Why do people have a problem with slugging?

Nutty_Professor Member Posts: 621
edited February 2020 in General Discussions

So from what I get from the community is that slugging is viewed on the same level as camping and tunneling. Whilst I'm a red rank killer I am a survivor main, I don't see the problem with slugging. Slugging is the result of the survivors team incompetence. The only reason slugging can happen if the survivor team allows the killer an opportunity to slug.

If I down a survivor and I see another survivor nearby, and I believe I can down that survivor quickly, I'll slug the downed survivor and go after the other survivor. It's a great way to create map pressure, as I have one survivor slugged, I'm chasing another, and the two survivors potentially working on a generator have to get off the generator to get their team mate up.

The only issue I see with the slugging is when the killer is slugging purely doing it just so that the survivor bleeds out, for no reason other then to be toxic.

Generally slugging shouldn't be viewed as the same as camping and tunneling. Sometimes as a killer I'm forced to camp and tunnel, I hate doing it and I'll apologize to the survivors at the end of the game. I'll never feel guilty for slugging.


  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    Because some people do hate every little shred of inconvenience.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,907
    edited February 2020

    The thing about it is...slugging only works if the survivors screw up. Survivors who complain about slugging are basically saying “I got caught out of position and I’m angry you took advantage of it.”

    Most of the time killers HAVE to slug because they simply don’t have enough time to hook all survivors 3 times each. A slug can’t do a generator and it forces the other survivors to come and pick them up especially if another survivor is on a hook.

    I will admit that slugging can be boring, but it is effective.

    The only time I understand why survivors complain about slugging is when the killer is Billy or Nurse with Infectious Fright and ALL the killer does is slug and not start hooking until all four survivors are on the ground. It’s pretty boring and unnecessary. Other than that, slugging is fair game 🤷🏼‍♂️

    I agree with basically all you said

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,907

    Stop making sense Blueberry. Don’t you know that slugging is only for bad killers and that it’s not fun for survivors and that DS is the only perk to counter slugging and it makes you an ugly killer (I swear somebody legit messaged me that).

    I still believe all maps should be the size of Coal Tower/Rancid Abattoir and at LEAST no bigger than Groaning Storehouse, so between 132-156 square tiles.

  • Elvenmonk
    Elvenmonk Member Posts: 367

    Because it's boring to just lay there slowly dying. That's it. At least with hook I can wave.

    With that said, I get why you do it. I don't even run ds and I get it

  • Cronk
    Cronk Member Posts: 283

    How can you say you are a main of survivor if you are red rank killer. Mains of something only play whatever they main nothing else.

  • Nutty_Professor
    Nutty_Professor Member Posts: 621

    I'm a rank 1 survivor as well, I play both sides but I'm a much better survivor then I am as a killer. I've probably put more hours into survivor then I have into killer, so I am a survivor main. Survivor mains can play killer, killer mains can play survivor.

    For example when i played Overwatch I was a Reinhardt main, but I could also played as other heroes.

  • Cronk
    Cronk Member Posts: 283

    Yeah but that's more of a faux main rather than a true main if you see someone in rainbow six who say they main two specific operators on att and def they won't deviate

  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 896

    I think the only reason it is seen as bad as camping is because it is camping in SOME cases, but instead of camping a hook you proxy the slug and wait for someone to pick them up. It is not very often a killer will move away from the slug (except Oni) unless they are chasing off someone who came to save the slug. Now, if survivors would just do gens and not run to pick the slug up, it would not be so effective. However, if you don't pick up a slug you run into the risk of having two slugs. It's hard to know what to do sometimes . That is where 4 man SWFs can be very powerful, its it the greatest anti-slug strat there is.

  • Nutty_Professor
    Nutty_Professor Member Posts: 621

    A "true main" as you describe is known as a one trick.

    In Dead by Daylight it's good to play as both roles as it helps you understand how your opponent thinks. You'll be able to predict what the killer or survivor is going to do better, as well as having a higher chance at winning mind games.

    When I play survivor I play better against the killers that I often play as, as I know their strengths and limitations first hand.

  • kcwolf1975
    kcwolf1975 Member Posts: 651

    I only hate it when i get slugged as the killer searches for the last person to get his 4k. I get why he is doing it, I just want to die already so I can get into another match.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Mostly because it's boring. I personally understand it when it's done strategically. It's when they slug for no apparent reason that it's annoying. That or when they slug to avoid DS.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    This isn't Rainbow Six kiddo.

    I am a Killer main, but also have Survivor in Red Ranks (not that it was even difficult to get there)

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,800

    I don't care about normal slugging but when a killer is running 4 slugging perks till everyone bleeds out those are super ######### boring games

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    I don't mind it much...I do it myself as killer so I know how easy it is to counter if the killer makes one misstep.

  • Nutty_Professor
    Nutty_Professor Member Posts: 621

    If the survivors presents an opportunity for me to down all four survivors, as they're all in one area, I will try and down them all at once. In my opinion that isn't toxic that's just me trying to win the game.

    In the games current state if the survivor team presents an opportunity for the killer to gain a significant advantage, the killer can't afford to let it slip by.

  • IFeelFantastic
    IFeelFantastic Member Posts: 72
    edited February 2020

    I have seen killers use Slugging to devastating effect. As a survivor, I can only admire the killer's ingenuity and then run for my life. It's effective! And because this game doesn't claim to be perfectly balanced, it's all good.

    As a killer, I sometimes use this method, but not often. But yeah, you wanna get in my face with your flashlight while I'm carrying my fresh meat to the hook? I'll drop that sucker and come right after ya. If that's slugging, so be it!

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    I hate to be slugged because it is boring. Tunnel me out of the game, at least I get to practice looping and can start a new game.

  • toxicmegg
    toxicmegg Member Posts: 662

    because it makes the game extremely unfun. very cool to just lay on the ground for ages and do nothing

  • Nutty_Professor
    Nutty_Professor Member Posts: 621

    At the end of the day of the survivors are the killers opponents in a PVP game, it isn't the killers responsibility to provide the survivors with a fun game. Likewise it isn't the responsibility of the survivors to provide a killer with a fun game.

    The only person responsibility whether you have a fun game or not, is you.

  • toxicmegg
    toxicmegg Member Posts: 662

    maybe, but it doesn't change the fact that people dont like it because it's boring