How to file a proper report?
I just got stuck in an over 12 minute game as killer and spent the entirety of the game being bullied, and then harrassed in post game chat. I'm talking consistently being blinded by a flashlight by a whole team of survivors for at least a minute, being body blocked and shoved around, or actually trapped. Best part? They were all high ranks I should have never been paired with to begin with. I've always used the built in report system in DBD but I'm not sure if that is what I should be using, I've seen other posts mention there is another place to do reports so I wasn't sure. Do I need screen shots for post game chat and any of their steam info? This is on pc obviously.
Sounds like you had a bad game but nothing they did was reportable outside of the end game chat, which depends on what they actually typed.
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Wouldn't that be considered taking the game hostage? I'm not talking about how survivors will get in the way of hooks or other survivors so they can't be hit, I'm talking being literally trapped in a corner not able to move. I may have the terminology off.
Considering if I wrote it out on the forums it would actually all be censored, I would think the aftergame would be easily reported.
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Bodyblocking the killer is never considered taking the game hostage, because the killer can always hit the survivors to force them to move. As the commenter above observed, none of what they did in-game is reportable, but abuse and harassment in the post-game chat are. Do make sure it is genuine abuse, though - they won't get punished for saying things like "gg ez".
In-game reports are compulsory for all offences, so you did the right thing by starting there. If you would like to submit additional evidence to help the team process your report, you can do so by creating a support ticket in the "Additional player report information" category. Here is the direct link to do so:
You will need the player(s)' Steam IDs, and screenshots of the chat will suffice as evidence. If you're reporting them for something that happened during the match, such as hacks or exploits, you will need to supply video evidence.
In case it's helpful, you can also find a list of all bannable offences, with details of how to report them, in this post here:
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Thanks so much, that was everything I was looking for!
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No worries, glad I could help 😊