How should they measure skill in the new system?

With the new matchmaking, a new method will be used to match players. Currently survivor skill is measured as following":

  • Repairs
  • Escaping
  • Not being downed
  • Unhooking and healing

When I mentally assess a survivor, I consider none of these when deciding who is going to cause me problems.

Similarly, if I play survivor, I consider myself dominated when we all get chainsawed and slugged after 90 seconds which would only give the killer a draw at best. If a killer draws the game out and hooks us all 3 times, I don't think that was a players who shouldn't be at my lowly survivor rank.

So how SHOULD BHVR assess skill in the new system?


  • Hooks and kills both have to be considered, because if you are getting 1 or 2 kills but they are all at the end game and after almost no hooks, you can pretty much assume it's just noed and warden securing you just one kill by the skin of your teeth.... that shouldn't be treated the same as someone who gets 2 kills via 3 hooking them over the course of the game.

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    They already decided how they are measuring skill. We won't knpw how they are determining skill since it's a hidden ranking system.

  • Infckingcredible
    Infckingcredible Member Posts: 145

    I'd consider length of chases 50% (also escapes from chases if you've been the only one in a chase) and all the emblems another 50% since long chases are what makes you win/lose.

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    They have to take addons,perks and items into consideration when they are measuring skill but I don't know how they can do that when there are so many variables.

    If a survivor escapes with a key or if a killer uses an ebony mori, iridescent head or something that's not really skill at all.

  • FleshTorpedo
    FleshTorpedo Member Posts: 394

    What ranking system? All i see is a blanket.

  • Steve0333
    Steve0333 Member Posts: 529

    Survivor skill is mainly about how long they can keep a killer in a chase and killer skill is how quickly they can end a chase.

    That's the bulk of it anyway. If a survivor keeps the killer in a chase for a good minute then the killer is obviously being outplayed. If the killer downs the survivor within 10 seconds then the survivor obviously got outplayed.

  • PfoxandtheHound
    PfoxandtheHound Member Posts: 49

    Accuracy should be in there somewhere for killers. If you whiff 70% of your attacks you should evaluate your timing.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    There are too many variables to quantify skill on a micro level. As soon as you start trying to account for different variables, you necessarily have to account for others, and then you get something like our current ranking system which is not only an inaccurate reflector of player skill but also encourages players to conform to a particular tactic in order to demonstrate their "skill".

    The only solution, therefore, is to measure skill on a macro level, by how well players succeed in their ultimate goal (escapes/kills), ignoring all the variables and trusting to statistical probability that the variables will even themselves out over time. Yes, sometimes you get screwed over by bad teammates or RNG, but in the grand scheme of things, skilled players will still win more often than they lose (I know, I know, some people like to define winning by different means, but for clarity's sake I am defining wins here by kills/escapes, so just humour me this once).