Game is very frustrating as a new killer

CaptainSkel Member Posts: 24
edited January 2020 in General Discussions

I'm pretty new to the game, only rank 14 or so and I've had a series of really frustrating games in a row. I keep getting paired up against survivors a much higher rank than me. Gens get done within a few minutes no matter what I try to do.

I don't believe I'm playing incorrectly. I end chases pretty quickly and I don't overcommit when they're going long. But no matter what I do, gen after gen pops and the game ends within a few minutes. I look at the survivors and they all have hundreds more hours than I do.

After one particularly rough game one of the survivors told me to think of this experience as training but honestly I'm starting to see this as encouragement to just stop playing. I really liked this game when I first started playing. I would read the forums, post on the subreddit, create fanart, all that. But actually playing it quickly started to feel stressful instead of fun. Games go really quickly and as a killer I don't feel I have enough options to interact with the survivors. When the game ends I see all the survivors are rank 7 or below and half the time they're insulting me.

I read about the ruin changes and they talked about how they were making the change for new survivors but honestly this game is really discouraging as a new player who wanted to play killer.

I'm not making this post just to whine but because I wanted to make my experience known to the devs. I know other people have made similar complaints in more eloquent ways, I just wanted to add my voice to the stack.


  • EntityDrudge
    EntityDrudge Member Posts: 184

    That's what im talking about! Finally someone else who isn't afraid to say they tunnel. Tunneling is the way to go. Maximum efficiency. Get em outta there quick like it's my day job

  • SpideyDude3
    SpideyDude3 Member Posts: 35

    I feel ya man. I never feel afraid to tunnel or camp if I have to. The killer is supposed to kill no matter the strategy. If I'm having a good game, I won't need to be dirty. If I'm not doing so good, it's time to get real dirty. Cause that's what I do. I'm a killer, so I kill. Nuff said

  • TunnelVision
    TunnelVision Member Posts: 1,375

    Just play survivor until the message finally sinks in for the devs to actually realise there is an issue.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    Civ 5 is a good game, had a lot of fun playing it on my recent vacation.

  • mitrokosta
    mitrokosta Member Posts: 10

    What is your killer? I'm also new (< 100 hrs) and at first I was stuck on rank 14 when I was playing Wraith. But then I tried Hillbilly, it was frustratingly hard at the first couple of games but then I started demolishing survivors and easily got to rank 8. But now I only get full red ranks squads and can't get any further. I guess I need some experience with loops.

  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,221

    I have 400 in-game hours, and my highest rank was 7 lol.

    Guess i'm just suck

  • ccactus623
    ccactus623 Member Posts: 214

    I would recommend sloppy butcher on most killers. While high ranks may just not heal and some perks do counter it, you'll find people will self care everytime. To self care after being hit by sloppy butcher take 40 seconds or half a gen. It may not make chases shorter but it might give you more time

  • PeenutsButt3r
    PeenutsButt3r Member Posts: 695

    Just get some points and move on to the next game, I don't think you can do much as killers

  • ccactus623
    ccactus623 Member Posts: 214

    While tunneling is the best way to win, with borrowed time and DS it can hurt you sometimes. Slugging creates the same pressure as hooking so I much prefer that

  • TunnelVision
    TunnelVision Member Posts: 1,375

    This is working as intended. I'm not sure if anyone told you but only survivors are supposed to have fun.

  • leyzyman
    leyzyman Member Posts: 355

    Yeah, it is pretty bad now.

    I used to say to my friends stuff like:

    "Yo, this is a fun game" "it might look challenging, but once you get used to it, it is enjoyable" "I'll buy you a DLC if you get the game"

    Now, I tell them that, atm, this game isn't worth getting into, unless they wanna do a swf (again, these are BRAND NEW players, so swf would be harder for me). I just don't want their first experience make them never want to come back.

  • EntityDrudge
    EntityDrudge Member Posts: 184

    But to slug you need deerstalker. Takes a slot away. Plus slugging is legitimately boring in my opinion. But i salute you all the same. Play the way you play. Kill the way you kill. Survivor's opinions mean nothing to me

  • DaGreenBolt
    DaGreenBolt Member Posts: 453
    edited January 2020

    I'm honestly tunneling as well, not only that but camping, and slugging and hitting up my mori reserves. After I used up my moris, I'm just gonna uninstall and quit the game, and play some games that actually rewards people for being good at the game instead of sucking up to new and potatoe players.

    A few people said "Yikes" when I said this, but I'm just going to put my reasoning down here from a response I made:

    For me it wasn't Ruin itself that makes me quit. It's the fact that they nerfed Ruin without address the issue of gens and/or maps, and the fact that the nerf was based on frustrations to play against as a new survivor and people who cant hit skill checks. That's what was putting me off.

    And yeah you are right I wasn't enjoying it in the first place, I played DBD since January 2018, and I was having a good time till around Apiril of 2019, when the Legion "rework" (aka the gutting of Legion) happened. The fact that the devs were beginning to ignore feedback, was the start of the unenjoyment of the game. I started playing less and less over time until the Nurse nerf happened, where no feedback was even considered. That was the big kicker for me, and that was when I starting playing the game like twice a week and playing a few matches before being burnt out. The Oni, and the second Legion nerf (seriously nerfing an already gutted killer) just added fuel to the fire, since Devs still didn't listen to feedback. The Hex: Ruin nerf and the fact they didn't address the issue was the straw that broke the camels back.

    I'm already playing multiple games that are enjoying, such as War Thunder, Bo1, Bo2, and Bo3 zombies, and I'm planning to play Last Year.

    TLDR: It wasn't the Ruin nerf, but the fact the core issue wasn't address, and the fact since April of 2019, the Devs ignored feedback and just listen to new players.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    In chases, it can be very frustrating if you don't have enough experience to predict what the survivors are thinking or properly gauge how long chasing any particular survivor should last.

    The game is very harsh on any sort of hesitation, mistake, or moment to thought-process, and paired with matchmaking that pits red ranks against green ranks and lower, it can make the experience frustrating and unrewarding.

    The most aggravating thing for me is knowing when a survivor sees me or not, which is why I would love a reverse Spine Chill, but I've not seen anything announced or in the works as of yet.


    1. You could always try running Insidious + map offerings and try to jump scare people for whatever fun that gives you.
    2. Think of the scenarios that make you feel satisfied. What can you do to make situations where those events happen? Does it require a certain killer? A certain map? A certain perk/add-on load-out?
    3. Vent and give valuable feedback to the developers through the forums or twitter, if that's your jam.

    Best wishes to your experience,


  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    I'm not gonna get into the state of the game kind of talk, but I'll just start with saying that the best place to start is probably you. I don't mean that to be a jerk, so I'll explain.

    I notice you said that you drop chases when they go on too long and otherwise get pretty quick downs and stuff. Sounds like you have the right mindset and know what you should be doing so I won't turn it into a big lesson about that stuff, but what I feel like DbD comes down to is in-the-moment decision making mostly. If you know what you want to do, then all it takes is right decisions during loops and whatnot to really solidify that. Since you say you're new to killer, I just say try just watching/continuing watching high tier killer youtubers (Otzdarva is one of my favorite) and just pick up little tips that they talk about in their videos and watch their maneuvers. They do certain tricks so often that it's pretty easy to pick things up, and with that you should already rise more in the ranks.

    All that being said, I'll finish with reminding you that as killer you don't really have a "team" relying on you. That's part of why I like it, because I don't have the pressure of letting people down. That's what helps me not feel stressed when I play killer. Also I think it's a good idea, what that person said about treating it like "training." Just take each game/mistake as a lesson and eventually with a little time you'll know all the little tricks survivors try and at least up to mid ranks it should feel like a cake walk.

    Good luck climbing, hopefully you'll find better matchmaking luck and whatnot out there.

  • ReallyBigShoe
    ReallyBigShoe Member Posts: 764

    BHVR, especially after the Q&A today, has made it clear that only the new survivor experience is priority. Killers can apparently go to hell.

  • liquidlight
    liquidlight Member Posts: 344

    I don't think you have to play dirty. I don't camp or tunnel and only ever used ruin on killers I sucked with and that was just a couple (it felt like a waste since it would get busted so quickly). Most the other killers I never used ruin on and I got and still do consistently get 4ks. What I recommend is making sure you have the perks that are right for you. Its like the secret sauce.

    I personally love Discordance. It shows you when more than one person is on a gen and allows you a greater chance at catching someone and also separating the survivors by making them scatter. I use this on almost every killer.

    If survivors are outrunning you and popping gens fast then Fire Up is a great perk because it increases your speed for every gen done. You should definitely try this if gens getting finished quickly is the issue.

    Monitor and Abuse is fantastic if you're using a killer that's not stealth based because it allows you to get close to the survivors.

    Bloodhound helps if you're losing survivors easily or getting confused with scratch marks. I used this ALL the time and I could follow survivors forever (sort of like how oni does with orbs but its puddles instead).

    If survivors are dodging your swings then I think you should try out Unrelenting. It allows you to recover faster and swing sooner.

    If they're stunning you a ton with pallets or just slowing you down with them you can try Spirit Fury and/or Brutal Strength.

    Iron Maiden is fantastic for those locker hiders and exposes them which is just wonderful, usually insuring you get to find and hook at least one survivor in the beginning since many hide in lockers when you go near them, especially on certain killers.

    If you want to slow down gens then use Thanatophobia but get it to level three to see it really shine. It's a fantastic perk and I bet if you use it with Discordance you'll get to hit a lot of people and slow things down. Coulrophobia is a good perk to combine with this if you do hit multiple people often. It makes them take longer to heal.

    I've been using Discordance, Coulrophobia, Distressing, and Fire Up and it's been working really well for me. Switching out Coulrophobia for Remember Me is great, too, since it slows down survivors ability to open gates if that's an issue for you.

    I used to use Sloppy Butcher, Bloodhound, Unrelenting, and Discordance. It was amazing and I also got tons of 4ks/3ks while using it. You have to teach yourself when using bloodhound to pay attention to the blood on the ground but also at the same time not forget to look up to acknowledge where the survivor is, too, otherwise you can miss a good shot at hitting them or mind-gaming them.

    My slow down build would be: Discordance, Thanatophibia, Overcharge, Fire Up (or whatever for the 4th perk).

    Maybe the killer you're playing isn't right for you. I know it sucks but that could be it. I do terrible on some killers and really excel at others.

    If survivors are outplaying you, losing you easily on loops/maps, then I very strongly suggest playing one if you've never done it before. There is no greater power than understanding how your opponent thinks and you'll never truly get it until you experience it yourself.

    Also, a headset is a must to do well on this game (in my opinion). I've tried playing without one and my games go terrible.

    But really, I don't think tunneling and camping are the answer. Definitely not camping, imo. For me, doing that is insanely boring and only overly altruistic survivors will fall for it anyway and I don't even feel like I'm getting to play the game because the challenge, for me, is in the chase.

    If anything I would suggest fishing if you're having a hard time and what I mean by fishing is staying in a decent range of a hooked survivor (only if the team is altruistic and not gen rushing but that's where Discordance comes in handy) and going after the person that unhooked them. It's a legit strategy and you're almost guaranteed another hook unless that person is an amazing runner, especially if you hit them as they're getting the other survivor off the hook.

    Anyway, I know that was a lot to read. Hope it helps and I hope your games go better. There's nothing worse then something you enjoyed becoming unbearable.

  • EntityDrudge
    EntityDrudge Member Posts: 184

    Yeah I've never used ruin outside of one kyf game. I have never needed it because i don't play by fake survivor rules. Tunnel all day, open hate mail, spend BP on my Feng and Kate. Lol

    But i feel the same.

    The blatant disregard for killers is disgusting. I watched that q&a and these dudes just don't care. Super smug. Arrogant, telling ruin users to watch "content creators" and git gud.

    Bump this game and that dev team. Im done with it.