Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Before you rage.

Alright so I'm a survivor main, I have played Nea for as long as I can remember (as I joined the people of the fog post nea release). I have Butt Danced my heart out and flashlight saved till I ran out of flash lights then went and bought more to rinse and repeat. So I am not Bias towards the killer side, so when I say this please dont jump to the conclusion that I'm some entitled killer main.

But why do people complain about getting tunneled? Like...its a very good strategy from the killer POV. It makes the game less fun for survivors yes but. That's not the killers problem, he is trying to kill us or sacrifice us. In o scinerio is it the ideal choice to go after the full health scinerio when you could hunt down the freshly unhooked survivor that just needs one hit. I would say that if they are just sitting next to the hook and farming you the instant your off then its BS. But when it comes to tunneling and chasing the survivor that was just unhooked it falls on the survivor to outsmart and get away from the killer. It's not the killers fault you cant seem to get away, of course he is going to go after easy prey. He is the killer...that's his job. I'm not saying if you get tunnled your bad. But cussing out a killer for tunneling you is the equivalent of the killer cussing you out for flashlight saving. He is gonna go for the easy kill just like you are going to save your teammates every chance you get. We are better then this, this community is so riddled with toxicity. Everything is something to complain about. I love this game, I love butt dancing at the door. Even I'm toxic as heck. But when it comes to the basic concept of the game. Complaining about infinite looping and tunneling are essentially just complaining about surviving and killing.

Let's all be better.

I would like to add as a final note that I am not trying to attack any individual and this isnt ment as an attack at all. I just want to continue enjoying the game. I've been on the opposite end of tunneling so many times. I've escaped tunnelers and I've fell victim to them. But I understand it. This Toxic Nea that butt dances not nessicarly to be mean but for fun that just needs one more hit to go back on the hook is gonna be the obvious choice versus the laurie that has DS. I just hope people understand

Anyway I hope your having a great day everyone :)


  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    I think people are allowed to complain about tunneling. Killers complain about gens and hatch frequently.

  • Inokara
    Inokara Member Posts: 50

    I understand but that's just my point. They are literally yelling at someone...for playing the game the way its supposed to be played. What is the point at complaing about Gens and Hatch. Gens are literally required and hatch is so that one survivor that's left still has a chance if his whole team is dead. There is no need for this much complaining in the community over things that are sometimes or all times very nessacary

  • bilaueta
    bilaueta Member Posts: 341

    I agree with everything you said except for infinite looping, not looping for a long time. Im not acusing players for being toxic by using those, after all you ise what you have and it is the best way to survive

    I just think that infinite looping should not be in the game. Its obiously less of a thing now that many patches ago, but there are still very annoying buildings that should be removed or patched.

    IMO having a game in crotus prenn where every single survivor runs to the main building and avoids any other tile is just as annoying as a match where a killer only slugs and never hooks a single survivor

  • Grandkurama
    Grandkurama Member Posts: 314

    We need more people like you in this community. You explained your point well

  • Inokara
    Inokara Member Posts: 50

    I see your point but when it comes to tunneling i see people suggesting permanent bans for the actions. It's just getting out of hand

  • Inokara
    Inokara Member Posts: 50

    Thank you haha. I'm just trying to bring some positive vibes. I'm getting really tired of the toxicity and hate. Like I'm not expecting world peace, after all it's an online game. But I would at least like to try my best not to contribute to the bad. I want people to leave a game with me going wow that was a good round of DBD I dont want them leaving thinking "Man screw that guy, reported, stupid survivor main"

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    It's nice to see a post like this amongst the usual posts about how the world ended when Ruin got 'Nerfed'. Honestly, I wouldn't feel the need to use tunneling if I didn't constantly have teams of survivors rushing in a squad for a unhook and pretty much instaheal session together. Not to mention their 3 flashlight combo to save their friends, along with BT and DS. If they're willing to use those sort of tactics against us, why can we not just lower their numbers by taking them down quickly? Of course, most survivors will class this as extremely toxic behaviour, but what can you do?

  • Lucama
    Lucama Member Posts: 461

    Complaining about game balance =/= complaining about someone playing a certain way. I don't complain if people flash/pallet save, don't complain about using DS, don't complain about someone doing gens. I will complain on the forums where devs can see that their game is badly balanced/designed.

  • Inokara
    Inokara Member Posts: 50

    I think the best thing people can do is just keep smiling. I know that's difficult even I find it hard and yes I've lost my head before. But I know how hard it can be to keep your head up after being called a tunneling cu*t for the 12th time in an hour. But I just tell them GG and I delete any other message they send cause I dont have time to continue giving into their toxicity. Same as killer I've been called a T-bagging fa**ot so many times. I just gotta remember not to sink low. I try my best and if others did too (not to say they dont) I think the community could lighten up a little

  • Inokara
    Inokara Member Posts: 50

    It's understandable to issue complaints or constructive criticism to the developers because it is their job to make the game as fair and balanced as possible. However that's not the topic, the topic was attacking players for nessacary playstyles. But I do see your point and agree with your opinion

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    I agree. It's a sad time when people instantly resort to petty insults for simply losing in a game designed to be fun. I think people just take it way too seriously nowadays. Me personally, I play for fun. If I win, I win. If I lose, I got points, I had a laugh, we all win overall. I always get the usual insults after a match when a survivor DC's or doesn't like the fact that they went down easily, but as you say, you move on. It's just a shame more people didn't share this view point. The community would be a better place for it!

  • Inokara
    Inokara Member Posts: 50

    Here is the thing. People play this game for its competitive spirit. This game is very much a serious play style. But I 100% disagree with the statement that a serious game cant be played for fun. Heck I play FT13 seriously and I still have fun cause that's fun for me. I'm competitive I hate losing but I accept loss. I agree the community would be a much better place if every one could simply accept a loss.

  • kurgan8282
    kurgan8282 Member Posts: 264

    as long as I try to avoid tunneling if it doesn't become necessary, you really have the right attitude towards the game! i have been tunneled as a surv as well and after few secknds of rage I moved on :) we all should be more relaxed!:)

  • Inokara
    Inokara Member Posts: 50

    At the end of the day. The way a person plays might not be fun for everyone. That's just the way it is. It's not fun for a killer to be blinded for the entire game. Just like it's not fun to be tunnled. We all have our playstyles and we should all just come together and make this game community a better place. I dont want this game to keep sinking lower. I've already see close to 30+ posts talking about how the game has lost its spark for them. I dont wanna see more people leave

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    I don't see how complaining can be done about game balance...when the devs are balancing the game

  • illusion
    illusion Member Posts: 886

    I think that a lot of the complaining being done is by people that don't understand what tunneling is.

    I had a game today where I was accused of tunneling because I downed them right after they were unhooked. I wasn't tunneling them, I was chasing one of their teammates that led me to the hook. They did the hook tech, while I was wiping my blade they did an unsafe hook. I was able to hit both of them. The one that unhooked was full health so only ran away wounded, while the other went down and I rehooked them. Normally I go for the hook trade, rather than go after the same person, but because she used the hook exploit I couldn't wound her on the first hit, so the other survivor got the hit that would have otherwise gone to the other one.

    It's not tunneling or camping when other survivors keep the killer looping around the hook, or they lead them back to the hook. I guess they expect killers to give them a free pass because they were already hooked. I think i play a little more survivor friendly than most, and never intentionally tunnel or camp, but survivors need to play a little smarter around the hook.

    As a survivor, I have had teammates do this to me too. It's annoying and extremely frustrating, but I don't blame the killer for it.

  • VaJaybles
    VaJaybles Member Posts: 658
    edited January 2020

    As a fellow Nea main I too have spun the killer to death and looped until daylight. I am not a killer main in anyway, but I hate tunneling. You will not see me butt dance or flashlight spam... But if you tunnel and I make it out, don't look at the exit gate cuz I will butt dance until the very last second or you down me. If I do die to the tunnel though, I'm not gonna say anything, imma move on. Same with being camped. I'm gonna laugh and move on

  • Inokara
    Inokara Member Posts: 50

    Perfect mantality to have. I'm not a fan of tunneling but I am fully aware that for some it is necessary

  • VaJaybles
    VaJaybles Member Posts: 658
    edited January 2020

    Now I do have to say if it's game after game of tunnel and camp then I'm going full sweat and 0 f***ks BUT I also realize that some killers have also reached that point from previous games and I was the luck pick. However if that's your playstyle 24/7 I suggest switching it up killer/survivor it's nice to TRY and have fun. Plus sweat equals showers which mean time away from DBD so chill lol

    *Not directed at you, just to clarify lol just mean in general

  • Inokara
    Inokara Member Posts: 50

    Understood Haha. I just hope the community can get better

  • Feyd
    Feyd Member Posts: 428

    OP, you just answered your own question I your first post. It's not fun. It is, in fact, frustrating. When it happens several games in a row, a lot of people get to the point of quitting.

    Tunneling and camping is honestly one of the main reasons I'm only playing survivor for rituals or challenges now. What's the worst a survivor can do to me? Run away? Blind me with a flashlight? Pfft.