Another survivor perk ideas, take a look

Mang_Anwar Member Posts: 56
edited January 2020 in Creations

Whenever you get in a chase, Bait is activated.

When Bait is activated, all other Survivors get an auditory warning and they can see the Aura of the Killer for 3 / 4 / 5 seconds.

While Bait is active you perform fast vault 15% faster. Anytime you do a fast vault while Bait is active, that vault location will be blocked by the Entity.

After you escaped a chase or is put into Dying State, Bait goes on cool-down. Bait has 60 / 50 / 40 seconds cool-down.

Knock Knock

Activate-able Perk.

Standing within the Killer's Terror Radius grants you the ability to Knock on Props. #(Lockers, Generators, Chests, Pallets, etc.)# - #(not Crows, Dark Mist, Moonlight)#

Once activated, Knock Knock will create a Loud Noise notification for the Killer.

Knock Knock has a cool-down of 40 / 35 / 30 seconds.

Careful Touch

You are 70% / 60% / 50% slower at unhooking another Survivor. Unhooking a Survivor does not notify the Killer.

Edit: Removed the Exhaustion Status Effect upon unhooking a Survivor.


Would love to hear your thoughts about them.

Post edited by Mang_Anwar on


  • Brucecastro81
    Brucecastro81 Member Posts: 1,609

    Don't see the good part on careful touch, bait with resilience and spine chill should be incredible, good that you blocked the window

  • Mang_Anwar
    Mang_Anwar Member Posts: 56

    Yeah careful touch was kind of dumb, I was thinking to remove the exhaustion status effect and change the speed of unhooking to 70% / 60% / 50%.

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    Lol, imagine a Knock Knock + Pebble combo!

    Altogether I like these ideas. Careful Touch can be really aggravating to killer as he will constantly be losing track of his hooked survivors. Agree that maybe it doesn’t need exhaustion though.

  • Mang_Anwar
    Mang_Anwar Member Posts: 56

    Knock Knock + Pebble would be a meme combo for sure.

    Yep that was the idea of it, and now the status effect is removed.

  • Yung_Slug
    Yung_Slug Member Posts: 2,238

    Knock Knock is a bit too similar to Pebble, I think.

    The cooldown on Bait is pretty much meaningless. If you're put into the dying state, 40 seconds will almost certainly pass before you're able to be chased again. You'll probably also be able to last at least 40 seconds after losing the killer.

    How would the icons work on the HUD when the survivor is unhooked?

  • Mang_Anwar
    Mang_Anwar Member Posts: 56

    With Diversion you must stand within killer's terror radius and not in a chase for 45 seconds before you can throw a pebble, while Knock Knock can be used anytime as long as you are within the Killer's terror radius. This can be used to fool the killer like when you are running into jungle gym and stun them with pallet you can knock on a window to fake that you are fast vaulting over it but you are actually walking into the other side to hide.

    As for Bait, almost the same as waiting for Exhaustion status effect from dead hard to deplete in 40 seconds, either you are put into dying state or losing the Killer in a chase, so you can start walking and the status effect starts cooling down.

    Icon on the HUD would be the same, it's just the killer won't get any notification that someone was unhooked, that's all.

  • Yung_Slug
    Yung_Slug Member Posts: 2,238

    Dead Hard doesn't regenerate while sprinting though. You could get found again and the perk would continue to come back.

    If the icon is the same, the perk's kinda useless since any good killer would notice the icon change.

  • Mang_Anwar
    Mang_Anwar Member Posts: 56

    That's it, Dead Hard doesn't regenerate while sprinting, either you lose the killer or getting slugged so Dead Hard can be used after 40 seconds of not sprinting. Bait is supposed to be like that, once you get into a chase the perk activates, the perk starts on cooldown when you escape a chase or put into dying state. The main reason is that so you can get into a chase again after 40 seconds elapsed and give other survivors information about the killer so they can do gens while you are being chased.

    Yep, Careful Touch can actually be a useless perk if the Killer is good at keep tracking at everything.

  • Yung_Slug
    Yung_Slug Member Posts: 2,238

    So Bait is an exhaustion perk? I'm not sure if I'm reading this right. The description seems to say that you can regenerate Bait while running.

    Also, Careful Touch only hinders you against a decent killer because you'd just be taking longer to unhook for no reason. The icon change isn't hard to notice.

  • ImmortalReaver
    ImmortalReaver Member Posts: 243

    LOL I could see these being real because they're all about bullying the killer.

  • Mang_Anwar
    Mang_Anwar Member Posts: 56

    No, bait IS NOT an exhaustion perk, the perk goes on cooldown once you either escaped a chase or put into dying state, which almost the same as Exhaustion from Dead Hard which can only be recovered if you are not running. It says "After you escaped a chase or is put into Dying StateBait goes on cool-down. Bait has 60 / 50 / 40 seconds cool-down." I am just stating how the COOLDOWN of the perk works, yes it can recovers while you are running but it's not meaningless. If you can hide for 40 seconds after escaped from a chase, you may get chased again with Bait activated again. If you Immediately gets in a chase after only 5 seconds leaving a chase, bait would not be activated, and can't be activated in mid-chase, if somehow Bait finishes its cooldown while you are in a chase.

    Yeah I see that, if you have any suggestion for the perk so it might be a good perk. I will appreciate it, thanks bud.