I Have Reached Facecamping Peak Performance.

Toxic SWF, tea bagging, pointing, and trying to body block every hook, so I face camped. They were extra salty in endgame chat. -47 points in proximity to hooked survivor and an iri chaser.
U won a game without old ruin? I thought it is not possible anymore?
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I have no words. Never in my 2k hours have I seen something so ridiculous. Well played.
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Gg wp
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i mean even if it means i get hit or downed i rather borrow time my friend than let him hang infront of a upset killer, bros before hos
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I’m thinking to start face camping. Who would be a good alternative to Bubba since I don’t own him. I have plenty of shards to purchase any non licensed killer.
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You even camped and still got a 2 pip? Well... unfun tactics have thier uses after all. I dont blame you for this one
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To be honest, all he did was play smart based on the situation. Survivors were being overly altruistic resulting into him camping,
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Its definitely not the norm for facecamping, and I believe i had everyone 3 hooked. At least one user had BT but i only remember one instance of hitting a player with an active BT, I kept them in dream world for most of the match when I could.
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But you get to enjoy the moment with me now. its a win win situation.
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As a rank 1 killer I have to say...
Facecamping actually getting celebrated shows how many whiny trash killers there are who don't know how to win by playing properly.
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But remember “cAmPerS aRe pUnIsHeD gUyZ”
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Or its peak performance.
I took a toxic situation and made the best of it. I normally go for 12 hooks for the bloodpoints. I was running BBQ, Dying light, POP, and Overcharge. A build that has to be on the move to get its full benefit and relies on getting hooks fast and consistently.
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Overcharge on Freddy? The only thing you get consistently is survivors waking up to failed skill checks.
It may have been peak performance if you played like a good killed and still killed them all. You would have gained my respect for doing that. But considering that you got away with a 4k while facecamping, they were probably not the creme de la creme of survivors anyways. Even sadder that you had to facecamp.
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Red Ranks that know what they are doing are going to wake themselves up. Add in regression addon of 14%+5% from overcharge on top of a POP of 25%. mmmmmm some satisfaction in generators regressing. Also stops the gen taping they like to do.
I also dont give a ######### about your respect. I reached peak facecamping potential today, I only wish to make big daddy Bubba proud.
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Except when people have that mentality against a Bubba facecamping with a revved chainsaw. You're not gonna get the guy off the hook.
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Don't tell a killer who has been rank 1 since 2016 about red ranks lmao.
Great, you admitted to being a bad killer. Thanks.
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Well, if your offering...I'll take chocolate chip
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Totes, Im absolutely garbage. But boy let me tell you about them red ranks.
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Great, bring on your stories. I'm all ears.
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Red Ranks that know what they are doing are going to wake themselves up. Add in regression addon of 14%+5% from overcharge on top of a POP of 25%. mmmmmm some satisfaction in generators regressing. Also stops the gen taping they like to do.
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@Peanits can we get a Make Bubba Proud achievement in game?
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ill try to lure you away while one of my friends gets him then, what can I say, i usually don't play survivor alone its kinda garbage when most survivors are dumb as bricks. ill even let u chainsaw me so my friend gets the unhook. ur a garbage killer and deserve to be banned tbh. facecamping is for little girls. no wonder people don't play killer, when they get upset they start making 5 IQ plays
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When Bubba has a chainsaw raised, no one is getting the save and your just wasting valuable time. I did it as abit of a test to see just how effective it can be. I wouldnt even hide what I was doing, and hook people in the open while facecamping with a raised chainsaw. I ended up seeing games like this one, where the survivors were too busy looking for an opening that obviously wasnt there to try to get an impossible save instead of pumping out gens. Only 1 gen got done.
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and thats what i mean as they're dumb as bricks, if the situation deems the killer too smart why would i waste that time, myself personally wouldn't bother if it seems impossible with 2 people, but ill still give it a go. a lot of times this is bad xp for a killer and survivors so i don't understand what joy you get out of just standing there. thats boring as s*, killers get upset way to easily, he t-bagged so you face camp? that really got you that upset? go outside
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Wraith. Throw a survivor in the basement and cloak, bring addons to silence the bell and decloak faster. Grab survivors as they try to unhook. Rinse and repeat. I've farmed multiple triple and quad basement hooks with this and a boatload of salt.
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Thats what I was saying originally, waiting around for an impossible save is just wasting time, BT or not. Its important to recognize whats happening and react accordingly. In the game I used an an example, the first survivor I caught even had kindred, so his entire team could see he was being camped immediately.
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so you had a match full of idiots, id call it a luckymatch but every match seems to have atleast 1-2 idiots lmao. I don't see it as something to get so upset over though its all in good fun, the only reason t-bagging should get someone mad is if you're generally struggling to kill someone, and they're taunting you. in which case that killer needs to get their skill up at thinking ahead of survivors, by refusing to play normally and get their skill up they're actually just hurting themselves too. face camping doesn't develop skill as a killer, maybe fore survivors unhooking, and not for nothing ive unhooked MANY people infront of bubba with my friends. well not literally infront, but it depends on the person playing thekiller, they turn away or focus someone so easily its laughable.
The fact that they had kindered and they were still that stupid is just, i have no words for that lmao
It's easier to reach and stay in red rank now, i wouldn't be surprised if theres alot more unskilled red ranks over time.
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Except I did this for a weekend after the ruin change, not just one game, and had pretty reliable results. I was running insidious, NOED, blood warden and corrupt intervention and getting 3-4ks from just facecamping. 2ks were the lowest it ever got. Never did I try to hide what I was doing. I wasnt taking people to the basement and hiding in the corner, but rather hooking them out in the open and presenting myself for all to see. Id nod at people who showed up to make it a point of saying "i see you" so theyd get that I was staying put to camp and not because I didnt have other targets to chase.
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just wondering how long are your match times usually with this method though?
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I didnt time em, but they actually werent abnormally fast TBH. Like I said, people would show up and waste time. Often times, I would do a little dance and twirl infront of the hook with my revved chainsaw because I might as well entertain my audience, lol. Corrupt intervention would prevent people from getting too much gen progress before my first down, and after that...theyd get sidetracked with going for the save. This was actually the reason why I used insidious, even though I wasnt hiding. Hiding my TR would make people have to come closer to see what was going on, rather than put 2 and 2 together when the TR wasnt moving.
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Some hero's don't wear capes. Some get teabagged and called names, but still get iri chaser emblems.
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Thanks, I’m going to start doing this. I played several survivor matches today and every match I had a toxic teammate. One guy refused to leave because he wanted to gloat and tbag a Sexy Huntress, who obviously didn’t want to come to the gate.
He ran back in, dropped a pallet and kept vaulting it. When that didn’t work he moonwalked until he found her facing a locker waiting for match to end. I asked why waste the killers time and his response was “because I can”. I hate people like that. I’ll never forget his name and hope all Bubbas camp the crap out of him.
Another match, and idiot kept tbagging Freddy even though he had a Mori. Was funny when she was taken out.
I hope the camping and tunneling gets worse for douche bags like that. I don’t blame killers one bit for it.
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But it was the ultimate winning strategy. Plus the Survivors made it that way for still wanting to go for unhooked when they couldn't, they didn't do gens.
Survivors need to adapt instead of lecturing how killers play the game.
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I can't believe how bitter some people are being here. Maybe if he wants to lose he should just let the Survivors unhook eachother and then do gens. Like they wanted to do gens anyway.
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Ghost face, myers, Billy a bit, hag for the basement
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...is no one else gonna say it? Okay, guess I will...
This is the ideal killer. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
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Ghostfaces cloaking is finicky sometimes, Daddy Meyers is licensed so I can’t buy with shards. I could try Billy but the stretched skin over his face gives me the heebee jeebees. Hags perspective is low and annoying, but yea, she can be fun sometimes.
i know, I’m too picky.
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Sad reality, with old Ruin, no matter how long Gen time extened. Killers will still Camp/Tunnel to get all the kills.
Without old Ruin, Survivor will still try to Gen rush to make the escape as fast as possible.
The game has reached to the place where they can not balance anymore. They need to focus how to make the game more fun. The fight between Gen rush/Camp/Tunnel will never stop at this point