Get Rid Of Ranks and Use Player Level

I have been playing for roughly 3 years and I feel like the ranking system does nothing to the game except pair you with similar survivors. so why not just do that with player level?

so you can go about this in 2 ways

1 . we can pair up everyone together regardless of player level just to speed up game time and get in matches faster, it won't do much to impact the game negatively anyway as ruin is already nerfed and of course you can still run OP builds.

2 . paired up based on player level being close to yours, this could work if we have the population. However I am not so sure how this would work out on console seeing as the player base is quite smaller.


  • inferjus
    inferjus Member Posts: 479

    What if someone knows and plays the game pretty well but rarely visits DbD and then gets paired with noobs and totally wreckes them?

  • mike4156
    mike4156 Member Posts: 222
  • mike4156
    mike4156 Member Posts: 222

    my main point is that ill always be a rank 1 survivor but my player level will always change, meaning my displayable progress is capped, i rather flex that devotion.

  • inferjus
    inferjus Member Posts: 479

    No. Now matchmaking is just not working properly. With your change pairing players would be totally random, at least current matchmaking can be fixed.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    Why isnt is as simple as removing ranks altogether? This may be a burning hot take, but I consider rank to be completely pointless at this point, plus, I think it may help newer players adapt

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,531

    You're not completely wrong. There is some correlation between rank and skill, and the wider the disparity between ranks, the bigger impact it has on the outcome of the match. However, rank does not perfectly reflect someone's skill level. You can have a casual player who plays a ton in a month and eventually hits rank 1, and you can have someone who's really good at the game but only plays a few matches each week.

  • mike4156
    mike4156 Member Posts: 222

    im willing to be paired up with new survivors to help them, and im rank 1-2 all the time, I think it'd be beneficial to new players too if they want to learn. Lets face it I even see questionable red rank survivors.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    I'm Devotion 8 and I'm still pretty bad at the game... and my friend, who plays at a rank 20 level, also likes to play on my account...

    Not to mention, player level is affected by playing both killer and survivor, but if someone who's mained survivor for 3 devotion levels suddenly starts playing killer, well, it's going to treat them the same as someone who mained killer for 3 devotion levels.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    What about a survivor main with lvl 5 devotion, who never played killer, but decided to try? Or the other way around?

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,085

    Not a big fan of this. I am at Devotion 14 Level 78, so I have a good amount of hours. And while I play both sides, I play more (and enjoy more) Survivor. But what if I want to play Killer? I would go against people who might have way higher experience than I have. While this might not be that much of a change for me, since I go against Rank 1s anyway, for other players it might cause a problem.

    Someone who was maining Killer or Survivor for the whole time will struggle when trying out the other role, even more than currently. Like, reaching Devotion 5 by only playing Survivor, will not make you a good Killer or vise versa. So if someone wants to try out the other side, it might become a unpleasant experience.

  • mike4156
    mike4156 Member Posts: 222
  • HYthinger
    HYthinger Member Posts: 130

    Just had a match that perfectly explains whats wrong with the rank system lol. I know its bugged. But that kinda stuff happend allready before "it was bugged".

    Devs: nerf ruin so noobs and beginners have more fun.........

    Also devs: lets match a rank 18 survivor with a rank 1.

    Like.......i know some survivors exploited the old system with smurf accs to bully new players but to be honest. this isnt a solution either. because there are acctualy still player that try to enjoy the game. I know right? sounds kinda stupid.

    PS: Match was over in 4 minutes. 3 dead. gave the rank 14 hatch. They somehow still managed to do 3 gens which is kinda stupid. but it also showes how much bs the gen time.

    I mean i completly demolished them with a chase going a max of 30 seconds and they still managed to pull 3 gens away under my ass. Like how much pressure should i aply lol.

    Im seriously feeling sorry for beginners getting destroyed because i am not allowed to play fair or show mercy or otherwise i lose the entire match.

    @Peanits do you know if the devs plan on reworking the rank system any time soon? Because in my opinion the emblem system doesnt even closly represent skill. e.g. cant get altruism points if no one gets hooked. Which means a derank for destroying a (maybe) new killer.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    3 gens usually takes about 2-3 minutes. You performed very well imo.

  • HYthinger
    HYthinger Member Posts: 130
    edited January 2020

    its not about my performance. its about the survivors performens. sure the rank 18 play like a rank 18 so not that good. looked on his steam. he had 4 hours. which mean he was in an swf........atleast i hope he was. otherwise that would be even more BS.

    also here is what happend in the nexct match.......

    ranks are not as bad as the match before but to be honest......the rank 18 from last match didnt go down that fast.

    to elaborate more how bad they played...........not even ONE of them even tried to loop me around a pallet. i think in the entire match there were 2 pallets droppd and thats it. like ######### is this.

    I dont try to blame them since its not their fault the game lets them get rank 1. Its so damn easy to get to rank 1 as survivor (doing a gen and making a hook rescue is mostly enough already) while as killer u can derank if u 4k to fast (surivors can derank too if they win to fast). should not be possible to derank for destroying your opponent.

  • MeeSush
    MeeSush Member Posts: 37

    they need to do matchmaking according to escape(sur) and kill(killer) rate. play around with those ratio , game might be balanced.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    Player level doesnt correlate with skill in anyway.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396
  • mj2303
    mj2303 Member Posts: 47
    edited January 2020

    what I think is needed is the Evader category should award points for % of chases throughout the match that you kept the killer running. So if you kept the killer running for 60% of all chases you would be awarded accordingly. Then you would get additional points for missed attacks, performing actions in the killers terror radius ect.

    There should also be a score even for completely avoiding the killer all game. Nothing more infuriating when your score is awful for Evader when you have done exactly the name of the category.

    The same would work with altruism, you would gain points based on % of all altruistic actions performed. Plus this way if the killer is really bad and either camps 1st hooked meaning no save, or no-one gets injured then all players would be awarded max altruism % points as everyone got the max of what was done - i.e nothing. So lets say the % score can take you to a max of 5000BP in that category, then the remaining 3K would be gained by addition bonus altruistic actions.

    You think that would work more?

  • EldritchElise87
    EldritchElise87 Member Posts: 626

    Would an actual SBMM/Elo system work? the data from matches is much deeper than emblems, and it would be pretty complicated (given how dbd has varying win conditions) but i feel a back-end system that tracks far more than emblems to match players based on say, length of chases, hooks per game, chases escaped etc could be far better. Other games use a much deeper system, but im not sure how it could apply to dbd.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    due to the player level being introduced so late i dont think thats a good comparison to the actual skill level of the player.

    in my case, ive played this game a LOT back in the day, though when the clown update dropped and introduced the player level and all, i have stopped playing it as much as i used to.

    at this point i am getting close to level 400, yet when i compare myself with some of the streamers i watch (that are level 600+ - some are already over level 1000) i feel like im a lot better than they are, they just play a lot more.

    also, when a player hasnt played for longer time periodes, their rank goes down - but their level does not.

    should someone with level 800 who hasnt played for half a year still be matched with other level 600s who didnt take a break?

    that'd be too unfair imo.

  • LemeTheMeme
    LemeTheMeme Member Posts: 403

    But it's not a competitive game at the least! And the current ranking system only caters to a certain playstyle, which goes against certain killers powers and builds (Myers and Plague predominantly). If the game were to over crossover to a competitive game, there would need to be changes to balancing the difference between Solo and SWF, changes to RNG tiles, serious map changes, like really big overhauls to almost every on, and then some serious balance changes to perks, powers, addons, and item.

    Player level would be a more accurate representation than this lackluster matchmaking system is currently live. If not, focus the ranking system to simpler numbers, base it off of escapes for survivor, and kill/hooks for killer. We don't need these variables that make certain killer easier for ranking than others.