
I play both killer and survivor let's be honest if I want an easy win I go killer and it gets boring and it seems to be getting more and more difficult for survival category. Watching a killer own teams of four with zero gens after a ruin new or old followed with one hit downs on top of seing survivors at all times that's making it hard to want to play I'm not saying get rid of anything but being able to see everyone and instantly downing seems a bit much.i hate waiting for x amout of time for a ten minute game.its hard to want to keep playing as survivors soon noone will want to. I dont see why killers can seesurvivors with one hit downs
Lemme guess. Yellow rank? Or is this bait.
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Rank doesn't matter the games itself proves that I'm rank 2 and I get in with rank twelve killers lol I dont Care about rank rank doesn't matter
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Rank 2 survivor
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I completely agree. I feel that this game is a killer based game. Too many times I play against camping killers and tunneling killers only to die right away in the match. It’s absolutely ridiculous. And now with the change of the doctor it adds to the problems. He is absolutely way more powerful than before hitting survivors with his shock blast an extremely long distance away. Something needs to be done with the game to help out survivors a little more. I’m not saying change everything but at least give the survivors a little attention. Lately it’s been about helping the killers.
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Lmao the ruin nerf wasn't enough for survivors you pretty much don't have to worry about it now and the DR rework was done for survivors read the DEV patch notes and it will tell you in there that they changed him for survivors. It should be the other way around they should be helping killers out i.e fixing the audio bug.
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The Plag
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It is not about ruin it's the killer seeing anyone at just about anytime with instadowns.its not survivor sided when NBC gives way more handout kills then anything or the loss of being able to hide from a single hit killer I'm not attacking any killers who are afraid to lose their easy wins I'm just not in agreement with any killer (including mine even though I dont do it) to be able to see with instadowns enabled it's like killers whining about the dev's and the DS or the killers running scared when ruin was on the table for the dev's to tinker with why are killers so scared of survivors notice all the killers say we wine when I play bout and killer is to easy it just takes slight pressure killers are so afraid that when a survivor says anything they call it whining just proves they fear the dev's helping survivors when killers whine on ds and borrowed or slow the gens down killers need to calm down survivors are needed just as bad without them it would be hard to play cant be killer if you make survivor unplayable stop the whole quit whining the only thing I see is how can it be fun when you dont have to do anything anymore
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The matchmaking is bunk now that is correct lol
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0/10 Bait. Could've done better
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No bait I hate hearing the phrase people whine no intent on whine just intent on discussion no bait... bait for what though? I stated sight and instadown make games to fast ruin was fine bbq and chill is fine just the short matches of I see you instadown bs
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what kind of reverse world do you live in?
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Reverse world