Perfect way to end killer camping



  • TDR
    TDR Member Posts: 30

    This is a horror game. You survive here, not have fun. And we killers should not entertain you.

    Tipical surv. Straight all the fun is just for you’re side. No.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047
    edited January 2020

    You know this is already in effect right? Just when a survivor is within 16 meters nothing happens. The new hook tech is great at letting you apply multiple pressure as Plague.

    Should look at the emblem system and changes more frequently.

  • HazeHound
    HazeHound Member Posts: 814

    You do realize that people who camp or tunnel doesn't care about points and ranks right?

    Doing literally anything grants more points. Yet another entitled request...

    If killer wants to camp one person in exchange for everyone else escaping for free he is and should be free to do so.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Lmao I think we’ve all done that.

    Sorry Jake players but you guys were so rare I had to secure my kills

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201

    If killer camps hook for a hook state without being in chase his movement speed should decrease and continue to until he leaves the hook and then gradually he gains speed back.

    xGREENCATx Member Posts: 431

    the thing is, i’m pretty sure they don’t care about ranks/deranking. they just do it because it’s easy for them (i guess idk really)

    but if they derank faster like that, they’ll just face new players and lower ranks which will probably make them not want to play the game much.

    this is a really complex situation since itll affect players regardless. I just wish survivors would just gen rush and leave instead of going for the save. like the best way to punish campers is to make sure they don’t get another kill imo

  • Nakedwildman
    Nakedwildman Member Posts: 198
    edited January 2020

    I can speak for myself only. I'm a casual gamer and rank 14 as killer actually, and rank 10 as surv.

    I do play every Game as Fair as I can. But if Toxic Surv with name "Rush B" comes along, and start to tbag me, then clicking a stupid flashlight to attention, I'll special treat him with my attention: I'll face camp him until death, slug, and any other "dirty" method the game has given to me, to make sure he's dead. Surv can do 20 gens meanwhile, I will not care, this guy will die. Very simple. This is how I do have fun.

    And it's even more fun to see how they rage In chat, or go instantly to my steam profile to insult me there. I already got a collection of many pages with insults pinned there and I'm very proud of it.

  • PinkEther
    PinkEther Member Posts: 11

    First that totem perk is absolutely POOP. Detectives hunch is better. But you’re right gens can be repaired while killers camp but not everyone knows until they run up too the situation unless they are SWF. Plus it’s just a cheap tactic that killers with no skill possess. This is why deliverance needs to be ran with decisive strike and unbreakable. If they can get deliverance from a safety unhook which is unlikely and only has one chance to work. That’s why these supposed clutch perks are in the game for killers who use cheap gameplay tactics to secure kills.

  • fleshbox
    fleshbox Member Posts: 494

    I am on the hook. Trappers trap is nearby. Last gen pops. He camps. I flap my arms. The masses start swarming the hook for the save. I was his only chance of a kill. He gets distracted. Somebody pulls me off of the hook. I get hit. Trapper steps in his own trap. We all make it out. I could not stop laughing. I know it feels bad for the killer but, damn, i dont get out too often so this was sweet indeed. I was prepared to die in order for the rest to get out by flapping my arms and telling them to open the doors and get out.

  • fleshbox
    fleshbox Member Posts: 494

    Small game can hinder you on some maps. The Game for instance. It will pick up totems on BOTH floors. So you look for one and expose yourself only to find out its on the lower floor.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    They already have reduced points for standing within the area of a hooked survivor, and in addition to that camping is a legitimate strategy.

  • leslie4445
    leslie4445 Member Posts: 44
    edited February 2020

    Why u attack me? I said SURVIVORS GET TOOOO MANY CHANCES


    Make sense?

    What am I? Killer

    I am a killer dude. I am not a boosted survivor main

  • leslie4445
    leslie4445 Member Posts: 44


    EZ report am i right? Lol u should just report them for end game abusive chat. I wonder if they would like to harass again if they got their accounts suspended? Cuz if they do toxic crap instead of doing gens then thats their own fault.

  • Elvenmonk
    Elvenmonk Member Posts: 367

    Yes you do.

    Raise your hands on the hook. That means he's camping.

    Or just run kindred