Enjoy your game. I am leaving. One less killer. One less drop in the bucket

EnveeEnvy Member Posts: 15
edited January 2020 in General Discussions

As 14 surv i get nothing but games where i am the target right away no matter what i do. Whether this is hiding or not. This is staying stationary and not doing a trucking thing waiting to see who the killer is or if i am doing a gen. If i do a gen they come. If i dont do a gen they get me on the way to a gen.

I have the worst trucking luck in the whole game. Or its the devs placing killers in the same place as me all the fuckign time. This is bullshit.

If i run detection perks ill get a doc. If i use calm spirit the bastards who made this wait till i get rid of it and then give me a doc. If i use SB i get nurse or billy. I am ######### done with this BS. This game serves me nothing but killers who counter everything i do or run and am the target first. Counter everything i have every single game. No random perk that i get to use. A full on counter. Run

I either die first or have to deal with idiots who hook dive 2 seconds after the killer leaves and then i hide all trucking game to get enough points to pip. Screw this. I am so trucking done with this BS.

Rank 8 killer. I am a far better killer than surv. So now you have one less killer. The new people might stay. I dont care.

The matchmaking is really bad in this game and i refuse to frustrate myself any more. No more. I am done.

Deleting the game. Not just uninstalling it. Deleting from steam permanently with all the DLC. DONE

Done with the frustration. Done with the surv bias ( that somehow never works for me )

Going back to flight sims and have a healthier heart in the process. This game is bad for your health as killer. I am serious. We have to sweat so truckign hard for our gains. Surv, if you are good, is just a matter of holding m1. My mistake was holding M1 for the ones who end up getting out. Or me opening the door. I was the sucker.

This is what solo que is like. We get screwed.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • goat10em
    goat10em Member Posts: 749


  • mylesmylo
    mylesmylo Member Posts: 354

    I'm not going to read a of that because it's a bunch of moaning but, hope you do well on your next game ❤ see you next week.

  • EnveeEnvy
    EnveeEnvy Member Posts: 15

    Deleted permanently in steam

    Sugarloaf MTN is dead. He has been killed by the fog.

    Hope you all enjoy it. For me it was a very frustrating experience on both sides. I enjoyed the killer side till last patch. The MM that was ######### for three years and only got worse will never be fixed otherwise they would have fixed it already. I faced three years of BS MM. Three years of seeing noobs on the forums complaining about facing ranks 1's. Did they fix it? No. Will they? NO.

    I did not leave cos of the ruin nerf as i did not use it. I used other perks since i got sick of ruin going down in 30 sec.

    I was a far better killer than i was a surv. But one less killers and the waits are only goign to get worse now since i pretty much only played killer due to the frustration of being meat on a hook.

    Oh well. Have fun. I did not.

  • EnveeEnvy
    EnveeEnvy Member Posts: 15

    Uh...no. Like i said. Killers were always in my quarter or spawning right in my fricken vision. I have had three years of this BS. I swear to god devs place people in certain spots on purpose and there is no such thing as random placement. How else can i explain being found first so many fricken times.

    Anyway. I am done wasting any more time on this bs so out.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    This sounds more like lack of map awareness as a survivor and not looking around. At rank 14 your still learning the game your not even at the halfway mark. I would suggest taking the game less seriously it's pretty fun when you really don't care if you survive or not. Look into some looping though that should help as well.

    I prefer killer I find it way more fun to actually be in charge of the match. It's not really a sweat fest people think it is either.

  • Pok
    Pok Member Posts: 100

    well, bye stranger unless you miss arguing endlessly on the forums or need more attention :)

  • DepressedClownMain
    DepressedClownMain Member Posts: 924

    BYEEEEEEE leaving late

  • aurum_exe
    aurum_exe Member Posts: 182

    Btw Dead By Daylight forums isn't a form of psychological therapy for anger, where you can throw up all your frustrations because you don't get good at playing the game. You have to understand that not all survivors face the same issues as you do, because with time and patience, we've learned how to loop and juke a killer without any worry. It only takes time and practice. So bye. Don't think DbD community will miss you.

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    I made it half way. Too much self-pity for me to stay interested honestly.

  • DingDongs
    DingDongs Member Posts: 684
    edited January 2020

    I already leave the game but I might give chance and come back when:

    • Finish fixing matchmaking bs and STOP making new bugs every <F WORD> patches (ex: no DS madness 3, Insta blind flashlight AGAIN)
    • Finish all the map rework and BETTER totem spawn
    • Finish nerfing Mori, Toolbox and Key
    • Finish nerf/fix the face-camping and gen-rushing
    • Buff Clown(aka worst killer) and Revert Balance Landing (I'm still salty for this because of 1~2 stupid maps nerf my Nea's strongest perk)
    • Add new feature maybe like auto censoring words at end match chatbox or something
    • BETTER report system and tell me if they banned someone from my reports
    • Fired/Replace balance devs like OMG they're worst than overwatch balance team

    Oh, They put new killer, survivor and costume? I. Don't. Cares.

    Why should we care about new characters if the game is still remain broken, unbalance and frustrate?

    Until then i'm playing other game because that what devs told us to <F WORD> off if you hate their game

    Sincerely, Solo survivor who hate this game because of long 20~30mins loading matchmaking bs and get killed fast by camping, mori, someone ragequit/dc or instadown red addon after all the long boring wait like seriously this game is unplayable for both side

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019


  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    "One less killer" - complains about survivor's issues...

    Lol what?

  • EldritchElise87
    EldritchElise87 Member Posts: 626

    If you can't do chases, wait till someone else is being chased before starting a gen. Killers will know roughly where survivors spawn and thats the first place they head to, just.. don't be there?

  • ZtarShot
    ZtarShot Member Posts: 838


  • UniSans
    UniSans Member Posts: 111

    Why should we care if he left because he doesn’t have game awareness? It’s not hurting the game because more people are playing it than before.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,146

    See you soon™

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,146

    In summary it saying," i quit cause i can't evade the killer long enough to see the end game".

  • Rasinbran
    Rasinbran Member Posts: 240

    Ok you had to be a ruin dependent and noed crutch perk donkey user to be crying this hard like geeze.

    Have fun with your little flight simulator that offers no competition and strokes your fragile ego as you land your biplane for the 700th time in a row.

  • Number22
    Number22 Member Posts: 27

    *cue amazing grace song*

  • ppo8820
    ppo8820 Member Posts: 763
    edited January 2020

    Oh lord. The salty killer mains will rush to this like flies to poop. Plus tell you to get good or how wrong you are. It’s the same on every post so ignore them.

    The grind as survivor is tough and you won’t get good enough to be competitive until green or purple ranks. Even then, you’ll die a lot. I remember when my friends and I moved from f13 to dbd, we were so frustrated. Couldn’t outrun the killer, couldn’t do gens. It does get better as you go and I totally get the frustration.

  • Feyd
    Feyd Member Posts: 428

    You can't delete it permanently. At any time you can go to the customer support and get it put back with a few clicks. There is no escape.

  • Rex_Huin
    Rex_Huin Member Posts: 1,208

    Another satisfied customer...

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,216

    "If i run detection perks ill get a doc. If i use calm spirit the bastards who made this wait till i get rid of it and then give me a doc. If i use SB i get nurse or billy. I am [BAD WORD] done with this BS. This game serves me nothing but killers who counter everything i do or run and am the target first. Counter everything i have every single game. No random perk that i get to use. A full on counter."

    Like you said in the paragraph before, it looks more like you just had REALLY bad luck than anything else. The devs have no control over who Killers play.