thenegativone Member Posts: 254

    "Wow...he does exist" *giggles in anime*, im a big fan...hi :)

  • Cable2486
    Cable2486 Member Posts: 249

    Exactly this. As a killer main, this collective survivor mindset that some invisible rule book should dictate how we play is not only ridiculous, nonsensical BS, but absolutely infuriating to deal with. The fact that there are survivors that are willing to DC because ' the killer is playing nice ' needs to be stopped. Ruin should have been kept the same, totem spawns needed to be reworked to better hide them, and new offerings should be introduced to camouflage them better.

    Part of pressure is slowing the beneficial mechanics for survivors down to force their hand. What everyone seems to be forgetting is that the Killer is essentially HUNTING. A good hunter doesn't ignore prey they've weakened or injured to start hunting new, healthy prey that has a better chance to escape. The concept of that being labeled as fair is ludacris.

    Survivors absolutely need to improve. This mindset that a killer needs to be 'fair' is one the most ridiculous things I've ever heard. You are literally playing a game where murderous, and even monstrous killers are hunting people down. Hunters don't let weakened, injured prey get away just because a newer, healthy prey comes along to assist or see what's happening. Not unless they're trophy hunters. The only trophies in this game are BP and Rank, both of which a killer loses if they let players go. Standing next to a hook isn't smart. Standing back while watching, using Insidious and springing on a survivor that sneaks in to attempt a rescue is a viable strategy hunters like to call setting a trap. The second you end up on a hook, you become bait. Period. Whether it's to lure another survivor to attack, to use as an opening to track that survivor to others once they're freed, it's ALWAYS a trap. Hooking a survivor and moving away, only to ignore the injured draws out the game, making it easier for them to fix gens and get out. In short, it's stupid. Tool boxes and flashlights need reworked to better suit purpose, DCs need punished or removed from the game completely, and survivors need to stop demanding killers be weakened. Asking that a terrifying supernatural killer be put on the same level as a regular person is asinine. Watch the movies that inspired these killers and the original killers concepts. Survivors were ment to have the deck stacked against them. It's why there's only one killer vs four survivors. You get better without taking the game hostage via threatening DC, whining for buffs to perks that you haven't/don't want to figure out how to use to your benefit, or asking that perks and abilities you'd expect a supernatural killer to possess be limited because you lack the skill or ability to figure out how to best it. You don't get better by asking they lower the difficulty of the experience you're playing this game to receive. You chose the role of survivor. It's not ment to be easy. Deal with it, or don't play games like this.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    So basically you want the game to be designed in a way that heavily favours the killer.

    But you forget it’s not a horror movie, it’s a videogame. Nobody is going to play if they don’t have a fair chance of winning or balance.

    Too many people want this game balanced around the 4k. That would make it pointless to play survivor or killer.

  • Cable2486
    Cable2486 Member Posts: 249
    edited January 2020

    The game was ALWAYS designed as a playable horror experience, heavily in favor of the killer. It was ment to simulate an experience either as a killer stalking people, or a survivor trying to elude and ultimately escape. It SHOULD be skewed towards the killer being harder to deal with. Part of the game is outwitting the killer. In fact, it's the primary role of the survivors. It's why they're called SURVIVORS and not victims, etc. No one would play the licensed killers if they were all as weak as legion used to be, partly because we remember their portrayals from their respective franchises, and partly because they're not natural, and thus have powerful abilities beyond normal humans.

    Dbd was ment to be scary, not so overtly competitive that it overshadows the whole game completely. Sure, there are mechanics that need work. Flashlights, for example, should blind much faster, with slightly wider, more reliable hitboxes. Tool boxes need to be combined and made rarer, but also have an ultra-rare version. Light needs to be adjusted, as do ambient surroundings to better allow survivors to hide and evade. Hatches need a small opening bar like exit gates, and keys should allow ONLY their holder through, closing immediately after. Killer powers and add-ons need to be reworked as well, incorporating cool-downs for several, as well as revised/new add-ons to add relevance and continuity to powers and their use. Above all, perks on both sides need to be more thoughtfully created, rather than just cheap re-skins with minor changes.

    Killers are ment to kill, not to let you get away. That said, pips and rank need to be awarded more based on their skill, speed, and efficiency in doing so, rather than being almost wholely ruled by how many kills per match they get. However, being that the game is, at it's core, a set of survivors trying to desperately escape the clutches of a terrifying, powerful, SUPERNATURAL murderer who's sole objective is to find and end them, it absolutely SHOULD be skewed in the Killers favor, offensively speaking. There are four survivors, working separately, in small groups, or in total unison to complete five generators and get out. The killer must hunt them one by one, hitting each twice before being able to pick them up and carry them to a hook, which much be done three times to kill them and remove them from the trial. You should count yourselves as collectively lucky that it works that way, and not like Friday the 13th, or it would be like killers having a permanent Mori.

    If you want fairness, look to the balance of mechanics such as offerings, rather than the diluting of abilities like hexes, which are already severely lacking, almost uselessly ephemeral, and once broken, completely gone from the trial.

    Oak branches, for example, should add to or decrease the number of hooks, rather than the distance between them. Gens should take a full 100 seconds to complete, be less harder to find, and more often then not be situated in ways that prevent more than two people from working on them max. The ultra-rare styptic needle should be rolled back to it's old form, while the new powder add-on should instead be an ultra-rare item itself, since it's essentially a disposable BT perk turned into an item. Doors should also be introduced in maps with houses, in the place of palettes, offering more options to fool killers by closing them, like using them to make noise, closing several in a hallway, but also not offering the ability to trap a survivor completely like a locker does. Likewise, I think fireworks should be an ultra-rare item always available, rather than just an event item. On top of that, certain items should never spawn in chests unless a survivor is all alone, keys being a perfect example. Once alone, a key should spawn in one chest, and once found, only then does the hatch spawn, alerting the killer that the key has been found. It makes the hatch far more fair for both sides, rather then a silly race, slanted much farther in the survivors favor everytime.

  • samination
    samination Member Posts: 312

    Faster than on PS4. Last night I played a few rounds and then a live-stream and we found matches in about 5 minutes of less each time.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,777
    edited January 2020

    Off-topic, but my friend and I really like your animations (we started watching at Taco-Man).

    She won't stop singing the Hex song, now, though.


    If you ever have time to play with us on Steam, we'd be honored :3

  • samination
    samination Member Posts: 312

    Aww, thank you! :D I'm back streaming again and I play with my viewers! You can always just hope in when the lobby is open. :D

  • MarksmanSpecal
    MarksmanSpecal Member Posts: 117

    "Nobody is going to play if they have a fair chance or balancing?"


    Except those players choosing to play Killer. Those one´s deal with it since release....

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396
    edited January 2020

    *Offers Trapper some Gingersnaps*

    Those will help entertain you during the wait. You could also be working on the lyrics to your next song, a duet with Huntress.