How do you deal with “baby” survivors?
With the current matchmaking system in a bit of a tizzy, I’m encountering baby/low rank survivors more and more. I’m sure I’m not the only one.
So how do y’all deal with them?
Personally, I let them do gens, show them around the map, let em get their bearings a bit. I wouldn’t want some of my first experiences as survivor to have been being slaughtered without remorse by the killer before I can even grasp what’s happening.
I just play the game. Best way to learn is failure. Failure is the greatest teacher.
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At the same time, some people learn in different ways. If I can show someone a thing or two that’ll help them later on, without souring their experience too much, I’m gonna try.
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Baby survivors should get a chance. Especially the cute ones who make adorable mistakes. But if they take advantage of my goodwill, they'll be treated like the experienced ones- death.
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I like people like you 😊
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I have little way of differentiating a newbie from a potato at a higher rank. So I'm not going to try.
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In this case, they missed skill checks, ran into objects, threw down pallets a few seconds before I even reached them, and didn’t quite grasp the concept of being on the hook. First one attempted then didn’t struggle. Feng panicked at any noise or missed check.
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Aw shucks. Just tryin’ to spread some goodwill around the community.
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Depends on if the team is popping gens. Its not fun to wreck babies so if there is no progress then I'll play nice, 3 gens get done its on. Really depends on if they have one person who is G2G.
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It is not any player’s job to teach other players. That is the job of the developers. Through things such as a tutorial, or more subtle methods.
Just because Behavior royally screwed their game in terms of rankings, matchmaking, and so on.
Does not suddenly mean that the community is obligated to pick up their slack.
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I make sure I only hook them twice, I play seriously up to that point, then I let them go.
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I farm and troll around with them. Unless they use a bright hair cosmetic and tbag because they saw No0b3 do it, then they could die.
I don’t care if they’re new or old, if they unhook while I’m 1 foot from the hook I’ll make them regret it.
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you arnt obligated, you arnt obligated to help an old person across the street either but its still the right thing to do.
If you like this game, im sure you want other people to play it as well so it does not die, this could be your part in preventing that from happening.... just saying.
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I've seen potatoes at high rank do similar things.
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From what I’ve seen they normally tend to get camped and tunneled out about 2 minutes into the match.
Fun matchmaking.
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I’m fully aware. Perhaps I should of clarified I don’t stomp on the throats of new people.
I generally slow down in chases, let them do a 3 or 4 gens, slug to get them used to what to do in that situation. Never let them win though, that’s not gonna teach them anything by handing out participation trophies.
On the survivor side it’s pretty much the same thing. Lose a chase or two, don’t just blast through gens, and generally just extend the game.
And on your other point, I don’t know if I entirely do. The game is more so a cycle of stress and relief on the killer side. And on the survivor side, it’s dull and frustrating, so me and my friends just talk.
I’d never call DBD an unmissable experience, and considering the time sink and great games out there, I’d argue for the opposite. If DBD died, at the very least my friends would have to find another game drag me into.
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Kill. No mercy.
You never know if they're red rank or purple rank. I've seen survivors that i thought are new players, and in tally screen they're red rank or purple rank
So no. I kill. Especially with current matchmaking and ranking system
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Do what must be done. Do not hesitate. Show no mercy.
Post edited by GhostofYharnam on1 -
I just assume all survivors are red ranks or just toxic so I play to win, just like they do.
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I kill them
After a game:
Survivor's: You are gay
Me, The inteligent: No u
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I sacrifice them. Going easy on them will give them a false sense of award, and they will become entitled as a result. Treat them as anyone else, and give them a "gg wp" in end game chat.
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Id say 90% of the time I let noob survivors live
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Use them as bait to attract the big fish.
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Had a game where someone seemed extremely potatoey. Like, barely seemed like they knew what a pallet was or how to vault. I made the call that they must be brand new to the game and left them alone 'til almost the end.
After the game, I looked at their rank, expecting rank 20 or 19.
Rank 8.
Nope. You start potatoing, I will assume you are a potato. I won't be giving any benefit of the doubt.
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Sometimes I let them go
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I never encounter baby survivors like you did, and if I do, it's only one per game, even tho I'm the same rank as you.
All I find are red ranks (90% of the time I'm the lowest rank on the match) who are way better than me, so I'm learning the hard way...
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I treat them like a red rank survivor. You don't learn how to get better when you're handed the game.
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But what if they only play to twerk for their Daddy Killer? Would you at least save them for last or use them as a backpack for a bit?
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Awe, some of my favorite games as killer was teaching babies to farm after rank reset. Some didn’t get the idea but it was so cute seeing a baby Dwight stare at me when I didn’t hit him :)
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If it's clear they aren't going to be much of a threat I'll be nice and try to give them as many points as I can. I still kill them. But I try to make sure they get to play the game.