You know what counters gen rushing?



  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    I play a lot of killer. Gen rush happens very rarely and very rarely do I feel uncompetitive when playing.

    Bad games happen. I guess that people complaining give up really early into a match because you can definitely rebound in this game. Even with one gen left. Just keep trucking. All the pallets are gone too so chases get shorter and shorter.

    PS4 Red Rank killer if that matters.

  • Since the ruin nerfs killer has become unplayable for me. No matter what I do gens are just done so quickly my matches are about 5 - 8 minutes long at most it's insane.

    "Well get good as killer" okay that's fair, lets say just literally everyone I go against is better than me, literally everyone because I lose literally every match now- then why am I playing against them to begin with? Shouldn't matchmaker put me against people I have at least a slight chance against? It doesn't do that so basically it's like saying survivors are entitled to a victory.

    Meanwhile, when I play survivor, of which I have 1/10th the playtime, I escape and pip ALMOST EVERY SINGLE GAME. Even solo.

    This doesn't seem like how the game was intended, one side being near impossible to play and the other being cruise control for pips.

  • killermainxd
    killermainxd Member Posts: 25

    Yeah it's a lot easier to rush gens when the killer is tunnelling and applying no map pressure. But do what you gotta do to kill those evil survivor mains!!!1!1

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited January 2020

    Doesn't matter, if you don't tunnel a gen pops pretty much every time you down and hook someone. There is no time to reach the people on the gens. If you hooked everyone once that is 4/5 gens right there so next hook will second state someone and then all the gens are powered.

    IF no one has a toolbox, then you can usually make it back to the gens and pressure them off, but if they have toolboxes you can't as most killers.

    I literally downed and started hooking someone within the first 30 seconds of a game and 2 gens popped, then the second I left the hook they unhooked them and I quickly found someone, downed them, 2 more gens popped. The hell is the counter play to that? They didn't even heal they didn't have to. One more gen and adrenaline would kick in anyways.

  • Tarlonis
    Tarlonis Member Posts: 22

    Help me understand how Ruin, Surge, and Overcharge have been changed and/or if I should just stop using them? I love playing as killer but just Orbit the 16th rank mostly. I get stomped or stomp most games. A 2 kill game is the goal of balance I've heard...but I see mostly 1k OR 4k.

    I wasted 5-6 seconds per gen this morning playing as Hag with hex and as Dr with overcharge... I was all "why the f*** can't I kick these Gens!?!?!" Hehe

  • jordirex
    jordirex Member Posts: 204

    What about ds, borrowed time?

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340

    I've said this once and I'll say it again:


    Who the hell cares? Sure its annoying for us Survivor Mains to go up against a tunneler but we've been going up against tunnelers and campers way before this patch. Nobody can tell you how to play Killer, so just do it how you want. Don't understand why Killer mains feel they have to announce their game plan to the world.

  • toxic_clown
    toxic_clown Member Posts: 318

    dont tunnel, juggle.

    i get 4ks all day by switching between 2 survs. i always try to be in a chase with one of those 2. because i run dying light, ill usually slug my obsession if i come across them, gaining me pressure and not wasting time by not getting a stack.

    single out the worst player or the one with the toolbox. leave the super altruistic survs alone. leave the flashlight survs alone, youll know theyll be following you around looking for saves, thus, not doing a gen. leave the god looper alone. leave the one TRYING to get chased alone.

    because youll be killing 2 survs in relatively quick succession without really going for the other 2, when you finally get into a chase with one of those 2, itll be a faster chase because they wont know how you play. they might have no clue that you swing through pallets or have a certain addon or perk.

    also, trade hooks as much as possible.... the end i guess.

  • AndraKun
    AndraKun Member Posts: 22

    If you play as mid to low tier killers with low mobility, its almost impossible to get kills without tunneling or semi tunneling (tunnel 2 players). Especially on red rank and the survivors are playing SWF and have toolboxes on them. I tried to play it clean like the old way (chasing someone that uninjured and has 0 hook) and ended up with 0-2 kills. But if I do semi tunneling I can get 2-4 kills.

    This doesnt happen to high tier killers. I tried to use the old chase method as one of the high tier killer and I can get 1-4 kills.

    In conclusion, mid to low tier killers have to at least do semi tunneling to get a guaranteed kill or they have to bring noed x blood warden combo

  • shwag
    shwag Member Posts: 417

    Lol ok.

    I use to be a killer main. Red rank. I have no issue with high ranks depending on a crutch perk.

    My point still stands though noed does not feel like it counters or prevents gen rush.

  • Th3Nightmare
    Th3Nightmare Member Posts: 1,266

    Heal in ranks 1? KEKW

    Peanits, I know you think what the survivors would "do" but ... do they do it?

    Currently, you do a chase if the survivor knows the structures can make you lose about 80-120 seconds depends on the map, that is 1-2 gens. And so ... players who hide? Players who repair injured? There is no time for a killer. All this will cause bad behavior on the part of the murderers to make the game last longer ... even other games with "moris" "tunnelings" and that is not fun, so .. it would be convenient to find a solution.

    More than 30-45% of the community is complaining .. something is wrong. But well, let's say everything is "fine."