Does anyone want 2 killers vs 8 survivors?

SpideyDude3 Member Posts: 35
edited January 2020 in Polls

Hello. I want to ask you guys if you would like to see Behavior add in a 2 killers vs 8 survivors mode with bigger maps, a team killer perks system with perks like killers bond (similar to bond from Dwight), double the amount of hook totems in maps, faster healing speeds and gen progression for survivors, and maybe 4 hooks instead of 3 hooks to kill a survivor. What do you think?

Does anyone want 2 killers vs 8 survivors? 40 votes

Yes I would love 2 killers and 8 survivors
JackikinsErgoPr0xyBlade92MiriamGdanielbird11InnCognitoFog_Kingvlas1tanWalker_of_the_fog_96musstang62TaigaUistreelAhoyWolfkaratinac97DaeTheKnightanonymous31337MrsGhostfaceTunnelVisionthemirrortwinSpideyDude3 27 votes
No, I kinda like the way the game is
BossGibberishBlueberryCheersStingyJackSquidFacedMangaydavidkingkodd1000 8 votes
Maybe in the future
toxicmeggLightpkmBrucecastro81Yung_SlugYanthegamer558 5 votes
