I'm glad they will nerf Toolboxes and DS
In 3 months of course.
I thought DS was in a good spot?
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Devs said on stream that they aknowledge the problem of people getting hit by it without actively tunneling. Or you know maybe they already forgot about it again idk
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Oh I must've missed that part lol. I thought they were still satisfied with its current state.
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Well you could just leave them on the ground anyway. That's additional pressure and Unbreakable only works one time a match. If I accidently tunnel a person I let them lie on the ground anyway just because I feel bad. Of course one minute is not the shortest period of times, but that's just a part of the game: Noting who was already hooked and when.
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it isnt, it provides a 60 second safety blanket for that survivor to do whatever they want.
Its just meant to not tunnel, a good rework would be that it lasts even longer but you are only allowed to move around, heal yourself or be healed.
Any other action, like healing someone else or doing a gen, results in DS turning off.
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That's a pretty good idea, save it lets you chase the killer around for a while with no drawback. Have you seen my idea?
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No they said they acknowledge the COMPLAINTS about this. They never said it was a problem, and they never said they are going to do anything about DS. All they said was "we hear your complaints".
Don't get yourselves too excited.
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Never really understood the whole "only works one time" argument. Some of the strongest things in the game only work 1 time. Keys only let you open hatch 1 time and a mori only kills you 1 time.
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Imagine equating moris and keys to unbreakable. WeirdChamp
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Self care has no limit and also heals a health state. Is it infinitely stronger than Unbreakable?
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I rather them focus on fixing maps faster. Toolboxes and DS are annoying but I think maps are the worst part of the game next to bugged sounds.
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No, like I said...I dont gauge somethings strength based off how often it can be used.
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I'm not, im throwing very powerful things out there to showcase that "it can only be used once so its ok" is poor logic.
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I mean everyone knows that not all one use things are the same in terms of power. Just for you, how about "It can only be used once and it's not as impactful as a key or mori"?
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I'm saying Unbreakable is limited in power by being once per match...it doesn't end the game when you use it.
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well that's not really fair, both keys and mori work one time simply because after that the game ends - they wouldn't be able to work more than once in any case.
Other things that work only once.. Decisive Strike and Adrenaline? I honestly think they are strong only in swf scenarios, otherwise they become borderline useless, at least when I'm the killer :P.
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It's not the only piece. For example, multiple triggers for DS or Unbreakable would be absolutely broken. Single time use makes them just annoying.
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I'm sure what he is saying at there best they can turn a game around and at there worst they are just annoying depending on the situation.
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Like I said, im not debating the strength of any perk. Im debating the logic of "its once per match so its fine". BNPs and instaheals for example were also "once per match", but they still needed to be toned down. Old BT use to be "once per match", but actually got changed so it could be used multiple times and actually felt more fair AFTER the change.
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They're not gonna do that. For one, how does it decide who can use it and who has to change their loadout? For 2, theyre not going to block out perks/items that you lvled up your character to get. If you bought that DLC for that perk, it would be really ######### for them to not allow access to it.
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I was more trying to point out that slugging seems to be the lesser evil than eating the DS. There is no real way to play around it anyway and if Unbreakable is used early on, it won't hurt in the late game.
I'm not saying it is balanced or anything (especially combining it with DS), but at least one can make use of the "drawback".
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My point is that "1 time use only, so its fine" is poor logic for deeming something strength. DS has always been 1 time use, but its still been changed away from its original design of "stun the guy who dares down me" and at least given SOME limits. That was just an example... Like I said to someone else, old BNPs has also only been one time use items, but the original version was still too strong. Defending anything in the game with "well its one time use so its ok" doesnt mean much. Im not calling unbreakable OP or anything, just that the "one time use" argument is a poor one.
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Ok, lets take a walk down this road. Who gets to use it? You load in with 3 randoms with identicle loadouts. Does the game just pick 1 at random and tell the others "Hey, you know that thing you paid for so you can use? Well Rando number 3 is using it so swap off"?
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And I didn't mean to defend Unbreakable in first place, like I said.
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I must've missed that part lol. I thought they were still satisfied with its current state.
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Unbreakable is just an example of a 1 time use perk. My point was around the 1 time use logic, not any 1 particular perk.
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hooking another person = not tunneling, so DS should be disabled
now if only BT wasn't deleted by undetectable...
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You do realize that when they say they're going to look into them it doesn't mean they're getting nerfed right? Probably just a rework which in the case of DS is pretty much useless considering how many times it's been changed and they can't seem to make it work (according to killer mains that is)
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Well they said they know about people's concerns, but perks like DS f.e. are not as commonly played as Ruin and therefore won't get hit by the same initiative for now (might change in the future though).
Post edited by Ancheri on0 -
Wait a moment... Today I said in a post that survivors abuse DS by repairing generators while it is active and you said to me:
"Oh no, survivors are giving me free pressure!! What next, complaining about survivors grouping on gens?"
And now you agree with ZoneDymo's idea?
Dude I can't understand anything.
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Stop tunneling and you will *never* be hit by DS. It's entirely in your power to avoid this perk as well as BT. Get your hook and move on to the next survivor. These perks exist entirely because of people like you.
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I think DS should be less annoying, but I don't think giving the killer a free hit is abusing it.
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Toolboxes aren't annoying, they are more broken than DS. One toolbox saves much more time than single DS. Before reworking maps I would nerf/rework toolboxes.
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That still alows them to eat a hit, protection block, or bait just as effectively as it does now.
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The point is that DS was never meant to give the rescued survivor a free ticket to do whatever they want. Many survivors would (possibly rightfully) just keep on repairing generators next to the killer and make progress. This type of "mocking" the killer is certainly not intended. The same applies on using lockers as a save spot, although survivors won't make any progress on that, but the principle stays the same.
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I get what you are saying. I'm just pointing out you have take the number of uses into account. As another example; if in a blood web you can get an Engineer's toolbox or a Commodious toolbox which would you pick? Most people, most of the time will pick the Commodious because it lasts longer. It's not the only factor, but it's an important one.
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I disagree if some maps weren't so bad you would actually be able to make sure they don't use them but when you get temple of purgation or mother's dwelling it's just free.
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Still wont do #########, rank 1 and 2s are still popping 3 gens before the first hook without toolboxes, just running prove thyself.
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They said DS already got a nerf and they aren't worried about it's power atm. They are reading the forums though. That's all. That doesn't mean it's going to be nerfed.
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The devs need to do a lot more than nerf toolboxes and DS.
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I'm a killer main who doesn't even have DS unlocked(as well as many other survivor perks). I'm just being realistic. As far as OP things... you don't balance around making it so only 1 person is allowed to be OP, but rather making it so it's not truly OP to begin with. Fortunately MoM got squashed quickly and as for DS, hopefully changes to make it a true anti-tunnel perk will come soon. DS is alot fairer than it's original version at least.
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They indicated a possible nerf but definite re-work of toolboxes, DS was just something they said they are aware of but they never said they would nerf it anywhere at anytime.
You guys need to be really careful about this, if you spread misinformation they will stop saying anything in advance.
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They wont touch DS as long as survivors are forced to use it, cause killers are mainly a bunch of cheap players. Its not survivors fault that DS needs to exist.
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For the devs it is, gen speeds are also good. Killer OP.
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Ah yes. Legion is quite problematic for my rank 25 friends to face, when is their next nerf planned?
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Some Mori spams let you land that fatal blow again and again and again!
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The only problem with taking away ds from a recently hooked survivor if they hook someone else , it kinda screws them if they get slugged straight off the hook and killer hooks other person quick enough to make it back to pick up them up before they get healed and get away, the idea sounds good tho, I totally agree with ds not being active if they have got away safely and killer has hooked someone else, but slugging pretty much f**ks the entire thing lol
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Same well needed