Going to do a 100 matches stats. what should i track?
So i saw this discussion..
....and I and a friend decided to do the same but for survivors. We play a 2man swf and we felt like we win way to offen even though our team mates are potatoes most of the time.
So when im gonna do stats. i wanted to ask what may be interesting to keep track of.
We already made a small list of things im gonna track: gens done, match time, kills, mori, ranks, ruin / noed, bad team /killer.
Something else that would be good to track. or maybe kick something out?
edit: Maybe this sounds a bit narcissistic but i thing me and my friend both are really good survivors. he has over 3k hours and i myself have 1.5k. (i know time is no skill representative). Stats will only be from rank 1 matches. dc killer or survivor will be included but marked so its well visible.
Killers you face. See who is the most and least common
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Maps. And kick out Ruin.
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oh yea. good idea. i made a table and needed to format it new. and that got lost. thanks fro reminding me of that :)
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hmm. maps is good but im not sure about kicking out ruin. it would be in the same column as noed so it doesnt waste space. also it would show how useless ruin is now since i know nobody uses it now XD
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How much fun you had playing the game. I want to know my chances of a nice match vs. a stressful one.
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Killers are not equally strong, so I would separate stats for each killer.
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thats a good one. the problem with this is that fun is very subjective. Sometimes matches are fun if you get outplayed by the killer and die because he outplayed u. Sometimes u gen rush the killer and hop into the next 10 minutes q and the match was boring. Or things like that i like going against Nurse or new Doc. Some people might not like that.
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would be good but i also have a life and i dont want my whole day to go into exel after every match XD
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Track Dc´s.. what perks did use Killers/Survivors... How many BT´s, Ds´s, DH´s...
How many ruins...
What you got matchmaked with...
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Things i would add would be facecamping, hook tech abusers and overall gen and match time. I guess that would make your challenge a bit more work but its just an idea :)
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just 1 day of your life :D
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Nice idea. Maybe I'll do it too when/IF the Rank Update Error gets fixed cause otherwise my rank is stationary and I can't see the other 3 players perks if I were to include that info.
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- Don't track specific perks. Track all of them.
- how you communicated with yout friend during the match.
- order you die in, if you die.
- maps.
- hatch or door.
- items used by you 2.
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Survivor character used? This isn't important but would be interesting lol
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Take a screencap of post game scores. That will record BP gain, ranks, perks, K/D, Killer, addons/times, and offerings. Other data points are the map, game length, total hook counts (per survivor if able), and gen pop times.
I might have overlooked something, but the listed data points should be all you need to gather. Anything else is just fluff and will likely be worthless to overall game balance.
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Honestly, just record the whole matches + endgame screen. That way you can track everything at any time.
If you don't want ingame names revealed, you can always put a bar over them.
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+1 I think that taking screenshots is the best option.
Topic starter, if you would simply take 100 screencaps, it would save you time taking all notes. It would be a mess of 100 pictures, but our bored forum can do the rest for you. :D
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DS, BT, Unbreakable, SWF, Map, Kills, how many pips
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Maps are likely almost survivor sided, esp. those with god loops like disturbered ward or wretched shop.
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If it's not too much work, you could write down all perks that have been used by the killers and your random teammates.
Also queue times.
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q time is good. i also do statistic of 100 matches as the new doc since i rly like him atm. But since the matching is f'd i get 4ks on rank 1 all the time because rank 1 survivor are potatoes. and the new mmr system is prob gonna make it worse lmao. yea thanks devs. insted of balancing the game so i could potentinaly win against 4 good survivor just give me 4 potatoes insted XD.
To be honest im doing the stats thing just for fun since the only result i get from both stats is that you lose as survivor when your mates are potatoes and u win as killer when the survivor have atleast 2 potatoes (so every game). XD
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How many times your escape hinged on leaving others on hook, and how many times you being sacrificed was because of a save attempt when you were already clean to leave.
Basically things that could be a win/loss, but arent due to altruism/self preservation.
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Items + all perks
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Communication is a good one. When things conveyed wouldnt be by randoms. Like: "hey they're on me, go save/gen now." "They're headed to X landmark, hide", etc. Meta gaming moments.
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im making small annotations for each match to look why the game was easy or why it went downhill. Most of the time the reason for a lose / win are good or bad randoms. Acctualy you can carry bad team mates if the killer decides to tunnel the wrong guy (aka me or my swf mate). If he tunnels a rando the chance is 9/10 we lose lmao thanks devs :D
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Yeah, I was just trying to think outside the box so if you died 30 times, but 10 were to altruism, the stats could be seen that way.
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ok im gonna post some stats from my 100 killer matches. im at 18 atm. and i decided to turn it into 100 matches of doctor. momentary result: red ranks are potatoes
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Im currently looking into the kill rate of killers at red ranks while solo queuing, would be nice to have a comparison with a SWF of 2.
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Im doing it for survivor perks and add ons on xbox. Not counting my own survivor games.
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posted a discussion with some randoms thoughs about my stats. it shows the first 20 matches of both my 2 man swf and my killer matches (mostly doc)
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I'd like to see what do you include in your stats from your matches. I have for my own some stats as well, some basic stats regarding what killers I encounter every match!
I've currently tracked over 1000 consecutive games(games when someone DC'ed at the start did not count) and noted the killers I played against. If you'd like my results I can post them here. All matches were played from Rank 11(after Rank reset occured) up to Rank 1(most of the games were between Ranks 2-5)!
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track gen speet, start a timer at the beginning of the game, stop it when all gens are done and take note for each gen done
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Q times
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Was it a fun or a frustrating match?
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I don't have anything to add, but I wanted to suggest you not track bad teams or killers. That's very subjective and wouldn't offer any useful information. Now if you wanted to track the rank of the killer or teammates, that would be more hard data.