Thoughts on The New Ruin

Good afternoon people of the fog, this is a topic that has been beat info the ground but hopefully I can offer some insight into it. Some that might not have been seen before. First I'm a killer main over 1100 hours as killer, but I have a meaty 400 plus hours as survivor. Let me start with a pros and cons list to give an unbiased view of the new ruin.

Pros: - More friendly to new survivors.

-Killers do not have to waste time time kicking a generator when a survivor starts to run.

-Generator depletes twice as fast?

(That is really about it, I can't think of anything else this perk excels at)

Cons: -It is still a hex perk and will most likely be cleansed within the first two minutes of a match.

-offers hardly any early game slow down. Especially on slower killers.

-gives a visible notification when it is active so survivors know to keep pressure on certain gens

-no longer punishes groups of survivors for working on one gen if multiple people missed a skill check.

-offers no counter to toolboxes.

-does not pressure new survivors to improve their skills by risking great skill checks. (You use to HAVE to make greats or risk wasting time.)

-nullifies perks like pop goes the weasel.

-actively discourages taking the perk if you need to do gen kick challenges.

In conclusion. It is a very hard nerf. But I will say this, why I understand many of my fellow killers complaints to this huge (and completely unjustified) nerf. It has actually made the game enjoyable for me again. I'm currently in purple ranks (been rank 1 multiple times, but have taken a break since rank reset and the ruin nerf until this most recent weekend) and every lobby I am in currently is only against ranks 1 and 2's. But I'm still enjoying myself.

Ruin was a great perk and I'm still a firm supporter that it should not have been nerfed, but I swapped it out with PGTW. I can really clutch some games by stalling a single gen or 3 gen locking a match. I don't feel bad about any tactic I use to win. (I still don't camp or tunnel if I can help it but if I'm playing bubba and you unhook in front of me you are both going down). I just play and shrug at end game salt and say "Tell it to ruin" I feel like I'm no longer trying to make the game fun for everyone involved, but rather just me. Which is really good!...but also really bad. I fear this is the direction the community will go at this rate.

What die everyone else think? Let me know!


  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    It hasn’t been nerfed. After going against it a number of times it can actually be more powerful than old Ruin.

  • Sabor44
    Sabor44 Member Posts: 39
    edited January 2020

    I strongly disagree. Playing over 50 matches this weekend it actually ENCOURAGES survivors to stay near gens. Even ones that killers patrol I see survivors rush to finish the gens because time is of the essence to get them done before they regress. I only played about 7-8 survivor matches, the two killers that ran ruin I would rush back to any gen I started unless a killer was hard camping. Before if two people worked a gen and one missed a skill check someone would leave. Now there is absolutely no reason why a group would not hug a generator to ensure it finishes before doing literally anything else.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    And if the killer is able to pressure survivors off those gens?

    For the kinds of players that allowed a survivor to loop them for 2 minutes then yeah its worthless.

    For protecting gens on the far edges of the map then yeah its likely going to do little

    For controlling the most strategic gens on the map though near the centre? Or for killers who are able to keep all survivors busy? Its arguably far more powerful.

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    As a survivor i would rather go against old ruin. It was way easier to deal with. As killer, it suffers the same problem as old ruin. Its a freaking hex.

  • Quol
    Quol Member Posts: 694

    Its a fantastic late game perk.

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    Had a gen 90'd at Thompson house and got interrupted and hooked. By the time I came back, it was back to 0. I was hitting all my greats, so old ruin wouldn't have done anything, but this new ruin actually helped the killer. We essentially had to do 6 gens.

  • Sabor44
    Sabor44 Member Posts: 39

    Still I respectfully disagree. Put a situation where both old ruin and new ruin are in the same situation. Lets assume you 3 gen lock a match with ruin perfectly in the middle so you can protect it. This is literally the most ideal situation where new ruin can thrive. Yet it still pales compared to old ruin. If you were able to patrol all 3 generators and keep survivors off them for say....15 seconds at a time. A mere 5 seconds with a toolbox will repair any progress that was lost. While a single failed ruin skill check (lot easier for them to fail one when you are patrolling so close) will not only stall but force them to lose progress and draw the match out.

  • Sabor44
    Sabor44 Member Posts: 39
    edited January 2020

    A generator that is at 99.99% takes 320 seconds to regress. A generator with Ruin fully upgraded takes about 100 seconds to fully regress. If you were gone for almost 2 minutes as is then it would have lost a third of its progress already anyway without ruin. You can achieve the same result with 2 missed hex skill checks

  • Colton147
    Colton147 Member Posts: 523

    New Ruin is much more powerful than the old one.

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    1/3 of the progress being lost is less than ALL of it.

  • Sabor44
    Sabor44 Member Posts: 39

    My point being is that someone who misses 5-6 he skill checks will have an identical effect and stall the game longer

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    My point is I don't tho. This ruin was more effective because despite my ability to power through old ruin, it got 200% regressed into nothing when I got back to it.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    All I can say is going against it you can definitely see its power. It's not as consistent as before, it depends on how much pressure you apply but if you get the survivors off gens it is devasting.

    Old Ruin only stalled progress, new ruin deletes it. Also some survivors could work through ruin, or skillchecks were infrequent, there's no shortcut around new ruin unless you have 3-4 people on voice chat.

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    Well, when it first came out, I thought it was a decent change. Going against it toward the end of a match made it tough to handle when the killer applied enough pressure, but, that opinion is changing fast. The Hex totem is still cleansed pretty much instantly on high rank matches, and this leaves killers screwed over. I've had more escapes than ever because of this change, since before, there was at least a little pressure. Now, it's forcing killers to resort to camping and tunneling to to try even get a win. And honestly, I've had to resort to this myself as killer, and I despise myself for it. But, the Devs have pretty much forced the hand of killers to do this, and I don't blame them anymore. I just hope the Devs see the damage this is causing overall to the killers.

  • venom12784
    venom12784 Member Posts: 666

    I believe there are 6 or 7 gens at the beginning of the match. 4 survivors one killer. All for 4 survivors can split up and do 1 gen each killer can only chase one survivor at a time.

    It takes 80 seconds for one survivor to complete 1 gen with out assistance. In the time it takes to down and hook a survivor 3 gens can be completed.

    If a killer chases a survivor off of a gen that was at 99% it would take about 160 seconds to fully regress with tier 3 ruin . So a killer has to patrol 3- 4 gens chasing people off. This is the problem with ruin. With less gens it is easier to patrol but how often does a hex last till 1-2 gens are left


  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited January 2020

    Does near nothing early game which is where you need it. There's only a few killers that can apply enough pressure early game for it to matter at all and those are the killers that didn't even need old Ruin in the first place. If it actually makes it to late game where it's strong you would have just been better off running Devour Hope anyway as that's a better late game Hex perk. The idea of a late game Hex perk is just bad anyway and doesn't make any sense with current totem spawns.

    It either needs to be not a totem or stay a totem but be better than it is. Not good enough to warrant being a Hex perk currently imo.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,333

    From my experience, new ruin is actually pretty useful. I wasnt really expecting it to be as handy as it has been, but glad I gave it a shot. Been running it surprisingly well on Legion lately (which I'm by far not a Legion main, lol), but also been having alot of success on Myers with it. Since I can see with surveillance the exact moment a survivor leaves a gen or hops on one, it makes hit and run tactics work really well. The big thing is to avoid spending too much time chasng one person when you see someone hopped on a gen that you can protect.

  • Majora
    Majora Member Posts: 207

    New ruin is only useful for rank twenty killers it's a bad perk probably worse than third seal.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    New Ruin is really powerful on Pig I discovered since she can force survivors off gens. Add in perks like sloppy to slow the others down and it starts to get nasty.

    The designer just so happens to be a Pig main 🤔

  • Sabor44
    Sabor44 Member Posts: 39

    I don't know I would go that far. It definitely took a massive hit from the nerf bat, but provided you can get it to late game, survivors don't bring tool boxes, and they do other things besides gens it can have it can be useful.

  • Rex_Huin
    Rex_Huin Member Posts: 1,208

    Best comment I saw on new Ruin said it was good on killers that dont need it and bad on ones that do.

    I think I go along with that.