Why did you quit DBD

orums Member Posts: 20

To be perfectly honest, once I started interacting with the facebook groups is when I noticed just how one sided the community is. I got kicked from three groups just for making memes that mocked survivors and their toxic habits. That really just confirmed for me that the community was survivor heavy and more toxic than described. I still have a picture that complied with the "no names in screenshots" rules that got denied because apparently there were names despite me blatantly cropping themnout. That's when I knew survivor mains ran the entire Dbd community.

I had some good times but no where near enough to keep me playing the game. I got to rank 13 survivor in less than a day, another point of contention. I was winning match after match after match as a survivor with little to no perks. It's when it dawned on me that killers are truly at every disadvantage within the game. Looping came quick to me, pallets were abundant when I needed them, skill checks were mundane and nearly consistent. I knew that once I had some teachable perks under my belt that the game would be a cake walk. I had another "a-ha!" Moment when I had that thought. So many survivors able to blind me so long, narrowly escape a lunge, bring themselves up from a dying state, and any number of crazy abilities that did nothing but frustrate me as a killer. Survivors inherently, even without perks, can absolutely run the table on even a red rank killer.

I could list for days why this is the abject truth, but instead I'll have survivor mains retort with any number of insults, challenges, and overall cognitive dissonance regarding their upper niche within the community. To those that feel the need to be toxic in the responses to this post, denying established fact.

I'm just going to delete the game and wait until a week after ragnarok for the devs to finally balance what's broken.



  • Elvenmonk
    Elvenmonk Member Posts: 367

    My computer case and mobo are in the US and I live in China now.

    The game runs like crap now on my laptop. Used to play fine but updates made it run poorly

  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984

    Best of luck. I hope you find a good single player game where you can dominate your opponents.

    I've currently "quit" because I'm playing another game, but I'll be back when the next set of challenges come out.

  • ZtarShot
    ZtarShot Member Posts: 838

    I never quit. Probably won't until the game dies. You forgot a question mark in the title. Haha.

  • PyroDude
    PyroDude Member Posts: 454

    I got burned out of the game half way through the first tome. Since then I just don't want to play. No update or anything caused this, I just got tired of the game.

    I will gladly return once I feel like to again.

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    I don't enjoy playing against certain killers, and end up in massive strings of facing them.

    As for killer, it's usually just the queues that annoy me. The Ruin nerf is pretty severe for some killers, and while I've managed with Spirit so far, I've found it difficult to establish rolling pressure for Pig. I've reverted back to the boring, and honestly overpowered, Enduring/Spirit Fury combo. I mean, Demogorgon has more pressure than her prior to getting at least one trap/hook going.

    I'm also unlucky when playing the survivors, since generators just never seem to get done in any situation.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited January 2020

    At the moment I am not willingly away from dbd.

    I had made a few weeks, or maybe even 1 month or 2 a break because of rl trouble + I was bored by certain aspects of the game.

    Now I just stay away because I have heard of the flashlight bug and when I think of rejoining dbd and facing possible 4 survivors with flashlights that are maybe be aible to instant flashlight me, with all the boring stuff that is for sure still in the game, on top of that...

    Then I just think... "Nah, let me better play a different game, or watch a movie".

    So I check sometimes the forums if the flashlight bug is finally solved, so that I can rejoin dbd without getting a possible experience that is worse as the experiences I had made before.

  • MrGummeBear
    MrGummeBear Member Posts: 94

    I'm on the exact same boat as you Twixt. The only thing that really changed was the toxicity of the people who play survivor. I use to get a gg after games now I just get negatives comments from survivors. I can deal with the flaws in the game.

    People's attitudes can ruin your gaming experience. I don't let words bother me but after a while of being bullied the game starts to become dreadful to play. I'm a Red rank killer so I experienced all types of survivors.

  • musstang62
    musstang62 Member Posts: 517

    Same reason I stuck around other forums for a bit after quitting those games. I've spent too much time playing this game to disengage from it right away. I also grabbed a bag of popcorn to watch the dumpster fire after recent changes

    And to be fair, I still enjoy watching some streamers play this occasionally. For me, seems much more fun to watch it rather than play it anymore

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063
    edited January 2020

    The chief problem in this game is entitlement, which has sadly become the norm for most games in the last 10 years. The problem with that line of thinking is that it doesn't fly, much less apply, when it comes to multiplayer games. I'm an "old gamer" who's been playing games since the 1990's and ever since 2007-ish I've noticed the gaming communities have been spoiled and catered to by developers, and because of that, they've become less sportsmanlike and more entitled with every new game or patch released aimed at appeasing the masses. There are very few games that escape this for the most part, but all of them are seen as hardcore competitive games like CS, Dota, Overwatch, etc. Even then however, the forums for those games are flooded with entitled brats that demand nerfs and changes that will favor their side vs others, and its inescapable for developers no matter how casual or competitive the games actually are. It's really the devs faults overall, they groomed this kind of behavior, accepted it, and will do anything to maintain a player base that has fun, but in reality this logic is flawed because gamers like us aren't simpletons, and treating us as if we are because of some whining on the forums is honestly so condescending that its become insulting.

    For instance: this game has all the mechanics in place to inform the survivors of what is going on in their matches without the need of on screen prompts. Ruin affecting your gen progress? the gen starts regressing and visually sparking as soon as you leave it. Coulrophobia affecting your healing rate? You can already tell when you see it slow down with a red progress bar as soon as you hear the TR heartbeat. etc, etc, etc... Do the gamers of this community really need all of the visual prompts spelling out what's going on? No. We have instincts, and brains capable of figuring things out on our own, but the devs treat us like children, and hold our hands throughout the game with an overabundance of information that before 2007-ish would've been reserved only for new players in a sort of "tutorial" phase. The fact that the devs aren't respecting our instincts is directly linked to the feedback complaints from players, and honestly, its sad.

    This is a 4v1 game, and because of that the majority of players are the survivors; For every 1 person playing killer, there are 4 playing survivor, so naturally, the devs have to cater to the majority no matter how biased or toxic their opinions/demands/complaints are. However, despite this factor, I'm actually elated to the fact that the devs have done so much recently to listen to the minority for once and have been making great strides to balance the game in the killers favor, whereas before that simply wasn't the case. For so long, each new killer + survivor update came out with new changes and perks that made playing survivor easier, and killer more frustrating, but for the last year and a half that hasn't (entirely) been the case, and this recent patch just feels like a throwback to the old times where killers were screwed and survivors were given all the advantages, but that's all it is... a reminder of how bad it used to be.

    You're not entirely right in saying that "there's no 'safe space' for killer mains to voice our grievances" since doing so in these forums has had great results in the past year, no matter how many survivor mains complain about it. Together we nurtured, tolerated and groomed the current community and its expectations of the game, but all the devs have done is abide. We are as much at fault as the devs when it comes to the current state of the game, and while that is frustrating for the killer mains, its also heartening to know that the devs are still listening to us, and have been showing it.

    I may have come across as a bit harsh with my "good riddance" comment, putting your complaint on the same level as entitled players who DC over petty and unsportsmanlike reason, and for that I apologize. I understand your frustration over this game, but for the life of me, It hasn't gotten so bad that I'm willing to give up on it. I see the recent change as both a new challenge, and as just another example of the devs catering to the community. Sometimes its in the survivors favor, but unlike the mistakes Evolve made, these devs are actually listening to the monster/killer players as well (seriously, they massacred that game because they were to biased towards one side and it became a 5 v 1 bully simulator), and that makes me happy to be a part of this game and community.

    Funny enough, I'm actually a Sadist by nature, and fortunately for me this game has been a great outlet to "get off" on those tendencies, so when a player I've defeated mercilessly comes back at me by vomiting vile and toxic text in the post game chat, that's just really doing it for me. Nothing makes me happier than knowing that I've hurt the other players emotionally in the real world by bruising their egos, and when I can imagine them screaming at their computers, throwing controllers, possibly crying... * shudders * man that just makes my day. It's even better when they use racial, homophobic, antisemitic, or outright vulgar words and threats, because that means I can also report them, which might end up in them getting a ban that will hurt them even more 😍. (is it any wonder why I chose to main killer for the first 1k hours?)

    Of course, I realize that not everyone is like me, and can't experience the same satisfaction I get from toxic chat comments. That out of the way however, I understand that the recent up-rise in toxic behavior in this game (while more gratifying for me) is unappreciated and damaging to the communities reputation. I hate to say it, but this community (which is for an M rated game and should be full of mature players old enough to be good sports about their wins and losses), has devolved into an abattoir of whining, over entitled brats. It's undoubtedly the most irritating facet of the game, and while I don't have any problems with this, I know it's unhealthy for the games future. People need to "Grow Up" and accept that they can't always get their way. Respect each other as fellow gamers, and if you have nothing good or constructive to say in the post game chat, just leave a "gg", calm down/lick your wounds, and decide if you want to play another match. No one deserves to be abused just because they won a match against you. While I'll probably end up hating it if that ever happens, I imagine the community as a whole will be more grateful.

    Shrug off the toxicity, close the chat if you must, but overall try to have fun and enjoy the game. I think that's the best advice I can give.

  • Karl_Childers
    Karl_Childers Member Posts: 669
    edited January 2020

    Would you “quit” a game though and THEN join the forums? I’m going to assume you posted here while you were still playing, it’s different. I think this is all bs, still plays and just wanted to rant about survivors under the guise that he’s quit because of it...as if the post will carry more weight. If I actually quit a game, I’m not going to go join the forum for the first time. Doesn’t add up...probably a dupe account.

  • Feyd
    Feyd Member Posts: 428

    Should really make a thread titled "Why Did You Lie About Quitting DBD?" If you have feedback, leave it, but don't pretend you quit. If you quit you wouldn't be here trying to engage with the "toxic, survivor heavy" community.

    Fact: Killers get more kills than escapes across all ranks. But please continue to tell us how "survivor-sided" the game is.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    I come back/came back for tomes.

    The more you put up and have at stake the more likely you're gonna get annoyed. Bring in an item as a survivor? I don't want to lose it. Use a rare item set or a mori? If things go south you may not even get to use it.

    I love creepy ambiance, but you don't really get to enjoy it unless you can't find a generator or survivor and can just stop and go cool there's a cow hanging from a tree.

    It gets stressful for the wrong reasons.

  • Xerge
    Xerge Member Posts: 928

    I used to main survivor before the update, but the long queue times, shorter and boring matches have turned me into a killer main for now. However, I'm starting to get bored of playing the same killers over and over again. I'm guessing I'll stop playing for good when I purchase a new game next month.

  • BlindMole
    BlindMole Member Posts: 649

    Survivor toxicity. 1 less killer in Ps4, enjoy your queue times :)

  • FregglesFred
    FregglesFred Member Posts: 317

    I play both ends, but. I started quitting my play-time for this game due to the whole Killer nerfs.

    Developers really don't know their own game. It's just boring playing the same 3 top tier killers that can do something. Kind of.

    I just wish developers knew what the real issue was with their games.

  • FregglesFred
    FregglesFred Member Posts: 317

    Game is survivor sided.

    That doesn't seem like a fact, as you're just bringing it up without any proof to back it up.

    If you think a 5 minute game is fair in a game like this, then. It's just a bad mixup for you. Sorry to say, but the facts aren't just there.

  • ppo8820
    ppo8820 Member Posts: 763

    So you don’t play yet frequent the forums and Facebook pages? Weird

  • scardb
    scardb Member Posts: 10

    Killer main here. I pretty much just do dailies due to how bad the matchmaking and toxicity is atm. Pretty soon i'll probably get too fed up to even do that.

  • DeanIcity
    DeanIcity Member Posts: 180

    Killer is too stressful to play now. It's still do-able, but, ######### all the work needed to actually feel like you are winning. It's just not worth it.

    Playing survivor is just brain dead now. As If It wasn't before.... Now, It's just unplayable.

    Only reason I'm still around the forums Is because I hope they fix their game, I enjoyed this game a lot, now, It's just unfun.

    No thanks.

  • KuromiStarwind
    KuromiStarwind Member Posts: 325
    edited January 2020

    It isn't fun anymore. MHW is fun. So I play the fun thing :)

    I played all the killers, but the Nurse nerf and then the Ruin nerf, the complete and total ignorance and lack of recognition of problems as to why Ruin was used, and the devs responses? Yeah. I have no real hope and no interest in spending any more time and money on the game.

    Maybe someday they'll fix it, maybe they won't - I hope they do. And that's fine. I don't go around telling everyone I quit, that the game is garbage. I still frequent the forums and talk about things, for a game I no longer play because I hope things get fixed. I used to play it a few times a week as survivor but it just wasn't the same, especially if my friend wasn't playing. And who cares, right? Me, you, dozens of other people not playing, it doesn't change the fact the game is and will continue to be successful, despite all of the problems and stress and frustrations. At the end of the day if you're a killer, well, you're in the minority. Accept the way it is or move on.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063

    Unrelated to the post but it's Funny you should mention Doctor Who when I made a killer concept based on the "Weeping Angels" as an in game mechanic:

    Don't let the introductory text or the fact that its a "Doll killer" dissuade you. I think you'll enjoy the read, and hopefully leave a constructive criticism of it in the comments for it. It's kinda my baby, and although this is a shameless plug for it, I beleive that people like you would enjoy having it as a killer the most in this game. Especially since the devs seem to have run out of ideas recently, and are making killers that are just "hybrids" of other mechanics they already have in game (GF being a combination of Pig+Shape, and Oni being another combination of Hillbilly+Shape).

  • GhostofYharnam
    GhostofYharnam Member Posts: 597

    Oooh please tell me the concept. I love weeping angels

  • Aura_babyy
    Aura_babyy Member Posts: 583

    Your response is a literal wake up call and a smack of reality to people. Props to you.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063
    edited January 2020

    Your quick response is heartwarming, but I'm not going to spell it all out here. Give the link a read, and if you don't have the time to read the full version, I also included a TL;DR version in it to give you and others the basic idea of how the killer works. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it, and will leave constructive comments about it in the post I linked for you.

  • Xx_Daniel_xX69
    Xx_Daniel_xX69 Member Posts: 214

    So are those numbers before or after the ruin nerf? I'm pretty sure we don't have stats yet with new ruin so it seems redudent to talk about kills and escapes.

    Fact: Maybe bring proof to back up your statement.

  • ninjamediness64
    ninjamediness64 Member Posts: 125

    I haven't quit, but I'm definitely not playing as much as I used to. Playing killer is too stressful for the fun I get out of it, and I'm not as interested in playing survivor unless I'm with a friend. I'm waiting for something from the devs to encourage me to play, but so far the game's been going downhill.

    The Oni buff this patch was the one thing that kept me going for a while after the Ruin nerf, though.

  • xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx
    xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx Member Posts: 441

    I came back because there "was promising potential" in the year 2019. Reason i'm quitting again, because the devs are spoon feeding trash survivors wins. ie survivors are back to being braindead

  • DaGreenBolt
    DaGreenBolt Member Posts: 453

    I'll just post what I said in another thread:

    For me it wasn't Ruin itself that makes me quit. It's the fact that they nerfed Ruin without address the issue of gens and/or maps, and the fact that the nerf was based on frustrations to play against as a new survivor and people who cant hit skill checks. That's what was putting me off.

    And yeah you are right I wasn't enjoying it in the first place, I played DBD since January 2018, and I was having a good time till around Apiril of 2019, when the Legion "rework" (aka the gutting of Legion) happened. The fact that the devs were beginning to ignore feedback, was the start of the unenjoyment of the game. I started playing less and less over time until the Nurse nerf happened, where no feedback was even considered. That was the big kicker for me, and that was when I starting playing the game like twice a week and playing a few matches before being burnt out. The Oni, and the second Legion nerf (seriously nerfing an already gutted killer) just added fuel to the fire, since Devs sill didn't listen to feedback. The Hex: Ruin nerf and the fact they didn't address the issue was the straw that broke the camels back.

    I'm already playing multiple games that are enjoying, such as War Thunder, Bo1, Bo2, and Bo3 zombies, and I'm planning to play Last Year.

    TLDR: It wasn't the Ruin nerf, but the fact the core issue wasn't address, and the fact since April of 2019, the Devs ignored feedback and just listen to new players.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    I haven't played DBD in at least 5 straight months yet I still visit the forums almost daily.

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    After spending hundreds of hours getting toxic abuse from survivors (and occasionally when I played survivor the fewer toxic killers) I was tempted to quit and played less than I was before.

    Then they changed Nurse and completely and utterly ignored our feedback while forcing changes on us that are clearly done by people who don't understand her. That was what pushed me over the edge.

    Now I just lurk on the forums and keep Nurse discourse as relevant as I can in hopes that the devs will see we DON'T LIKE THE CHANGES AND HAVE OFFERED SO MANY BETTER ONES.

  • DingDongs
    DingDongs Member Posts: 684
    edited February 2020

    Playing as solo survivor: Boring match due to killer is noob thanks to broken matchmaking, Boring match due to early die thanks to camp/tunnel/mori, Frustrate match dues to top tier killer or insta down pink addon, Tired of seeing campfire and waste my time for loooong match finding


    Playing as Killer: Frustrate due to gen rush, swf and toxic. (Good luck playing killer with terrible map pressure against 4 swf with key/toolbox/flashlight. I dare you)


    Also i'm already addict to other game so why give a s**t about this game?

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063

    You're welcome for that, and I hope I didn't come across as too harsh for many out there. Its just frustrating to see posts like this one repeated "En Mass" over small or petty reasoning.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430



    Don’t understand this one either. If I uninstalled I would have left a long time ago. Guess some people have time to kill.

  • Negi
    Negi Member Posts: 378

    I quit because games are too fast. On the survivor side, lobbies are too long for games that last so short, always felt in control which I think playing survivor should have a bit of tenseness to it. On the killer side, way too stressful to deal with these fast games and all the changes did was make bad killers even worse, killing variety and playstyles.

  • Kycer
    Kycer Member Posts: 337

    I got sick and tired of the devs’ decisions regarding balance for the red ranks.

    So far, it has been a month since I deleted the game and I don’t even feel like I missed it. However, I will still check the forum from time to time because I still have a bit of hope that the devs will wake up one day and fix what they did.

  • Tronicus
    Tronicus Member Posts: 19

    I just quit not more than an hour ago. I quit because of a myriad of things. First off, wait times. Waiting 10+ minutes for a match. Second, would have to be all of the bugs that this game has and continues to generate. When one mistake can end the game for you, you don't need that mistake coming from bug you can't control. Third, is the community itself. I have tried to stay positive with this game but it's kind of hard when the community is a vast sea of negativity. People are always complaining about something and some even go out of their way to make games miserable for others. I'm sure I'll be a lot better off without DbD

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430


    Clearly something still keeps you here. They will make money simply because even you are still talking about the game.

  • Feyd
    Feyd Member Posts: 428

    They released these stats not that long ago, even disregarding all games where someone DC'd. They were posted right here on the forums. The kill rate was something like 60% even if you only count all games where all the survivors played until they escaped or died.

    If you counted the DC games that number would be astronomically more in favor of killers. Killers just like being able to walk in and 4k the majority of their games without effort.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    I didn’t t quit, but if I do it’s most likely from burnout and the lack of any endgame.

    I also don’t like stories where there isn’t any hope for the characters. So I’m not too fond of the survivors being stuck in the Entity’s realm forever until they’re empty husks.

    The story writers need to unleash Dwights true power and have him counter The Entity.

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410

    I quit killer because survivor is the power role.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited February 2020

    Well... Depending on what you are saying, I doubt it.

    The nr.1 question I get from dbd veterans that have left is: "Is dbd still that boring m1 game?".

    And my answer then is: "yes".

    Because it is. I will not start to lie, to the people that I know, just so that this game get some customers back.

    If they like to let me say "no". They actual need to put more actions for killers and survivors in.

    Of course, I know that is exactly the opposit of what the devs seems to achieve at the moment, but while parts of the it-industry seem to think that their customers are nothing more as braindead sheeps (and that is for sure in parts true), there are also people that not fit in this category.

    And those people like to have challenges. They like to have interessting chases and they would like to do more as only pressing m1, to repair a gen, to heal themself and to escape.

    One of my best friends was almost more annoyed about the Legion rework as I was - and I am still pretty damn annoyed from it - and he was a survivor main!

    Can you believe it?

    His mainreason for being so annoyed about it, was because he has lost with the Legion rework 1 of the last true challenges, dbd had.

    Today there is just Hillbilly left and maybe 1-10% of the Nurse-playerbase that could give him a change to the usal and that is for some people not enough.