My updated "Unwritten Rules" list for playing DbD

TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063

In my opinion, these are the only "unwritten rules" any player should follow:

1 - Play how you want to play and enjoy the game.

2 - Respect is akin to Newtons 3rd law: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Ergo, if you show no respect, don't expect any.

3 - The Killers role is to kill, the Survivors is to survive... Both by any means necessary. Hate the game, not the player.

4 - When the gates are powered... Anything goes.

5 - You paid money for a multiplayer experience, and thus aren't entitled to win every match. Anyone who takes umbrage to this should stick to single-player games where-in you are entitled to win for the money you paid. Being salty because of a lost match is unbecoming, embarrassingly juvenile, and toxic to the communities reputation. We're all people pitting our skills, strategies, and knowledge against each-other. If you lose and have nothing good to say: Leave a "gg," calm down/lick your wounds, and move onto the next match.

6 - (For PC players anyways) Post game chat can be closed using the ">>" in the lower right of the chat box, and will remain closed until you either open it again or restart the game. No one deserves abuse, so if you find yourself frustrated over excessive endgame chat toxicity: Just close it, and continue enjoying the game in peace.

7 - This is a 4v1 Lobby and Match style Multiplayer game. When you queue up to play a match you are committing to seeing it through so that everyone can enjoy the game, and everyone else who queued up is depending on your commitment to the match in order to experience said enjoyment. The acceptable reasons for Intentionally Disconnecting from a match are as follows:

  1. A Game breaking bug rendering you incapable of playing a normal match.
  2. A Player(s) taking the game hostage/hacking/exploiting bugs or game mechanics/bullying or griefing you. (Report these ones after leaving the match)
  3. Influences and situations outside of the game that make your disconnection unavoidable in order to deal with said circumstances.

Disconnecting from a match intentionally for any other reason is a practice in bad sportsmanship that Ruins the experience for all other players. Disconnecting over petty reasons doesn't do anything other than piss off everyone else, and makes you a worse player for it since you don't learn how to play any better by quitting. Too many DC's from too many players can also result in leaving the community as a whole with a sour experience, and could eventually kill the game we love. If you are frustrated with how a match is going; Take it in stride as a learning experience, see it through to the end, take a break, and decide if you want to queue up for another match. We all bought this game in order to play it with others despite how each match goes, and the majority of the fun this game offers is in the variation of each individual match.

Don't be a petty DC'er.


  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223


    Do you not see what you have done?

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063

    I do... Technically I wrote them, but these aren't officially written as rules for the game, despite how much I want them to be.

  • dnj510
    dnj510 Member Posts: 438

    These rules I can stand behind but you're not going to change anyone. Some people just live for toxicity and to be total dicks. Respect lost for the many people I've seen complain and demand a refund about this game. Just go to your local game trader and sell it to them or to someone else to get some money back.

  • ASurvkillivorer
    ASurvkillivorer Member Posts: 1,807

    Rule 1. Let survivors win.

    Rule 2. Let survivors win.

    Rule 3. Help survivors max out Bold and Altruism.

    Rule 4. No hooking unless survivor explicitly states to by pointing at the hook.

    Rule 5. Help survivors find the hatch.

    Rule 6. Use streamers and never Pudding because its rude to survivors.

    Rule 7. Bring totem perks and show survivors where they are.

    Rule 8. Let survivors win.

    Thats what I have pieced together after messages I get after match.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063
    edited April 2019

    Honestly its just a list of Common Sense spelled out for everyone to see. The inherent problem of "unwritten rules" is that they're more of guidelines that nobody is obligated to follow. I know it won't change anyone, but I felt if I expressed the rules I follow when playing this game for everyone to see, maybe others might a the least have them in mind when playing, whether they use them or not.

  • BigBubs
    BigBubs Member Posts: 1,131

    Add lag to 7.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110
  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063
    edited April 2019

    We can see what kind of connection we have in the lobby, so the way I see it, If you intentionally get into a match where the connection is bad, then you should tough it out anyways. You could've easily left the lobby and queued up again in hopes for a better connection, and you have little excuse for not doing so. "Reap what you sew" is basically what I'm getting at when it comes to lag.

    The only exception to this is in the event where you have a strong connection, and it becomes obvious (due to sudden lag spikes at key moments that put you at a disadvantage) that the host is lag switching, in which case it falls under #2 of the acceptable reasons to DC.

  • thehotdogman93
    thehotdogman93 Member Posts: 81
  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063
    edited February 2020

    This post was made in April of last year, well before the dedicated servers became the norm. Don't judge that comment too harshly because it is a product of its time. Despite that, there still are people who connect and have a bad connection to some dedicated servers, at which point it's on them if they don't leave the lobby and try for another better connection to the servers. True "Lag switching" has become a thing of the past now that we no longer have to suffer, but if your connection is terrible, you still have an option before the game begins to disconnect and "try again".

    Incidentally with these "rules"... I try, but don't expect anyone will actually take them to heart. I do, and feel everyone else should in order to make the game experience better, but Human nature is fickle, and full of conflicting ego's, so I can't really expect anyone to abide by them, but if at least a few do, then this game will be all the better for it.

    Post edited by TWiXT on