the ranking system is trash and it will become more evident as months go on

The title is the exact point I'm going to make. Although the ranking system seems to be accurate for killers, your survivor rank means next to nothing. as long as you aren't crab walking to the corner of the map whenever you hear a heartbeat or insisting on self-caring every time you are injured you will pip. what does this mean? It means that your rank isn't displaying your skill level, but rather how much you play the game. If that's the case why even have a ranking system implemented? And now that they changed the reset so that you only reset back one "color" players who reach red rank will reset to rank 5 and it will only take them roughly 20 games to get back to rank 1. And as the months pass more and more players will join the people resetting down to only rank 5 which will only help further unbalance the queues. So the issue is that one ranking system accurately measures skill (killer) while one doesn't (survivor) so a couple things happen.
1) survivors that really aren't that good at the game get gifted pips and reach high ranks, which leads to them getting stomped by killers who deserve to be in high ranks.
2) since every survivor is red rank there is no way for the game to determine who is actually good and who isn't so they just throw games together with people who have similar ranks but not similar skill so the bad survivors unintentionally sandbag everyone in the game, which leads to bad quality games.
3) since the top of the ranking system will have so many people due to the easy ranking, mid skill level killers (8-11) will be forced to be matched with red rank survivors as there are simply not enough players in their rank bracket again due to how easy it is to rank. and then as I mentioned in point 2 there is no way to tell if those players will stomp the poor killer or be too easy to catch, and either option really isn't that enjoyable.
I'm sure everyone has experienced 1 of the 3 points I just noted and I bet it will continue to get worse as months go on. Hopefully BHVR notices and cares enough to do something about it because it is becoming very frustrating to play the game. I want to be challenged, when I'm playing killer and survivor and right now it's rare for me to find a game where all the players both killer and survivor in my game are of equal skill, I know it never going to be perfect, but the current system is so far away from an acceptable level right now in my opinion.
What's the solution? make a ranking system that truly reflects skill (duh). It will take some experimenting to get it right and will take some time, but I want BHVR to show us they are making an effort to improve it. Let me know what you guys agree and disagree with and try to help draw attention to this rising issue.
There will never be a ranking system that can accurately measure skill because of how RNG-based and snowball-based games are. A potential million different things that could've happened cannot be accounted for.
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I mentioned it above as well, but getting a perfectly accurate matchmaking system is never going to be possible in any game. However the matchmaking system currently in dbd can be improved on greatly and to a noticeable degree.
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Not disagreeing with ya there. I just don't know what they'd do aside from making killer-specific emblem systems so other killers can actually climb the ranks (plague, etc).
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well I believe killer is fine, however adjusting the survivor emblems to better display your productivity and skill would be a start. whether that's just making the thresholds higher or reworking or adding different emblems is up to them to decide.
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What would they do though? Any ideas on how to more accurately depict a Survivor's skill?
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I do completely agree with that. And I wish this issue were raised more often instead of things like Ruin or similar stuff.
If you don't mind there is a discussion from this comment on we had about it:
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The current ranking system is terrible for both sides. For survivors, ranking is too easy in general, while certain killers suffer rank-wise simply because of their predesigned playstyle. Both roles get punished by the ranking system for playing too well, which is pretty silly considering the whole point of having a ranking system in the first place is to place people at the appropriate rank for their skill level.
Really, the ranking system needs to be based on wins (kills/escapes) and nothing else. Introducing additional variables will only serve to force players into a particular playstyle, and limit their creative freedom when it comes to builds and tactics.
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to add to this i wish matchmaking would also account for your character level as well. really not fun going up against fully kitted out survivors with a level 1 killer.
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No, it shouldn't. There are good players with low level and awfully bad players with high level. Also it allows for smurfscumming, which is never good.
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I think productivity/efficiency is a good way to go. Obviously the more skilled players can run killers better but that isn't the only aspect of the game. knowing what your priorities are during every part of the trial and knowing what to do to give all your teammates the best chance to escape during the trial are most important. Like knowing that getting your teammates off hooks is more important than doing gens, how to take up as much of the killer's time during a chase given the resources you have, knowing that doing gens is more efficient than self-caring. then knowing some of the more specific scenarios like when healing is needed or not needed, whether or not you need to cleanse NOED if your teammates are fine without it cleansed and it would waste time to cleanse it, How to get a teammate out of a sticky situation (being tunneled/camped). Making or adjusting emblems around this would make it more skill based. maybe giving people worse emblems if they go a long period of time without earning bloodpoints or if they are earing less bloodpoints per minute then you know they are being less efficient?
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None of these things can be calculated except for the bloodpoint thing, although those parameters WOULD reflect skill.
The system can't know that you got the teammate out of a sticky situation, all it knows is a safe unhook was made. Healing isn't as important as doing gens in a specific situation can't really be calculated either. What can be measured to determine if the gen is more important than the heal? The system can't be logical about it. It can only see the stats and award you for getting points because you did that action is some shape or form.
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I for the most part play exclusively solo queue and I can tell you that rank means nothing, nor is it entirely easy to pip as survivor. It's all RNG because the killer can tunnel you for about 5+ min and eventually kill you and your team can let you be one hooked. That's a depip that wasn't your fault, and you actually did more than them, but they escape.
Also there are plenty scenarios where you do the same and never get to touch a Gen or do anything because the killer is an actual bot, but you will get nothing from the match for escaping. At best you black pip for running him around. I've had multiple matches that end this way, where the killer was just hard tunneled and I black pip. I've gave up caring about ranks and just do rifts or try new things at this point.
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It's 80/20 rule[1]. Devs might try to account for all possible situations, e.g. reward survivors for long chases according to how they were downed (NOED, chainsaw, M1, etc.), how many pallets there were on the map during the chase, how many gens got completed. But it's almost impossible to do it right.
But if it were simply based on number of hooks (not kills) for a killer and on escape rate for a survivor, it would almost always (80%) be correct. Which is more than fine for this game.
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It used to be that way for killer and to a certain extent survivors haha.
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you make the point I knew was gonna be mentioned but didn't add into my response lol. Im aware that very little of what I said is detectable by a matchmaking system but I do think those aspects best display skill. But some could be like the bloodpoint per minute as you said. I think it would be a step in the right direction along with BHVR coming up with something themselves. All I really want to see is some effort being put in by them to be honest.
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I know, I played the game back then. But there were and still are problems with that.
- Rank resets happen to often. For other games they usually happen twice a year (or not at all), but in DBD each month the playerbase gets completely mixed, which is not good.
- It was too inflexible. It never accounted for a rank survivors were on and it allowed to pip quite easily on all ranks. So that system mostly reflected how much time you spend in game rather than your skill level.
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"Devs might try to account for all possible situations, e.g. reward survivors for long chases according to how they were downed (NOED, chainsaw, M1, etc.), how many pallets there were on the map during the chase, how many gens got completed,"
this is kinda what I had envisioned but as you said it difficult to do right. but add in some other situations like if you did a gen while a teammate was slugged/hooked or if you let a teammate go to struggle phase on first hook and you've got a decent system imo. obviously it would be much more complicated that the current system but it needs to be more complicated in order to be more accurate.
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The only thing wrong with the matchmaking system is the awfully long queue times it has created.
Skill =\= Rank.
Rank =\= Skill.
Everybody knows this.
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Ditch the whole emblem thing and focus on surviving and killing. How it is now is super unreliable and you can still pip if you don't escape and you can sometimes not even pip if you 4k. Even if they add certain scoring based on individual killers, it will still be a flawed mess. It really doesn't need to be more complex than that.
If a killer 0-1k's he de-pips. If a killer 2-3k's he pips. If a killer 4k's he double pips. No pity pips.
If a survivor dies, they de-pip. If a survivor escapes they pip. They can't double pip anymore.
Not only will this help with making people stay in their rank, but will help with keeping survivors more than likely in their respective ranks and decrease the flow of red rank survivors. Not only that, but it creates and ACTUAL win condition for both sides! Which is something that has never been addressed, and quite frankly, as of now, it's subjective to how the individual views winning as. Personally, I view winning as getting more than 25k points as killer, and more than 20k points as survivor.
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They did this with Killers before. It encourages Camping and other behavior Survivors have labeled as toxic. Why? Simply because who the hell is going to leave the hook when their Rank is dependent on kills?
Give Killers all the BBQ and Chili you want, when you implement a system based specifically on kills, they are going to kill and too bad if you wanted a fun match. When this system was in place, I saw more Campers than ever before. It was every single match because "muh rank".
Matchmaking, Ranks, and Emblems can never be well balanced because potatoes exist on both sides in ranks they didn't really earn. Perks will carry either side. SWF will carry Survivors. Crutches are crutches, whether it's DS, Adrenaline, BT, SB etc, or Ruin, BBQ, etc. There are reasons they are meta Perks because they can change the flow of a game significantly when used properly.
Since the balance is 2 kills, 2 escapes. Winning is either 3 kills or an escape (3 escapes if you are playing as a group in SWF perhaps). The fact you can have multiple "winners" in a match makes any sort of balance foolish to begin with. At best, you can balance matches so each side enjoys it enough to play another round.
There doesn't need to be any other win condition than what you set for yourself. This is not a competitive game, there are no e-sports leagues drooling at those 10 4ks in a row you got, there exist tournaments but from what I've seen/heard they aren't too good, and if you need some shiny pin stuck to your lapel for doing a "good job", well that's what achievements are for, right? Anything else is simply pushing your own views onto the general playerbase, and sorry, I have my own views as to what a win is for me. I stick to it and feel good when I manage to accomplish my goals. Everything else is just gravy.
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while I agree that this can work for killer, its a different story for survivors. killers are the only one on their team so their score should be how they perform individually, so in this case how many kills they get. But for survivor you are part of a team. And in most cases the work isn't split equally. most games some survivors are doing more to help everyone escape than others, even if they end up not escaping themselves. But I consider them to be the better player because they did more of the duties a survivor should do and did them better therefore they deserve the pip more than the person who hid all game and escaped the first chance they got.
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If I'm being completely honest, I still pip with camping, tunneling, and slugging. Why? Because it's effective. Feels bad that the survivors didn't have a fun match, but just because the ranking system makes ranking by camping easier, doesn't mean it's going to end up that way. Honestly, the only reason I do it now is because the maps are too big for low mobility killers to do basically anything. Map pressure on Clown, Huntress, Bubba? I think not.
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I get what you say, but at the end of the day, this game brings up moral choices you can make. For example: you did all the work that game, exit gates are open, someone is on the hook. Do you risk getting caught and de-pipping? Or do you leave easily knowing you've pipped.
At the end of the day, you don't have to make selfless decisions. You work together as a team, but once the exit gates are open, you don't have to stay behind.
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seems you don't understand what the term "account for" means. Sad!