I’m tired of waiting 15 minutes to find a match

i like dbd a lot but i don’t want to spend everytime i wanna play 15-20 minutes to find a match that last 10 minutes. It’s not worth it..
honestly, the queues makes me want to quit dbd
are they gonna fix this soon?
They are in the works of making a new matchmaking system.
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Edit: Want to word this better so no one doesn't think I'm being biased. 😁
This is mainly because killer is very stressful to play and the fact the developers changed Ruin to a late game perk, which gave way to generators flying in the early game.
However, I'm one of the few who adapted to before the change and never used that perk. I instead used more dirty tactics to help me build massive pressure and made sure to punish all mistakes to snowball. I admit, it sucks because I definitely know how it feels to be on the receiving end, but I can't give as much leeway as before.
Post edited by NMCKE on12 -
Queue times haven't increased since Ruin change...thanks for trying to sell your narrative bud.
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Yes they are going to fix this soon. In the meantime have you finished your archive challenges for killer? Maybe you could even just play some killer to level up in the rift faster?
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I completely and 100% empathize with long queue times sucking, but man this is nothing new to me at all since a lot of red rank killers had to put up with these matchmaking times (or even longer!) back before the matchmaking changes or dedicated seevers were implemented. At the longest it was like... 25ish-30 minutes, seriously no fun when I just wanted to chill chasing people after a day of work or something.
One solution that to the problem you have now is... play some killer! You'll help solve the problem everyone is dealing with, huzzah!
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The main issue is matchmaking right now but console is lacking killers so I have to wait 20 minutes to 40 minutes I play killer occasionally but it gets stale versing the same people and there is one swf group that is always super toxic towards me so I’ve been taking extensive breaks from DBD.
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The best solution right now is to play whichever side has the shorter queue time (which is different for everyone depending on platform, region, and time of day). It's a lot less frustrating to have bad/short matches when the queues are instant.
Until matchmaking gets fixed (and devs said it'll be weeks before that happens), that's really the only thing you can do about it besides playing a different game.
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Maybe I did exaggerated the situation a little bit, my apologies, but you can't just ignore the facts, playing killer is stressful against good survivors.
Which is fair, it's supposed to be difficult to win against players who are at your skill level. However, since Ruin doesn't provide early game protection for killers, every killer player must be close to perfect play and can't make many mistakes. The amount of pressure it takes to perform at that level is crazy difficult, especially when there are situations that aren't clear to the player. This simply isn't enjoyable for most players, so they stopped playing killer. Survivors ended up getting hit with the results, and I definitely experienced this in-game on both roles.
However, that's just my opinion on why queues are high for survivors. If you disagree with my opinion, fair enough, just leave it at that next time or debate with me to change my mind. Simply saying, "...thanks for trying to sell your narrative bud," doesn't further the discussion at all.
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Agreed. Matchmaking makes the game very stressful, especially now that the easy mode perk for killers has been nerfed.
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They need to add minigames while waiting. Something like claudette running through a forest, collecting herbs to craft a medkit.
Or dwight delivering pizzas.
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Yeah, I play killer sometimes to complete challenges and because I get instant matches as killer
but i’m rank 12 killer and the game put me with rank 1-4 survivors, so I can’t do much if i’m not playing my best killer (Wraith)
if i play Legion or Ghostface (for example) I can’t do nothing and i end up with 0-1 kills almost everytime 😅
also.. Thank you all for your responses ^^
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Just play survivor in morning (faster queues) and killer at the evening.
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Try 4man swf. Even before ruin change we were looking at 10-15 minutes, now it is even more not even counting the amount of times we are being dodged.
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Try 4man swf. Even before ruin change we were looking at 10-15 minutes, now it is even more not even counting the amount of times we are being dodged.
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It's lack of high rank killers they have been ostracised by their survivors counterparts that's the likely reason other reason could be they camp and derank on purpose in protest
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I did play 4 man at rank 1 yesterday, I must be really lucky because we actually found some purple rank killers before the 10 minute mark. Like I said we probably got pretty lucky that there were purple rank killers on, otherwise we probably would've had to wait an extra 5 minutes or so for a green rank.
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Umm, nice try. Killer ques have not changed. I wait 15-20 minutes at a time on steam for killer ques. Survivor ques are less than 3 minutes. During primetime hours, I wait 10 minutes for killer que, instant for survivor.
The problem for years now is that there are not enough survivors playing the game on PC. Most want the massive BP boost of killer to face the grind with. It was one of the factors that led me to switching to killer. Even with the 15 minute que time, I can earn almost twice as much BP on the average in an hour than I do as survivor.
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Well, I am guessing you mean survivor que times. I am also guessing you are a high ranked survivor.
Well, there are a LOT of red ranked survivors and SWF who have at least 1 red ranked person. Because of that, the matchmaking puts you in the red ranked pool. Atm, because of the SWF on top of easy rankup system, the survivor pool is huge in red ranks, while killers tend to have a lot less than the pool needs, even in a 4:1 ratio. On top of that, a good amount of killers have left the game recently, only adding to the chaos.
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Every killer que from purple up is instant, even not in peaktime.
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I'm rank 2 and have no instant que. Not sure where you are at, but the Midwest region is not instant. It is definitely shorter on Friday and Saturday nights, but any other time it is 15-20.
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I get almost instant que everyday at all times except early mornings at red ranks and purple ranks.
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It depends on what platform you're on, but from my experience on XB1, queues are very high for survivors compared to killer queues. I might've been unlucky, so you might be right after all, who knows really? I'm just telling you what I been consistently seeing from my waiting times and making educated guess on why this is happening.
I remember one time while I was waiting for a survivor game and I was asked to do something real quick by my grandparents (they told me it would be quick so I didn't cancel my queue). While helping them, I forgot that I was queued up as a survivor and did many other things before coming back to my room. This includes making me something to eat, using the bathroom, finish helping my grandparents, then I came back to see I was still in queue as a survivor.
I think this was about 10 minutes in total.
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What platform are you playing on? PC is nowhere near that. PC has been long killer ques for years. Different platforms experience different issues.
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PC, literally just queued and 15 seconds later got a match as rank 1.
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PC west coast USA evening/late night
Rank 1 Killer: instant/few seconds queue
Rank 3 Surv: 2-5min queue
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What region/area? I'm Midwest NA. I know someone above stated they were EU and had different experiences as well.
I guess what I'm getting at is it is not so much about the lack of killers as much as it is the match making and crap server setup. I've never had a good killer que unless there was a survivor-focused event going on. My que times are always a minimum of 10 minutes on average, upwards of 15-20 during weekdays. If and when I play survivor, it is near instant as a 2-man SWF with my wife. We wait a max of 3-5 minutes if we are not playing in primetime hours.
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Your games last 10 minutes? You must have horrible teammates.
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Survivor queues will likely always be bad unless they make killer more appealing or start matching up low skill killer players with high skill survivor players. You can make the excuse that the SWF rank change killed queue times but we all know that there isn't enough red rank killers playing to fill all them survivor lobbies,
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Its like people don't want to play killer when they are kicked around by the devs, kicked around by SWF and even kicked around by the MAP. But the devs want to keep making it easier for survivors. So why would anyone want to play killer in that. When this new matchmaking dosen't fix things the next I am expecting is killer bots.
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It's the recent matchmaking changes that killers rallied for that are killing survivor queues. It isn't a lack of anything, more so a bad distribution. Queues became bad after the SWF changes. It sucked low rank friends up to high ranks, leaving too many high ranked survivors in comparison to killer, and too little at low ranks. This is why at low ranks, survivor queues are instant and killer queues are horrible. Too many killers, too little survivors.
Before this change, survivor queues were actually pretty solid. But unfortunately ever since, they've been terrible. They need to just revert the change entirely.