It's sad that i have resorted to this

Since the latest patch i've been trying out Doc as well as other killers just for rotational reasons and unfortunately it has gotten to the point where i have resorted to slugging. Do the devs actually realise that because Ruin is gone and gens remain untouched that it has drastically impacted the game negatively? All killers simply do not have enough time to "Apply Pressure" when survivors are optimal on gens.

Mother's Dwelling for example, good luck applying pressure on that map, heck even setting up killers like Hag and Trapper by default received a shadow nerf because now they have even less time to place traps around.

With Ruin nerfed lets be honest Toolboxes probably should not even be in the game now because of how much they are going to break the game *Just run Franklins* yeah thats all well and good but you still have to find them and even if you hit them they can just go and pick it up again.

I've started running Infectious Fright, Deerstalker, Knockout and Monitor and i can honestly say it is not a fun play style for both sides. I like chases and outplaying people that is why i play online games i am a competitive person. Slugging completely negates this whole purpose because it negates all skill required but i have to use it if i want a chance at winning or even getting a draw.

Every game during the end chat i start off with "Did you have fun?" what do you think i get as responses?

"bad killer!" "you should learn how to actually play!" "wow you are a garbage person people like you are why this game is dying" and even statements like "no honestly i got very bored and didn't have fun"

Devs please understand that in the high ranks heck even potentially the low ranks because of how easy gens are now if you do not change anything more and more killers are going to play unfun and that will cause more people to uninstall and move on to another game. I'ts the harsh truth but they need to see this before it is too late.


  • Kongtwenty12
    Kongtwenty12 Member Posts: 140

    I mean that's fine and all but at a poi t that kinda of playstyle gets boring really fast because every game is the same. There's no challenge anymore so why even play?

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    It's a sad fact that killers need to resort to this just to even have a slim chance at a win, or at least 1 or 2 kills. I used to despise tunneling and slugging, because I just wanted to keep the match fair and fun, but when I keep getting Genrushers or SWF super Altruistics, the niceness is out the window. Killers shouldn't have to feel like we need to play dirty just to get any sort of fun anymore. And it can't be fun for Survivors to sit there for 5 minutes while they repeatedly wait to be healed then downed again. The Devs need to stop pretending these 'fixes' are going to show what's needed for future updates. The games been out for 4 years. Surely within this time, they realised somewhere that Gens are going a little too fast!

  • korean_zombie
    korean_zombie Member Posts: 442

    Why would they. You’ve already bought the game, probably every DLC, probably a buttload of outfits, you’re going to buy more outfits, and probably every new DLC. You have expert gripes that would require a ton of expensive attention, and you aren’t new money coming in. They should make DBD pro/II, a new game, with the skilled player in mind. That’s new money. Can’t underperform death garden.

  • DeathBeam
    DeathBeam Member Posts: 259

    You adapted without ruin, they should have expect this.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    Yeah Yeah always those "optimal survivors". Pls show me those "optimal survivors" each game or even every tenth game. You probably cannot. Youre making yourself believe that there are only "optimal survivors" out there, thus theyre just a really small percentage. Instead you should improve youre obvious lack of skill. Cause you know, there are many players wo still 4k.

  • TKTK
    TKTK Member Posts: 943

    His issue wasn't that he couldn't get 4ks or the "optimal survivors" boogieman it's that map design and how easy gens are is leading killers to find other ways to stall the game that isn't really that fun to go against or play but the most effective. Tiles and structures are too strong and some maps are too big to chase through without the risk of a gen or 2 popping.

  • Kongtwenty12
    Kongtwenty12 Member Posts: 140

    If that's how you feel that's fine. If a change to a single perk was enough to kill the game for you then you probably weren't really enjoying it in the first place But, I never used ruin to begin with so idk. I hope you can find a game that can satisfy your wants more.

  • DaGreenBolt
    DaGreenBolt Member Posts: 453

    For me it wasn't Ruin itself that makes me quit. It's the fact that they nerfed Ruin without address the issue of gens and/or maps, and the fact that the nerf was based on frustrations to play against as a new survivor and people who cant hit skill checks. That's what was putting me off.

    And yeah you are right I wasn't enjoying it in the first place, I played DBD since January 2018, and I was having a good time till around Apiril of 2019, when the Legion "rework" (aka the gutting of Legion) happened. The fact that the devs were beginning to ignore feedback, was the start of the unenjoyment of the game. I started playing less and less over time until the Nurse nerf happened, where no feedback was even considered. That was the big kicker for me, and that was when I starting playing the game like twice a week and playing a few matches before being burnt out. The Oni, and the second Legion nerf (seriously nerfing an already gutted killer) just added fuel to the fire, since Devs sill didn't listen to feedback. The Hex: Ruin nerf and the fact they didn't address the issue was the straw that broke the camels back.

    I'm already playing multiple games that are enjoying, such as War Thunder, Bo1, Bo2, and Bo3 zombies, and I'm planning to play Last Year.

    TLDR: It wasn't the Ruin nerf, but the fact the core issue wasn't address, and the fact since April of 2019, the Devs ignored feedback and just listen to new players.

  • DaGreenBolt
    DaGreenBolt Member Posts: 453

    It's clear you never been in Red ranks, because 2 kills is an Auto-depip. Heck even 3 kills can make you de-pip. A 4k will either make you safety pip, pip, or double pip.

    Where as survivors can just do gens, escape, and barely get chased, and still pip, heck survivors that do gens, get chased, and die can still pip.

  • potatoscream
    potatoscream Member Posts: 31

    I have more than 1500 hours, have a nice day.

    If you have lots of healthy chases and manage to kill only 2 (even though I usually 4k) you almost always get a pip.

  • ReallyBigShoe
    ReallyBigShoe Member Posts: 764

    My question: Who cares if it takes you playing in a way survivors don't approve of? Newsflash - 99% of survivors don't give a rats ass about your fun. So disregard theirs and stop living by the unwritten book of killer rules written by survivor mains. Beat them down, by any means necessary. Play to win.

  • w_sohl
    w_sohl Member Posts: 124

    You guys realize part of the change to Ruin, I don't think it's a nerf, was to collect data on gen speeds do that they can address that next? It takes some time to collect that data, it isn't overnight.

  • w_sohl
    w_sohl Member Posts: 124

    Your comments about survivor pipping is flat out wrong.

  • DaGreenBolt
    DaGreenBolt Member Posts: 453

    Yeah, I should have worded that better,

    What I meant was that pipping as a survivor doesn't take that much effort.

  • DaGreenBolt
    DaGreenBolt Member Posts: 453

    Still to safety pip with a 2k is pretty rare with how fast gens are completed.

    Most cases with a 2k results in a depip, 3k is really where you mainly safety pip nowadays.

  • Feyd
    Feyd Member Posts: 428

    Honestly, there are only two points I can agree with: toolboxes need to be looked at and massively huge maps need to be tweaked to be more rationally sized.

    I'm doing just fine at killer as a survivor main of the last 15 months. Now I main killer and am up to rank 4 after just a couple days. My only loss in two days has been on one of the larger Badham maps, but that was before I put on the ruin/surveillance combo.

    Admittedly, I dodge any lobby with more than one toolbox, though.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    I've slugged before the nerf. I've been regularly going against slugging killers before the nerf had even been leaked. There's a reason why unbreakable has been meta for a while now. Slugging is not exactly breaking news.

  • thejollyl1ama
    thejollyl1ama Member Posts: 2

    I play billy a lot and I easily get a 4K, but I feel bad most the time because I either killed them too quick or their teammates weren’t doing anything, So I let them escape. On top of all that I never used ruin, and never used any “killer strategies,” ruin didn’t change the game, it changed how people thought about the game because of a update which affected so many people

  • AStupidDavid
    AStupidDavid Member Posts: 156

    I'm a rank 3 killer and I win 7 out of 10 matches everyday without slugging once, I have no idea what you're talking about bud. In the red ranks, ruin still wasn't that good of a perk because in most matches survivors would find it in the first minute of the game and that was it. If you want a good perk that can slow down early game then run corrupt intervention.

    Also, if you can't apply pressure by keeping people injured then you're definitely not a good killer. Applying pressure doesn't mean you have to leave people on the floor, applying pressure means injuring people and keeping them off gens. Sorry to tell you that but that's how it is mate lol

  • Arbmos1998
    Arbmos1998 Member Posts: 228

    Question is what do you consider a win? if you say a win = 4k then you are completely wrong. A win is a Pip. Also TrU3Ta1ent has got heaps of video proof of gens going insanely fast even with 20 second chases at most, i'm talking games where all gens are complete around 3 mins. There is no way a killer can even remotely pressure that especially on something like Mothers Dwelling