Ranks are a mess, game is unbalanced.

been grinding the rift as a solo survivor and its pitiful, i see rank 2`s that are so terrified of the terror radius they hide most of the game, i see rank 2`s that go down within 10 seconds of being in a chase, i see rank 2`s miss multiple skill checks with nothing affecting them, i see rank 2`s that cant blind the killer at all. im sorry but these arent red rank players, how can that be the top of the ranking system? yet its balanced around those kind of people? a decent team destroys killer to the point its far to easy and bland, games can be over so fast you de-pip for escaping... this is a problem. i want longer games, i dont care if i die in the match just please balance it even if its just as simple as adding a few seconds onto gens
Rank doesn’t matter potatoes are allowed into rank 1
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We need more survivors like you friend. Too many just want 5 minute games (and even those are longer than they'd like) instead of a daring match with risks and adventure.
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It is a mess. I am a yellow rank killer(and improving) going against purple ranks all day long. Surprisingly some games(not all, sometimes I straight up get murdered by the survivors) I can easily get 2 or 3 of the survivors. It seems to me that the Survivors are ranking too easy. Causing some real bad match ups.
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Im just honest, iv had the game for years and been at rank 1 for 2 years. survivor is the power role i understand that and can admit it, hell i even run random perks and no items to try make it more fair but i still get lobby dodged which shows there are huge issue if killers feel the need to do that often. i just wanna have fun, escaping has never been set in my mind, just let me have some good chases and a lengthy game. these 5min games are boring and shouldnt exist
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I don't know many players that want that myself.
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Not personally but a lot of toxic people who don't frequent the forums certainly want it that way. Why else do they bring x4 toolboxes and x4 DH/DS/etc?
Totally accurate, I wish the devs would be more proactive and stop dismissing the game speed problem.
Yeah it will help with the stress since you don't know if the MM screwed you or not. Not a real fix but it is a step in the right direction.
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I have noticed this myself: many survivors seem to want a killer who doesn't "interrupt the flow of the game," or in other words, doesn't make them get off the gens.