Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Here Me Out

Yes, trials without old Hex:Ruin will not be the same. I agree.

But now that players are not always expecting Hex Totems. People are quickly adapting to applying more Gen pressure and less scouting. Hex’s are not destroyed as quick as they used to be due to survivors not always expecting and looking for Ruin at the start of the match. I’m telling you that Hex Perks are now stronger and last longer than before.


  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,131

    Hex perks are still getting destroyed just as fast for me. I mean, good news for Haunted Grounds I suppose

  • Rattman
    Rattman Member Posts: 1,088

    *Laughs in Inner strength*

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Last night I literally spawned next to 2 totems in a row. Separate games, one hex each.

    IF IT GLOWS, IT GOES! Then I cry because it was Haunted.

    Serious, though. Hex perks are going to cycle now. People will only bring Haunted, others will stop cleansing, Devour (for example) will replace Haunted, get cleansed, then it'll start the cycle again.

  • pizzamess
    pizzamess Member Posts: 209

    It's actually kind of the opposite, hex ruin was the only hex that saw any amount of popularity except maybe haunted grounds just to defend ruin so now that ruin is gone they dont for it because they have almost no power, and sure because of this you might get one down with devour hope, maybe, and even then I've been trying to get get ruin tonwork with surveillance but ruin still pops on average within 2 minutes, hex perks imo wont be decent till they completely overhaul and change either some kind of respawn mechanic to totems or just make them harder to find and stop putting hex totems within eyesight of a ######### gen.

  • Colton147
    Colton147 Member Posts: 523

    Endgame perks are very strong.

    Endgame Clown:

    "Bitter Murmurs + Blood Warden + Insidious + No One Escapes Death"

    My newest current build (I changed it up a few hours ago)

    "Cruel Limits + Discordance + Insidious + Tinkerer"

    It was previously:

    "Corrupt Intervention + Insidious + Play With Your Food + Tinkerer"

    My last current build:

    "Corrupt Intervention + Discordance + Dying Light + Thanatophobia"