Biggest issue with the game currently is long surv q times and bad killer matchmaking

hex_genrush Member Posts: 736
edited January 2020 in General Discussions

These are the key topics that I think is ruining the game not gen speed or whatever ruin nerf sigh I wish I could go back in time to around when stranger things came out game felt a lot more fun, I try playing survivor but get bored because I have been waiting for over 20 minutes then I go play killler , get a match then I get so frustrated because I’m paired with high skill players way above me


  • Speshul_Kitten
    Speshul_Kitten Member Posts: 1,861

    Have you spent money on the game yet, besides the actual game itself?

  • perpill
    perpill Member Posts: 58

    Pertaining to gens. What if, instead of survivors only needing to tap the button to stop gens decreasing, they have to repair it for 3 seconds again before it stops?

    But yeah, I'm rank 13 going against fives now. Then get hate mail because I tunneled the guy who kept teabagging and flash lighting me 12 times and I killed him.

  • perpill
    perpill Member Posts: 58

    Actually got the game for free back when there was some sort of Margarita perk you could use as a killer?

    but I did just recently spend my own money to buy three killers (GhostFace, Leatherface for BBQ, then paid gems for Clown and bought Pig all within a week) so I could get some perks to be more competitive but I just uninstalled it today as well.