Getting kinda tired of ivory....

Now that ruins been gimped people are just running ivories and tunneling and moriing the first survivor so if im unlucky i get like a 2 minute long depip game after waiting about like 15 minutes for a que... Such fun gameplay... Even though i didn't ask for the ruin nerfs.
Tells devs to fix gen speeds then. Until they do, it's the only way we have to "slow the game down just a little bit"
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I don't see depip as an issue here, as a survivor what killer you get is depending on which rank the current killer in the lobby is, they don't have enough killers playing now to group you with a killer close to your rank
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I saw like...2-3 moris so far + 1 rancor.
And was mine (got a daily)
Guess you're just unlucky🤷♂️
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I haven't seen any change.
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Genrush. Works for me, even against Ebony mories.
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Not sorry.
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Yeah, the amount of memento moris now is staggering. And now we can't complain, after this, if you used an ebony mori against 4 randoms (non SWF), you were just an ######### or you really wanted to win or you were doing an expert. Now, nobody can tell you anything because of gens speed and ruin gone.
There's no "mr. nice killer" anymore, anyone will do anything to win.
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It's okay to be bad at video games. The killers that use the ebonies know that deep down they are, and it's perfectly okay. It's just funny that they try to hide the reason they use it as the ruin nerf or gen speed.
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Git Gud.
Or maybe apply pressure.
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Wut? Most killers use them either for a daily, after having had a string of toxic swf's. or clearing out inventory to prestige.
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I generally don't see Mori's, but after this patch I have only played killer cause Survivor queue times are actually insane. I'm better at killer anyways though, but sometimes I don't feel as much enjoyment because I really need to be sweaty and toxic for 4ks. Morally, this game has been too much cause I'm legit ruining peoples games and fun just so that I can win. Haven't played in a few days because of this. At least in Skyrim I can adjust my morals based on my characters values :D
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Yeah you know killers want to win games too
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My first three games today were killers with ebony moris. My last 2 games were the same. I don't think it has anything to do with ruin nerfs though. The killers were doing just fine without it. Teams went down like dominoes. I played with green and purple ranks.
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You're main survivor, right? "killers use memento cuz they suck". That's the only analysis you can do about the state of the game?
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But i thought killers already brought a crap ton of moris to be toxic, is is more no longer toxic and just "Killer bad?"
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You didn't know? Survivors can bring whatever loadouts they want and its acceptable. If the killer brings rare addons, mori offerings, or makes any attempt to level the playing field: "killer bad uninstall".
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This right here isnt a problem of "being a survivor main" its just childish. You can not say "you cant bring x y or z or your bad because i say so!" And call yourself an Adult
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I dont see moris often. I am seeing my fellow Survivors bringing tools and Keys though.
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Im not seeing much keys against those i face, i see a lot of toolboxes tho ironically not for gens
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I'm clearly talking about people who use them on a regular basis to help them win a match
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What can I say?
The survivors aren't putting on enough gen pressure.
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At most, maybe an ivory would be needed for the low tiers but tunneling off hook is still pretty cringe. Ebony is just you want an easy game.
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Ivory helps you get a game back under control. Ebony is pretty OP. I can see a lot of instances, especially right now, where a Killer would want to get rid of 1 Survivor to put more pressure on the other 3. It's a quick method that doesn't really throw the game off by being overpowered. Ebonies are just for the memes and salt though.
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I don't miss old dying light and ivory mori that ######### was stupid to go against