Unpopular DBD Opinions

List em below!
I’ll start: I actually really enjoy Coldwind Farm, especially the Thompson House map. I find it so fun both as killer and survivor.
Bonus one: I LOVE Deerstalker. I don’t actively slug but sometimes I’ll chase someone who’s near someone I downed and completely lose the body of the survivor I left behind.
Hawkins Lab is very balanced. I win just as often on that map as Killer as I do Survivor.
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I have always liked The Game map (as a survivor and killer).
Now that I have played on new Lerys I hope the Game gets the same treatment. With some updated art/lighting it could be one of the spookiest maps.
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Old Decisive Strike was less powerful than the new one.
Non-obsession DS rarely got into play, obsession DS could be dribbled, and its stun was shorter. Plus Enduring reduced it massively.
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adreanline is boring to use
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I think we're looking for opinions, not lies.
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blood lust should go out the window. totally not needed.
mayyyybe keep lvl 1 blood lust, but anything over that is insane. if you have lvl 2 blood lust, youre doing something wrong... youre probably trying to mindgame an unplayable loop.
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You mad man...
I myself would rather play on farm than blendette estate.
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Ormond is pretty neat to play on both sides.
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I kinda feel the same way. My favorite map on both sides.
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I fkn love spine chill
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I used to eat 4 DS shots before my first hook. Nope. Not on board with this one.
My opinion:
The survivors and killers on these forums that cry the most are usually making huge mistakes in the game that cost them. ie: Chasing a survivor for way too long OR hitting gens and ignoring totems only to get demolished by NOED.
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I agree. Not my style.
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Having no safety is pretty frustrating, but I think the only change it needs is a safer upstairs.
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Autohaven and Coldwind probably have my favorite maps as killer, with Gas Heaven being my favorite. The only ones I don't like on Coldwind are Rotten Fields and Fractured Cowshed.
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Unrenlenting is a good perk
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I can hardly play without it. It makes me feel like a jack of all trades.
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With new DS, I get stunned way more often, than before the rework. And even if I don't get stunned, DS is still doing its work by keeping every survivor alive in the match for atleast 2 minutes each. Its basically impossible to snowball with new DS now, even less so when Unbreakable is involved.
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Like I said, upstairs could be better but downstairs is playable even if a bit different.
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You're mad about a guaranteed 8 minute match? Killer logic will forever elude my grasp.
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Spirit is balanced.
DS is balanced.
NOED is balanced.
Billy is balanced (Why do people complain about him, lol?).
Hag is balanced.
Nurse is balanced.
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I think Pig is one of the most disgustingly broken characters in the game, not that they are overpowered but in the sense they are designed to reward tunneling killers. The RNG boxes are absolute rubbish and I think they should give her a light re-work.
Also I hate the people that side with her because "Lol boop the snoot pig so cyoot" after she tunneled 2 people into the ground.
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I wouldn't call any of those unpopular, just ignored by the forum community.
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If you are not able to snowball, you are not doing something right. I don't say that to be mean, I learned this lesson myself over a year ago. Snowballing the match has zero to do with DS or Ruin. It has everything to do with playstyle and decisions. Yes, there are some circumstances where the killer gets totally hosed beyond his control, like a 4-man squad of highly skilled survivors, but those are not the norm.
I main Trapper, with a smattering of Doc, Pig and lately a tad of Huntress. I have no problem snowballing 80-90% of my matches. It is about being willing to let go of some things to take advantage of others. I lose 2-3 gens with Trapper in the start because I'm setting up my field. Keeping them off 4-5 gens I chose to trap up. Then the snowball begins. They get pushed to a smaller area of gens. I don't chase outside of that area unless it benefits me to do so. I keep the traps up, I keep the pressure on those gens. I'm willing to stop and kick the gen when the survivor runs off, because I know I have the area trapped, or I know he is running off towards a bad loop, or maybe towards an infinite loop. Let that gen tick down while I chase.
DS is not something I have to worry about too often, because I'm busy pressuring the field, not chasing the unhooked survivor. If they come out to me, or there is only 2 left, then I tend to run into DS. I eat it and move on. Now they have and empty perk slot and are weaker.
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Survivors can end the match in 5 minutes. Why can the killer not do the same?
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Self care survivors are better than any killer slow down perk as killer.
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Learn the map then. The first big change for me when it came to Hawkins is when I stopped looking at every pallet and going "wow that mass of random garbage and metal is very unsafe", into "If I loop around the wall through this room, through these two doors. I got my self a safe loop". In addition don't be afraid to use two pallets as a safe loop. Get creative.
The part I love most playing survivor on Hawkins is that it doesn't feel the same boring safe loops over and over again, the rng actually makes it new and exciting every time. Taking actual skill rather than just knowing the most basic loops.
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He said unpopular opinions
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Learn how to play Pig then.
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Calling "gg" after an easy round is (slightly) toxic.
I win, you lose, gg!
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Freddy's snares aren't that good.
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Killer isn't weak, you just don't play aggressively enough and/or are bad!
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Old Legion was a great Killer and he had counterplay.
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The Ruin nerf benefits killer mains more than survivor mains.
Why? Survivor mains know the spawns well, could cleanse the totem really quickly and/or hit great skill checks with little effort.
Killer mains have to play survivor too. They are less likely to hit greats, less likely to play in an SFW and less likely to hit Greats.
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I hate playing on Asylum as surv and killer, Legion is underrated and gen speed is fine the problem is maps
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The art/graphic design team on DBD is actually really mediocre.
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Stealth killers that use Tru3's strat and build on any in door map aren't skilled, but get free hit after free hit after free hit, unless you have spine chill.
Urban evasion needs to be banned at red ranks. It's disgusting playing with or against those immersed players. (Kinda joking about banning it.. but it IS annoying).
Red ranks are too easy to get on both killer and survivor. Albeit more so on survivor. I either play against babies, or have baby teammates most of the time. Mind you, it's nice to play against noobies as killer.
Self Care isn't as bad as people make it out to be. Sure, it is horrible healing with SC if the killer has sloppy. But I sometimes wish I had it equipped in some situations. E.g end game when I want to be healed to unhook someone. Or when I when to finish off a heal.
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Hard camping followed by tunnelling followed by noed/bitter murmur will win you the match 9/10 times. Turn off your chat and messages this strat is super unfun for survivors and is "killing dbd" so they will say.
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Survivor Meta Perks are boring to use. And if you use them all the time, you won't improve your Gameplay because it's just EZ brain-afk Mode with nothing to fear. Same goes for bringing Items in the Trial, you don't need them! Looting chests and cleansing Totems is more rewarding and a good second objective to actually give the Killer more time and more Points for everyone.
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- Windows of Opportunity is actually good
- Nurse is the best killer to go against
- Demogorgon and Oni are the funniest killers to go against
- I hate Haddonfield as survivor as much as when i'm playing killer
- It's pretty easy to counter NOED
- Indoors maps are the best maps to play on as survivor
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Feng Min is EXTREMELY overated. Everything about her sucks. She has terrible perks (mainly looking at technician, when has that ever been helpful. Lithe is an exhaustion perk, there isn't any bad one, but this is the worst exhaustion perk. and Alert is only ok), she doesn't look good, and from what I remember, her voice is unbearable to listen to. I just never understood how anyone could like her, let alone how it's the minority that dislikes her.
Post edited by TheGameZpro3 on2 -
They.. they can. And do often.
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I really enjoy Aces Up the ante perk. Find the luck bonus has helped me more often then not.
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Smaller loops are easier to loop because it’s easier to loop back around when the killer continuously lunges through. Also means you can get more loops in.
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Couldn't have said it better as a survivor main myself lmao what a joke. Killer is weak. Maps are too big, gens are too easily done and fast. Killers are screwed with no ruin. There's no point in playing killer. So I urge any killer to have had enough to stop playing killer and let the game go downhill. I can only hope.
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add ons and the meta are for the weak.
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Blood Echo is a top tier perk.
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Jane’s moans aren’t that annoying.
biased Jane main
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I'm not a survivor main, I have been maining killer more than ever and I 4k regularly, all these nerds on the forums like to complain and rely on these perks to carry them, when all you have to do is tunnel, proxy, and slug. Easy win. Anyways, I guess you fall into the get better category :D
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Myers is a boring killer!
All killers should be buffed because escaping should be a big challange, that would make playing survivor more fun.
Tbagging and clicking should be bannable. The game deserves a much less toxic community.