4 generators in 133 seconds

[Deleted User]
[Deleted User] Posts: 0
edited January 2020 in General Discussions

Map : Crotus Pren Asylum

  • Spawn into the map i found a survivor after 40 seconds with whisper and began a chase ( he was working on a gen)
  • i hit him and injure him in 20 seconds (1 gen pops)
  • i proceed to chase him and lost him after kicking the pallet he downed for a total of 15 seconds (another gen pops)
  • i find him 15 seconds later after kicking the gen that was 90% complete from his partner who ran as he passed through his location and down him. i proceed to look for the survivor who was working on the gen to make sure he wasnt in proximity to flashlight save for 20 seconds
  • pick him up and take him to nearest hook. as soon as he hits the hook and screams. 2 generators activate

133 seconds. from the time the chase started to the time he was downed and hooked.

4 generators were gone

in 133 seconds. and one singular brown toolbox.

"we rushed hard" was all i was left with .



  • Advorsus
    Advorsus Member Posts: 1,033

    What were your perks like? Perks can have a huge impact on the game too. But I agree that if you can tell the survivor is running to a strong loop, and you don't have a good set up to combat loops, or if you can tell they're an extremely good Looper, or if you can tell they're purposely running from a certain objective, just break the chase.

    Usually if I can tell they're running with a purpose, I.e. leading me away from a certain gen, I'm gonna turn tail and go back to that area. I commonly find 2-3 of their friends on the gen and can get 1-2 hits in. Which forces them to waste time healing or to risk being downed later.

    Another helpful tip, Usually, and especially with SWF groups, there's a weak link. There's always that one survivor that's just not very good at looping. I'll try to find them and pick on them at the beginning of the match. Because their friends are used to carrying them through games and will try to save them every time. Which gives me time to pressure other survivors.

  • I only see one toolbox in that though, so that means 4 people were just hopping from gen to gen together with prove thyself; and you never scattered them at all. I mean I can see it being still really fast but no where NEAR that fast unless they were literally never interrupted like....at all.

  • jcl_z
    jcl_z Member Posts: 35

    The problem is that the first chase is often the longest, it lets the survivor run around the map with all pallets still in place. I'm not even talking about some loop God here, but any mid-level survivor can just run pallet to pallet on the first chase while 3, maybe even 4 gens get banged out by the time the first hook happens.

  • Mushwin
    Mushwin Member Posts: 4,580

    I know have the song under pressure in my head! lol

  • Hero_awesome
    Hero_awesome Member Posts: 301

    Hey man if you check my post about Genrushing after 3 go before the first chase is over. You shouldn't hook at all. Slug if you want and you can still try for the 4k but I wouldn't advise it without a endgame build. If no hooks happen no pips will happen so I prefer it that way. Sorry that happens man not every game unless it's just that time of day but most times not every game.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited January 2020

    ill post a video of my game after and show what i run on Huntress

    hatches are easier to aim with controller for me

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    4 survivors on 4 gens

    Takes 80s to do one gen solo.

    Killer can only chase one survivor at a time and only when they down that survivor can they pressure more than one.

    On large maps you can't do anything to stop the aggressive M1 holding. You are relying on the survivors being potatoes.

  • Advorsus
    Advorsus Member Posts: 1,033

    It's only the longest if you let it be. I see this a lot, and it happens to me even sometimes. You get focused on that first down too much. You get the first hit and then you start tunneling cause you want that down. And goes back to my previous point, if you know you're on a map with a lot of good loops and pallets connected, break the chase. Get a hit in, maybe 1-2 pallets to weaken the loops later on, and then leave them and head into the opposite direction. 9 out of 10 times you'll find another survivor on a gen, Because survivors try NOT to lead you to their teammates. They want you focused on them. So break that mindset, leave them and do what they don't want you to do

  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 902

    Did you tape this and go through it with a stopwatch to get the seconds of each event or are you just guessing your chases lasted 20 seconds?

  • Advorsus
    Advorsus Member Posts: 1,033

    That might be why. Great perks for finding people, and a little bit of help looping, but not much else to slow any aspect of the . And your finding perks are great if they're close by, but if not you're gonna be in the dark about survivor location. I'd suggest trying out discordance for a little while to learn survivor spawn and movements. Knowing survivor spawn points on different maps helps a ton. Discordance can take away some of the guess work, whole also telling you which gen to focus on because it means there's more than one survivor there. As for as slowing the game down, there's other perks besides just gen focused perks. Slowing down healing can be a huge way to stall games. Distressing and unnerving seem like they're not that great together, but when put together they're amazing, and can fit into a lot of great builds. Simply adding overcharge to that combo slows the game down, and makes it easy to locate them when they miss those pesky skill checks. Hope this helps a little.

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    So it took 9 minutes for 4 gens to pop, not 133 seconds like you initially said?

    Nice over exaggeration lmao. That's the slowest "gen rush" I've ever seen.

  • Advorsus
    Advorsus Member Posts: 1,033

    I was asking because those gens took a lot longer than a minute lol but I noticed something that might help too. Once you get past the first 2 hooks/gens, you have to start focusing on just one side of the map and applying pressure. Think of it like a battle Royal where they start reducing the map, same concept. You gotta force them into that little area by making those the gens they need to escape. I've had games where I was losing terribly, 3 gens done in the first minute with 0 downs or hooks from me. But I turned the matches around and 4k because I reduce the effective map range. Sure they can go to the other side of the map, but they're not going to accomplish anything because there's no objectives left. So they're focused to come to my area. It takes a bit to learn effective ranges and how to set it up, but once you do you'll increase how well you do by a lot.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295


    I'm sure some survivor main is going to say "Adapt"

    As if there's adapting to a broken mechanic.

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829
    edited January 2020

    Ignore this 😎

    Post edited by AsePlayer on
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited January 2020

    I LITERALLY just said. this was a game after that one to show Advorsus my perks. follow along before you stick your head betwixt your cheeks

  • Iron
    Iron Member Posts: 241

    I wish you had posted a video of the match in question. I'd love to see what went wrong through it.

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829
    edited January 2020

    Okay. Didn't see that.

    Regardless, your clip showed a lot of flaws in regards to how you play Huntress, so I believe your situation wasn't as helpless as you think. First chase could've ended so much faster if you used a hatchet instead of the m1, etc.

    And the survivors have quite a bit of points for just gen rushing and leaving. Something else must've happened.

  • yeah, it was annoyed when i noticed the stream wasnt recording

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    You need to tunnel and camp gens hard.

  • "First chase could've ended so much faster if you used a hatchet instead of the m1"

    thats..exactly what i did.

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    You m1'd first. Less cooldown if you hatchet first.

    I don't even play Huntress and I know this. Cmon man

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited January 2020

    or i can M1..waste his speed boost and pick him off at a distance. Like i did. which ended the chase faster. instead of hatchet..speed boost, then close the distance or throw another hacthet. wasting 2 hacthets on one person or succumbing to the loop he was about to run. the only thing that couldve possibly made that better is if they dropped the pallet while the hatchet was traveling.

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    I would recommend looking up Huntress tutorials on YouTube. It is literally more effective to just hatchet in terms of attack cooldown. If it was a good survivor, you just gave them extra free distance to a new loop.

    There's a lot you still have to learn I think, so I can't really blame the game for going so quickly.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited January 2020

    Like i said.  M1..waste his speed boost and pick him off at a distance


    hatchet..speed boost, then close the distance with running or throw another hacthet. wasting 2 hacthets on one person or succumbing to the loop he was about to run.

    im going to go with the first option. less time wasted an hatchets

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    Me too I really wanna go over your footage I'm super interested

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    The M1 cooldown is literally longer than the hatchet cooldown. You have no reason to not point blank a hatchet unless you're scared you'll miss. I'm trying to help ya out here. I really recommend looking up videos from good huntress mains if you don't believe me.

    2 hatchets for a down is what you should be aiming for in the first place. You have 6 of them. You can reload after hooking them. Stop being stingy with the hatchets.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    No, it's the other way around. The poster you're replying to is correct. If you're in melee range, it's faster to go hatchet and then m1, or another hatchet. You came here for advice. I suggest you ask questions if you thought differently about something you're told, instead of assuming you already know.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited January 2020

    i KNOW about the cooldown of hatchets already

    i legit do exactly what you are recommending at 2:27. That is the perfect scenario of when to use it

    the FIRST chase it wasnt necessary which is why i didnt do it

    yes i have 6 hatchets. im using them when i Need to, not spamming them..thats more time wasted at lockers filling up hatchets than applying pressure where needed

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    Alright you're right, I'm wrong if it makes you feel better. Something you did resulted in 4 gens getting done in 2 minutes though. There's gotta be something to improve there.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    As for the comments about hatchets

    Lol you should get tape and make yourself a sight on ur tv

    That's the only way I played for months when she first dropped.

    Map it out on kill ur freinds and make the tape the closest you can. Make smaller dots of tape going up at distances you like.

    tape and black marker screen cleaner and microfiber. Dont do it on a 4k ultra curve

  • Sylorknag
    Sylorknag Member Posts: 760

    Is really hard for you not to play the Devs white Knight, hum

    It's become pretty common to have 2-3 gens popping by the time you get your first hook. All it takes is a decent survivors to run you through a loop and the other 3 to not have genfobia.

    Despite all the backlash they've been getting, all the videos/posts showing how fast gens have been popping left and right, you still want to blame killers for "not applying pressure" ?

    People have been flying through the gens, killers have been using Morris and Noed left and right, it's ######### show out there.

    But they, if you think your precious devs have been making good decisions, good fo you.

  • Joao_Bandicoot
    Joao_Bandicoot Member Posts: 286

    Unfortunately you couldn't show the match in question but analysing the game you showed us both parties made a bunch of mistakes, some of them could be worked on for your own improvement but as you get more experience on the game you will notice some misplays here and there.

    A great start is watching every match to see what you could do better, only worth if you try to play this game seriously.

    Just some examples of improvement: aim just a little bit higher than you were throwing (comes with practice and can always improve) helps with not hitting structures/windows;

    Since you don't swipe your axe when you throw a hatchet doing M2 -> M1 can be faster in some situations (knowing when to throw or hit with melee also comes with experience and map knowledge);

    Whispers is absolutely great on her but, at least in my opinion, BBQ complement greatly because of far away tracking other than this two perks try not to run multiple perks on tracking and experiment other areas like Sloppy Butcher, Corrupt Intervention, Nurse's Calling and Shadowborn (I don't know if you own any of this perks but I recommend you to get them).

    TLDR: Use the gameplay you record to learn how to improve in order to become more prepared on the games where Survivors try to Gen rush.