Queue times already increasing

Survivor queue times are already going up whereas when I've been on killer it's been instant. Good job BHVR, this will have the opposite effect of what you intended.



  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    That's been the case for over a month, and before that it was the reverse for a very long time.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    I have not noticed a change in either survivor or killer que times. Played a lot over the past week and survivor que times are steadily 5 minutes or less while killer que times range between 15 minutes to 20 minutes on steam.

    Are you on console?

  • Whiskers93
    Whiskers93 Member Posts: 95

    On steam I'm getting the opposite, instant killer times and long survivor times

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,299

    Could be region dependent as I just saw Pug get a lobby after around 2 min where before it was 10m+

    On Steam NA east I've never waited more than 3-8m for lobby. Normally at peak time its around 1-2m.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    @twistedmonkey You are likely correct. I'm in NA/Midwest and I've been getting fast survivor groups with my wife all night. Our longest wait was around 4 minutes. Average is 3. Killer is a bit slower, but I attribute that to a lot of people trying out new Doc.

    I don't think anything BHVR has done is affecting que times. It is just the normal ebb and flow of patches and changes.

  • Hopesfall
    Hopesfall Member Posts: 828

    I debated posting a new thread but I'll just let it die in this thread

    i played enough today to see playing killer now is more stressful than fun. Rank 1 on xbox.. all my killers level 50+.. I can no longer use interesting perks that may help with chases or info perks like Nurse's/I'm All Ears.. i have to devote every perk slot to maximum gen slowdown so i have a chance to get more than 3 chases a game.

    i don't enjoy slugging, there is nothing fun about hovering around someone.. i don't want to be pushed into playing that way. But I also don't like having my games over in 4 mins and not being able to just sit in my chair, relax, and have some decent games.. now i have to clinch my butt every game so i can maybe get 3-4 decent chases.

    today was not fun.. can't really say i look forward to more of this

  • kinderjazen
    kinderjazen Member Posts: 81

    He is , killler q times take ages on pc but take seconds for n console

  • mmain
    mmain Member Posts: 430

    Survivor queue times on PS4 are beyond ridiculous

  • DaGreenBolt
    DaGreenBolt Member Posts: 453

    I'm seeing something different, Killer que times are instant where as survivor que times are at least 15 minutes. And this is at rank 1 to 20.

    My friend who is trying the doctor out, noticed the instant que time for killer at rank 20, and when he tried survivor it was at least 15 min for him.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    My wife has a killer que time of around 10 to 12 minutes at rank 12 on Steam. Her survivor que time is less than 3 minutes. Both are comparable to my experience at red ranks, just longer for killer.