Survivor and killer mains: what, in your preferred role, do you think deserves a nerf?

Bonus: what, in the other role, deserves a buff?

For survivors I think toolboxes and keys need nerfs/reworks. For instance the total repair speed increase should be capped at around 10% and toolboxes and add ons should focus on other things, like noise reduction, increasing great skill check reward and size, and soft counters to perks like Surveillance and Discordance. The purple key should only allow one person to escape and both keys should need to be channeled to unlock the hatch (time could be reduced with add ons).

For killers, I think Leatherface should be better at more things than camping and needs an add on rework. Trapper should carry 2-3 traps by default. And perks like Monstrous Shrine, Mindbreaker, Unrelenting etc need buffs or reworks. For instance, Unrelenting could be made so with each successful hit with your basic attack you get a token and after acquiring 3-4 tokens, your next missed attack has a 65-70-75% reduction in cooldown.



  • JohnLebedeiv
    JohnLebedeiv Member Posts: 41

    Spirit needs a nerf in my opinion. The fact that she can hear you AND see your scratch marks makes her so brain dead.

  • JohnLebedeiv
    JohnLebedeiv Member Posts: 41

    I can agree with that. I main killer btw, but as a survivor I can't see a way to counter her logically. Its legit a game of chance rather then a mindgame. Yeah buffing them weak killers would be nice, maybe even reworking some. But I say nerf spirit.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    As killer it would be nice to see some add on changes for Billy and Huntress. Clown and Bubba urgently need buffs.

    As survivor DS should deactivate when a survivor unhooks or does a gen. Steve's perks need some touching and Autodidact should slightly increase skill check chances.


  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited January 2020

    Ivory and Ebony Moris.

    Bonus: We're Gonna Live Forever (merge it with We'll Make It into one perk)

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited January 2020

    Bonus: what, in the other role, deserves a buff?

    EDIT: Crap, I meant We're Gonna Live Forever. Basically, combine the two into one perk.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Maybe after gaining a token see the auras of all survivors for 12 seconds?

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I disagree. As Survivor, you know when she is phasing. You know what she'll try to do.

    She cannot hear you, but she can see scratchmarks, which are very misleading.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,971

    Honestly ######### on both sides that make it an absolute drag for the enemy team those deserve nerfs

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    I don't think that would be much of a buff, personally. I think the Killer gets more benefit from seeing auras through BBQ than a Survivor would through this hypothetical WGLF. The reason I like merging WGLF with We'll Make It is that both perks involve helping an unhooked Survivor and ensuring they are safe. They already kinda synergize with each other in such a way that it would make sense to make them one perk.

  • JohnLebedeiv
    JohnLebedeiv Member Posts: 41

    Fake news. She can hear you. Tested that in custom lobby.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Hmm, pretty sure the sound bug prevents that right now. Plus, MOST Killers don't pay that much attention. Breathing and footsteps are hard AF to hear, if you even can.

  • Colton147
    Colton147 Member Posts: 523

    Killers need a nerf more as they are above 50% kill rate in Red ranks.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I think they wanted actual suggestions, not just a general statement.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    The thing is what would be the new effect of We'll make it?

  • Ev13698324
    Ev13698324 Member Posts: 61

    I play 50/50 killer and survivor, and there's obviously lots of unbalanced things in both rolls.

    First off, all of these ideas are my opinion. I'm sure plenty will disagree, and I'm by no means a dev, so take these as you wish.

    To start with, its pretty clear maps are in issue. They should be balanced for both sides equally with some of the more unfair god loops removed.

    Next, keys and moris need to be really toned down. Make it so keys can only be found "rarely" with plunderers, and never any other times in chests. I'd also suggest making ebonies like an ivory, they can kill one survivor on their second hook and the rest on their death hooks.

    Toolboxes need a big slowdown after the ruin nerf too.

    As for respective killers.

    Trapper: Make him either spawn with all traps or have base room to carry more. An option to quickly reset your traps instead of having to manually replace them would also be great.

    Nurse: Do something to make her actually fun to play, everyone seems to avoid playing her now.

    Hag: Make it so she can't place traps right underneath hooks. This makes her more focused on trapping loops and paths than on camping. She'd still be strong with the basement as a result anyway.

    Huntress: as there doesn't seem to be any chance her hitboxes will be fixed, just make her iridescent head addons unusable with extra hatchet addons.

    Leatherface: Rework him to be actually unique and fun.

    Freddy: I don't know how I'd adjust him, but both forever freddy and spamming snares seem to be an issue.

    Pig: Buff her RBTs and ambush.

    Clown: Give the poor sod a rework already.

    Spirit: Survivors without iron will should still have a chance against her. I have no idea how I'd change her honestly, but plenty of people have had suggestions.

    Legion: Rework him to be actually unique and fun.

    Plague: Buff her deviousness point gain.

    Ghostface: Make snapping him out of stealth less buggy. There are times when survivors can snap him out when they shouldn't, and times when they can't snap him out despite staring right at him.

    Oni: Great killer, though I'd suggest lowering the frequency of blood orbs when an injured survivor is crouching or walking.

    Perks: A bunch of killer perks need reworks to become good, same with survivor ones.

    DS: Adjust its activation conditions.

    WGLF: Needs a buff to be more usable like BBQ.

  • Nickeleye
    Nickeleye Member Posts: 278

    I personally dont think there should be anymore nerfs or buffs until maps are fixed. Anything done before the maps are addressed will have to be redone afterwards most likely.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    this game needs a new dev team

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Keys are OP, they need to be reworked while keeping what makes them strong.

    I was thinking, using a key on the hatch should take 20 seconds. While attempting to open the hatch, the HUD will blink the hatch icon to show the killer someone is trying to escape through it.

    If the killer remembers the hatch location, they will be able to stop the escape. However, if they don't remember the hatch location, the survivor who opened it will escape and that survivor only.

    If the survivor fails to open the hatch, they lose the key (or the milk-stone add-on).


    Ebony Mori are OP, they need to be changed where the killer can mori survivors once the EGC begins.

    Another thing, make it so secret offerings don't appear on the offering screen period.

  • Ev13698324
    Ev13698324 Member Posts: 61

    I mean, I've found 3 hatch keys using plunders, in one game. Plunderers makes them super common.

  • MegHasCuteFeet
    MegHasCuteFeet Member Posts: 369

    Survivor, yes needs a big nerf especially in perks.

    Killers are in a good spot, all I would suggest is buffing some weaker killers. (For example by making some add ons be part of the base kit.)

    Survivor being able to screw up multipli times just to get saved by these effortless perks is ridiculous.

    Playing killer is no fun, playing survivor feels like cheating.

  • Joao_Bandicoot
    Joao_Bandicoot Member Posts: 286

    Imagine obtaining a random Mori because you hooked on a special hook. If keys are comparable to Moris (which a vast majority here thinks) that would be the equivalent of you randomly finding a key on chest.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    I play both sides, but if I had to declare one, I'd say Survivor (low red vs. low green), so take my opinion how you will.

    Nerf: Toolboxes on generators (excluding Engineer's), Hag trap placement with Hooks, Insta-saw, camping and tunelling, Exposure notice on NoED, people's willingness to call for nerfs a week after new content/reworks are released (ffs play for 3 months, learn to counter THEN cry about it, ok?)

    Buff: Pig, Wraith, Trapper, Clown, Plague, Demogorgon, Legion, Matchmaking, Ranks, Nurse lunge, aiming on console, balancing (aim for balance in Purple, but keep an eye on Red. The two ranks do have a lot of cross-over, but Red should be considered more like the 1%)

    Rework: Maps, Ebony Mori's, Adept Killer achivements (brutal/relentless, not Merciless plz)

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    Since I play both roles, I go for both.

    Survivor: Nerf God windows like Ironworks and Keys. Lower the additional Gen speed of toolboxes/Prove Thyself /Resilience etc and hard cap it.

    Fix the hit boxes. Really.

    Killer: Rework Mori's. So no killer can tunnel mori you.

    Make Bubba good in other things than insidious camping.

    Make Freddy immune to Object of Obsession once the survivor is in dream. It it just annoying you can't Mindgame a player because he sees you all time.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Admittedly, that is something I am not sure about. I had kind of a crazy undeveloped idea involving being able to tank a gazillion hits (including one-shotters) in exchange for always dying on first hook, though that sounds like it would be more appropriate for "We're Gonna Live Forever" than "We'll Make It."

  • Wubsyy__
    Wubsyy__ Member Posts: 116

    I think my current biggest complaint is how hard it is for killer nowadays. A group of good survivors can rush a good killer. But that's closely tied with the ranking system. There's no rank 1 rewards still, and even if there were, the rank system is so poor that a good player will be stuck around rank 4 anyways. The rank 1's nowadays, including myself, just learned to play around the badge system.

  • ppo8820
    ppo8820 Member Posts: 763

    I think survivors have upper hand on coms, and borrowed time can be a pain. That being said most survivor perks are to counter toxic killer behavior like tunneling a camping.

    Killers need speed and lunge nerfs. Possibly more pallets added to the game. I’d nerf all one hit down mechanics and add ons for sure. Thanks for the post.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    The sad thing is keys aren't even close to moris in terms of power. It could even be said that bringing in a toolbox is stronger than bringing in a key.

  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 906

    Enough with nerfs on both sides. Focus on fixing the problems with the game e.g. matchmaking, disconnects, latency issues. Buff weaker killers, rework old maps, come out with the next chapter with killers who are good like Oni and fun to play against, and survivors who are good but don't have game-breaking perks like Yui.

  • screeeeeeaaaaam
    screeeeeeaaaaam Member Posts: 4

    as a killer main:

    A) iridescent headed hatchets shouldn't work with leather loop or infantry belt

    B) Spirit needs a rework. nurse has more potential than the spirit does, but the nurse has to work had and learn a very difficult character to gain the power. and dumbass can play spirit and do well in their first game

    as a survivor:

    A) stealth needs a buff. this game is supposed to be scary ffs, survivors should be allowed to hide from the big scary monster. maybe by increasing the base thickness of the fog, maybe by decreasing your aura visibility while crouching. as long as you can be stealthy without exclusively playing Claudette, I'm happy.

  • Ev13698324
    Ev13698324 Member Posts: 61

    I don't get it.

    Moris can typically guarantee at least 3 kills with a decent player.

    Keys can guarantee at least 1 escape, with 2 or three additional escapes unless the survivors are complete potato's and complete no gens. Or if they get seen by the killer endgame.

    Not to mention, you can just equip plunderers and gain an extremely high chance of finding a key in just a basic chest. As I previously mentioned, I've gotten 2 or even 3 keys using that perk in several games.

    How are keys not the equivalent of moris. One mostly guarantees escapes, the other mostly guarantees kills.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Killer: Hillbilly, NOED, Ghostface (his stealth)

    Survivor: Toolboxes, god windows, certain map layouts/sizes

  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241

    For killer, nerf Freddy and his braindeadness. Then for survivor add a secondary objective to add to the survivor experience and make gens less frustrating for killer.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Not a main, straight 50/50.

    I dont think the game is in a bad state, actually it was never more ballanced as it is now, and i have faith, the devs will improve it even further. Still, there are a few things that i would change.

    Killer nerf: Red mori. Most overpowered thing in DbD. How is instaheal gone and this nonsense is still in the game?

    Survivor nerf: If anything, then it should be the key.

    Killer buff: remove some godwindows (Ironwork, Haddonfield for example)

    Survivor buff: Help solo players with a mini kindred (see auras for 5 seconds or so)

  • Kalec84
    Kalec84 Member Posts: 495


    make ds a real anti tunnel perk, add one variant, if another survivor grt hooked your ds timer reach zero (unless tou are downed already)

    WAGLF: you get stacks for doing gens or totem on top of saving and getting protection hits.


    Ruin, last 60 seconds after being destroyed

    Spies from the shadow, add survivors aura for 3 sec after the sound notification

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318
  • andyollolloll
    andyollolloll Member Posts: 940

    Jebers don't ask any main, if you want a balanced game ask a player who actually plays both sides

  • Ev13698324
    Ev13698324 Member Posts: 61

    They really do. If the last survivor just hides, they have several minutes to find the hatch. 3 or so minutes to go around the map and find the hatch isn't unreasonable at all. As I already said, its at least a single guaranteed escape unless you're a potato.

  • DwarvenTavern
    DwarvenTavern Member Posts: 2,495

    That's the second time I've seen you use that gif. I wonder how many times you've used it so far

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    AFK role.

  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503

    At this point I have no idea what role I main, so I'll answer both.

    On the Survivor side: The thing that needs to be most nerfed is how fast the games go. Note that I'm not saying that gen times need to be nerfed, because that would make Survivor even more of a boring M1 simulator than it already is. Rather, a second objective needs to be added—not a secondary objective; a second objective. Totems are a pathetic excuse of a second objective; not only do they take no time at all to cleanse once found, but the killer literally needs to waste Perk slots on Hex Perks just to make cleansing totems worthwhile in terms of survival. Until a second objective gets added to both spice up Survivor gameplay and account for the fact that unlike Survivors, Killers are simply physically incapable of being in four places at once, Survivor is always going to remain a boring, overpowered piss take.

    On the Killer side: Dedicated servers need to be fixed, pronto. I would rather risk going against a lag switcher every 1 in 250 billion matches than deal with being hit around corners, through windows, across an entire pallet, and through Dead Hards that gave me Exhaustion but still didn't work every single match, multiple times per game. The number of times I've been hit after finishing a vault and walking away from it probably measures greater than the number of times I've been hit mid-vault at this point.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    Aha, I remember making a post about a Wraith nerf that I still think would be fine...

    The window for the hit to count as a Surprise Attack lasts for a really long time, around 7 seconds.

    Reducing this by half would be more than fine by me.

    Buff for Survivors though...

    Make Broken Keys found in Chests with, at the very least, 1 Add-on that grants it a use, so no "more seconds" Add-ons for example.

  • Tatariu
    Tatariu Member Posts: 3,068

    The only problem I have with the game are the maps, and that goes for both roles.