The Devs have a point...


So watching their new Q&A, I have a better appreciation for their decision to change Hex: Ruin. At first, I was totally against it & did not think it was a good change during the PTB. I did see this as a way to just make things easier & less annoying for survivors (which basically this is still the case whether it was fully intended to be this way). Yes, I still am a believer that gen speeds are an issue in the game at the moment too.

But, in the end Hex: Ruin (the old version, & even the new version a little bit) was nothing more than an inconsistent band-aid fix. It was inconsistent because of the frequency of skill checks & the inability of the perk to remain active for a good portion of time in a good amount of games. It still is a bit inconsistent in that it can be taken out of the game fairly quickly, but now it actually has an effect that is constant as long as the killer can pressure the survivors off of gens. Yes, not all killers can apply this pressure & bigger maps make this more difficult but it seems they are addressing that this is an issue they are looking to resolve as best as possible.

Why there was such an uproar about this change was because of the potential power that old Ruin could have when it did last & had survivors that couldn't hit great skill checks. But if people think about it, this in itself was inconsistent because even if the perk stayed up the players (at high ranks especially) could still work through it with potentially little to no problem. Now new Ruin definitely requires a lot from the killer to be effective, but it is definitely going to be more consistent than it was before. It also won't necessarily reach the power level that it once could've achieved in it's old state given the right circumstances, but it still can be devastating to a team that is not gen aware.

What this will also do is allow the devs to actually see how to combat the issue of gen speed a bit better. Ruin in it's old state really prevented this, as it proved either too strong or too weak (even when it lasted all game). They have finally tore off the band aid & are letting gen times remain the same so that they can try to fix things gradually in a more productive way. Their first attempt at this is going to be a rework to toolboxes to decrease their power a bit. While it sucks that not all of these changes are being rolled out at the same time (which will leave the killer experience to be a bit frustrating for some time), it is better that they do something rather than nothing. It also works better to change Ruin before gen speeds, toolboxes, etc. to see what exactly needs to be fixed on the survivor side of things. It also opens up the killer meta a bit to promote killers trying new builds. Ruin was the DBD killer community's gambling addiction that they just hoped worked in their favor, & if it didn't then they'd still try again just hoping that it actually worked eventually.

Overall, I see the direction they are trying to go in & I think it is a positive one. Yes, their forum post about the Ruin change originally did seem very survivor-sided, but that's just how it all seems when only Ruin is being changed. Eventually, I do think they will make the right decisions to improve the health of this game & restore the balance a bit better. If killer gets too aggravating, just take a break or switch roles or just learn to roll with the punches until a change hopefully comes. Hopefully the changes come sooner than later too because this is not an issue they can afford to let sit in the game for a long period of time before people decide to abandon the game altogether.


  • thenegativone
    thenegativone Member Posts: 254

    I agree. Well said

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Um sure. Glad you finally saw reason I guess, will I get compensation for the bullying I have received?

  • ProfessorDunwich
    ProfessorDunwich Member Posts: 1,514

    Ruin was annoying to go against. I get it and agree as someone who usually plays survivor. But there was a reason it was frequently used by Killers and that has not been addressed. Gens are now flying and Killers are forced to slug, tunnel, and camp to win. They cannot get 12 hooks before survivors get 5 gens against competent survivors.

  • FleshTorpedo
    FleshTorpedo Member Posts: 394

    Its removing the band aid before the wound has clotted.

  • Spooky13
    Spooky13 Member Posts: 1,471

    This. From what I've heard, devs are planning on changing toolboxes/gen times. If they were planning this, I don't know why they changed Ruin so early. They should have changed toolboxes/gen times along with Ruin. Removing the band-aid and making sure the wound is fully healed.

  • Hellbughunter
    Hellbughunter Member Posts: 83

    If i remember corectly they say in the q&a that they don't want to increase gen time. So we will just get another bandaid fix.

  • ImLeslieKetamine
    ImLeslieKetamine Member Posts: 119
  • avilmask
    avilmask Member Posts: 599

    They also mentioned two another most complained things about Ruin: totem placement and lose of power against strong survivors. Neither of those was address, while for the first it's just can't be done quickly, second they chose purposely. And while consistent now, effect is weak, not worth to be called a HEX totem with it's risks. Removing great area, or adding different aura to regressing gens as base line, or at least NOT REMOVING regression on already affected gens when totem is cleansed could be a nice start to drift this perk (back) into "high risk actually high reward" area. Without surveillance this perk is unusable because you just can't know, which gen must be pressured ATM, and this totem is STILL the most useful at early game (to give info with second perk, not to actually regress anything).

    Also I dislike, how powerful this perk is on powerful killers, and pointless on all low tier killers.

  • judge_fist
    judge_fist Member Posts: 114

    They would certainly need to address map size before gen speed. If maps get to a more balanced in size and a few infinite loops could use addressing. Not that I don't love abusing them as a survivor myself the more powerful ones can be quiet irritating.

  • Well_Placed_HexTotem

    They’ve had years to fix gen times or give survivors another objective. I don’t get the optimism people have for this company sometimes.

    What, only now that Ruin is poop will they finally understand how ez survivors have it? They’ve said they want to address perks that affect gen times and that hey if you’re a slow M1 killer on a big map just ignore your objective and accept defeat. Doesn’t sound like they really plan on using the Ruin change to address anything.

    Heres what is actually happening. They got GamePass money. They got PS+ money. They got Stranger Things fandom money. They see this influx of new players and they want to keep them. They understand they can make more money placating casuals than the hardcore. Casuals will buy auric cells and pay stupid prices for cosmetics. Buy DLCs. A hardcore player owns the DLC already and buys cosmetics with shards. So they’re catering to these potatoes. It’s just typical greed.

  • Okapi
    Okapi Member Posts: 839

    The devs want to rework toolboxes and old maps. In the Q&A they specifically mentioned how the map design team has learned big maps just do not work in the game. Especially against SWF.

    They really should have put off the ruin change untill the toolbox reworks were finished. Would have been less backlash and complaints of bias.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    Sorry i am done giving them the benefit of the doubt. Toolboxes are not even the biggest problem, you can push out gens as survivor without them as well. They are not needed in order to do gens fast.

    Most games were played without ruin 55% according to their own stats. Why not take the data from those matches? Mhm yeah no I don't think they will come up with any good solution.

    Also killers actually have enough to do even before ruin change, why is not anything on the survivor side equally demanding. Imagine BT/DS in order to get something out of it, you simply unhook while the killer is going away from the hook. In the past this would be seen as "farming" but it actually rewards survivors for a bad play.

    I don't know if they play their own game but even before the nerf it was already the way that killer is stressful, time managing while on survivor side you have a very chilled game (please understand that i talk about all being equally skilled). I just do not see how a killer will win against equally skilled survivors because in order for him to win he needs to outplay the survivors so much that it is borderline idiotic to ask them to do that in order to win.

  • BloodMoneyMerc
    BloodMoneyMerc Member Posts: 477

    They can't even get an accurate data reading on most matches if I'm being honest. There are so many matches where killers do well because of DCs or sandbagging survivors or survivors doing rift challenges... you name it. Same goes for survivors when the killer tries to farm, gives up before the game even progresses that far, etc.

    But now that Ruin is (essentially) useless, I think it will open up their data pool a bit more. The game will go through dark times for a bit, but it's basically the devs last chance to keep this game alive. So they either will have to recognize that gen speeds are an issue & try to fix it or continue to ignore it with the fate of DBD relying on their efforts. I am being optimistic, as deep down I do think they have good intentions for everyone, just terrible execution. There's already rumor going around that killer numbers are lower than normal at the moment, so they definitely will have to make some changes quickly to ease killers' stress if they want to save the game.