The Next Map Should Have Killer Only Portals

This is purely an example of how it could work. But it would be fantastic if there was something available to help killers navigate maps faster. Especially for the majority of killers which lack any map mobility options. Personally, I would like to see some portals added to all maps. But it might be a good idea to put them in one map first to see how it actually plays out. If it turns out that survivors are just getting wrecked and can't deal with the added pressure then it will be easier to adjust the one map. But if it turns out to work great then perhaps at least some of the larger maps could be reworked to add some portals. At the very least that one map would have a unique feature. What do you guys think?
Idk like to leave though the exit gate as killer before the survivors tbag me
So I support this
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That's actually a great idea, it would allow for big ass maps that are still fair. I think FF13 and Last year both have something similar
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They have the ability to essentially move around the map at very high speeds while invisible and not being able to hit survivors, but not teleport. Honestly though, that's my main turnoff from those games because it looks really broken, so I'd hate to see it in DBD. Plus those games are both kind of terrible so I wouldn't like to see the devs take anything from them except for maybe Jason if they can get the rights.
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Last year actually looks better than DBD in just about every way possible. However i dont play dbd because its a good game. I play it because look at the ######### roster of icons! As for FF13, gore. I want to see demo bite a Steves head off damn it
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Teleporting to a set number of locations is different that being able to go wherever you like at high speed.
If it was a few maps and not a basic feature appearing on every map, then I dont see a problem
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F13 is only terrible because nobody plays it and the studio crashed and cant touch the game anymore
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Studio still exists and can update the game. I just found out two days ago. They just can't add new content
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This guy gets it. I'm not proposing for the killer to be able to zip around the maps at light speed and appear wherever they want. Really, what I'm asking for is ONE map with portals as a central feature as an experiment. See if that brings the slower killers up to where the higher performing ones are without being overpowered.
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I can apply extreme map pressure on Clown without any issue.
My newest current build:
"Corrupt Intervention + Insidious + Play With Your Food + Tinkerer"
Chucking random bottles while undetectable gives quite the scare to the survivor and allows all the map pressure you need.
My previous current build:
"Corrupt Intervention + Discordance + Dying Light + Thanatophobia"
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Map pressure with Clown...
Ok buddy
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Out of curiosity, what rank are you? That is the kind of strategy that only works on scrub survivors. Balance and map pressure aren't issues against scrubs.
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I like to rotate killers. Those are 3 of my favorites though. Largely because of their map mobility. But there are more than 3 killers. And a lot of them really struggle against decent survivors on large maps.
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Rank 1 self-proclaimed God Clown. 😎
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The idea is to let killers who don't have high mobility a chance to play the game properly on big maps.
Its not meant for them its meant for people like huntress/hag(lower then normal killers outside of downing people) plague/clown(Slow in general).
Remember most of the cast doesn't have proper mobility to be able to work on larger maps and playing the same few killers over and over again can get boring.
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No body plays the game because it's boring, at least in my experience. The different versions of Jason all play roughly the same IIRC, which makes for incredibly stale gameplay.
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Yeah, neither do I. It's the system in LY and F13 that I dont like where the killer can be fighting the survivors and then just disappear and move to a more strategic spot to kill them that I dont like because it makes the game so onesided.
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All maps should have dark cave entrances that only the killer can pass through to get to the other side of the map. And survivors can board them up as a counter.
I was thinking about this the other day when watching Texas Chainsaw Massacre and seeing Leatherface come out of nowhere in the forest
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I had alot of fun with it when it first came out and lobbies were somewhat quick to find. Also all my friends had it so It was really fun. The main thing i hated was never being able to play killer by choice
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What I would ideally like to see is maps to have variations of how the portals would look and feel. Not just forcing a square peg in a round hole metaphorically speaking. So instead of every map having "caves", there could be things that fit each setting. For example in Haddonfield maybe there is a manhole cover the killer can lift to hop in and pop out on the other side of the map. The stranger things map can use the actual portal in the lab to come out the other side (1 way portal only). Maybe use your cave thing for forest or snow maps. The Game map could have a roll up gate the killer can interact with. Etc, etc.