I think match-making has been fixed!

They all look green apparently, the matchmaking system is colour blind allegedly so cut it some slack
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Uhm, capitalize on the rank 3 who’s only 7 ranks above you... EZ game, baby killer, git gud and all that other stuff that people will tell you.
But seriously I have been on the survivor side of this for weeks now and it’s not fun. I’m sorry but seeing the killer only able to get 1-2 hooks the entire game is not rewarding, people who feel that is fun gameplay I feel so bad for you.
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I was playing as Clown and usually get good results.
A few minutes in and I could tell the survivors were above average. I was rather shocked to see THREE rank 1s
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Tell that to my last match of a Rank 18, Rank 16, Rank 12 and Rank 2. May have been SWF but they each came in alone so I think they were solos. Needless to say, no mercy was given!
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NOED and Ebony? Someone was hungry.
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Yep. All sorted. Having a whale of a time.
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Well, I don't think that load out is right for a green rank.
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Absolutely starving.
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At this point a rank 10 killer could really be a rank 4 killer because it’s nearly impossible to pip up as a killer and it’s too easy to pip up as a survivor.
and then there’s the ever other way that maps are unbalanced.
at this point if 2 gens have popped before I get a hook I just DC. Sweet skillchecks guyz.
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This is the only saving grace, I play against red rank survivors and still demolish them because red rank is full of potatoes. I’ve pipped up from 13-8 playing against red ranks in about 90% of my games.
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I know you've been rank one before, or you've at least alluded to that, so the fact you're running ebonies at rank 10 wanting rank 10s to bully means you garner no sympathy from me, I'm glad you're still doing terribly at the game even when running one of the most OP things in the game, lmao.
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If true I agree, no sympathy. If you’ve depipped/smurfed so you can bully weak survivors you’re getting what you deserved. And if you are only low rank because “I haven’t played in a while,” you should still be able to perform better than this.
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Mori 1K
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Thanks for that.
Anyway, I've never been higher than Survivor 6 and Killer 7. Never close to a 1.
The reasoning for the load-outs is to complete challenges.
But I'm glad it makes you glad.
I've been doing Survivor most of today and tried a couple of killer games. Sadly, they weren't fun at all. The Survivors were, as expected, completely abhorrent.
But quite frankly, I wouldn't expect anything less from a modern gaming community.
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I'm having no issues gaining pips as a killer. And DC'ing because 2 Gens went off on 1 hook? Good luck finding a match that it doesn't happen in.
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No. That was a completely false accusation by the forum member.
Never de-pipped. Play regularly. Just not a fantastic player.
To be honest, the last few weeks I have had been vs vast majority red survivors for some reason. The only killer I seem to have respectable results with against reds is Doctor.
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Bold of you to share your thirsty builds lol.
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usually I average a hook per gen. If 2 gens have popped and I still don’t have a hook, I don’t need to give you 1 more BP from our match. I don’t even try to pip anymore. Frankly I wonder why I even play killer anymore. The in game experience is terrible. And the studio nerfed the single best slowdown perk in the game?
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Single best? Really? There are more perks to slowdown than just Ruin. Honestly, if you think Ruin was the best ever slowdown perk to go to, you need to try out more combos. Ruin isn't the end of slowing down perks.
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Enjoy them. I'm usually a Surveillance, BBQ&C, Deerstalker, and Pop kind of guy...but challenges against red ranks with Clown and Bubba are a wee bit irritating.
Just had another one (I'm trying to get the Dwight & Jake 'Leatherfaces')...my goodness...they play likes it's a military operation with added dance moves.
Think I best get stuck in with my other interests. This is a right headache
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This was a post to show the absolute shambles that is DBD match-making. Red ranks shouldn't be matching up against greens. Especially rank 1s.
I'm getting this a lot, as are many who have a killer game on PS4. It's really out of control.
Naturally when killers can expect a complete lopsided match, they're going to use things like NOED and Moris. In the two instances above I was going for challenges, but I have used NOED and Mori more than I used to recently due to the utterly insane match-making. I end in matches with a large amount of individuals who seem to revel in antagonizing the killer. And this is coming from someone who has played majority Survivor recently.
This has nothing to do with Ruin. Was never a big thing for me personally. And whilst I enjoy playing Survivor (and I don't mess about teabag and click etc), playing killer is just a disappointment sadly. Hands up: I'm not a 'pro-gamer' who streams on YouTube/Twitch to showcase their finest troll moments. I do not live and breathe DBD. Nor do I enjoy taunting others with unoriginal internet memes hijacked from Reddit etc.
But unfortunately, this game can be a crude mixture of bad match-making, unbalanced gameplay and player 'toxicity' (hate that buzzword).
I would like to be playing against players of my ability level, not getting slaughtered each match and having a bad taste for using cheap perks and add-ons.
But...it's only a game.
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Business as usual
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Really? I’ve had plenty of games where 2 gens pop super quick and no more the whole game. Survivors blow their load and then get phobia ass soon as they hear the killer.
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Why does it seem that killer are the ones having this problem more prominently?
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That's it. That's the sad truth these days.
We will continue to go against game-obsessed comedians who have a "VICTORY ROYALE!" wallpaper on their PS4 profile.
I enjoy playing survivor, but playing killer is just crap these days (with the exception of Doctor, who is fun to play as or against for that matter).
Oh well.
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I don’t struggle too much against most survivors unless I get a bad map or bad RNG.
It can be brutal to learn a new killer though. I tried Nurse today and I got two survivors with No Mither who had Boil Over and sabotaged all my hooks. I also play on PS4 so Nurse is not forgiving if you suck with blinks, which I do. Not a very pleasant feeling to see them butt dance at the exit gates because they think they’re amazing that they did something special by beating someone new to Nurse :/
I also played Oni and got my cheeks clapped but he’s a bit more forgiving though.
You win some, you lose some. It’s a game. Doesn’t affect me personally. Can be annoying but I’ll forget about it the next day.
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I just generally get unlucky as a killer and get dc’s and lose a pip or black pip, also because it is hard to rank up as a killer if your not grinding 24/7, I am Rank 9 I can 4K a group of 4 red rank friends
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am rank 5 and got into a game with rank 3 killer, other survivors were rank 12, 8 and 15. also lmao the killer just camped me for the first 5 minutes of the game. Fun as I say
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Better than finding no game at all if ya ask me.
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You forgot the Red Head's Pinky Finger.
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@Dr_Loomis Rank 10s are pretty much guaranteed to get rank 4 survivors so bringing an ebony Mori was sensible.
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Where's my serving?
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Theres not enough red rank killers. I'm not really sure why though /s
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Let me guess - you never reached red rank as killer.
I feel bad for killers who are so bad at the game or really new to the game , and had never reached anywhere close to red rank.
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I had a killer challenge and daily's yesterday and all 3 games looked like that. Me rank 13 killer vs. rank 1-6 survivors. So I brought a pink and purple add on and green mori with Clown on Haddonfield and got 2 kills which I was called sweaty, try hard, tunneler. When every high ranking survivor in the history of this game is a try hard bully, lol
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I think the assessment of the survivor is simply too lenient.
They are rated red, but I think they are as good as green.
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I think I know why MM is so messed up.
The devs are color blind :P
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Here's the other thing with ebony mori: you can keep it in your back pocket. And with killers going against cocky red survivors more regularly than ever, the mori will continue to be a staple in many a killer's repertoire.
On some occasions, certain red rank survivors deserve to be head stamped/chainsaw through the backed/stabbed and selfied etc.
If you happen to come across that particular butthead, it's nice to a gift to give them.
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It's actually Tattoo's Middle Finger.
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Been having some rather good luck today...first a merciless with Trapper and now this:
Not too shoddy.
Using Corrupt Intervention and Thrilling Tremors was interesting.
Yes...I had a ebony mori in my back pocket....but I only used it on one survivor, who had been hooked twice. She was first to go. Lucky I mori'ed her...otherwise I think I would of tasted a Decisive Strike. If I hadn't used the mori, this would of likely of been a merciless.
What a change from yesterday.
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Big oof. Had a game like that the other day! Poor killer was a rank 20 (this is rare but happened) me, and 3 friends all between 1-3 ranks. We were luckily playing for laughs, and drinking but still the killer never caught any of us. We left, I checked stats after seeing rank 20, and saw that my swfs was his second match. We all sent him a message of GG's and I'm sorry that happened to you and may it never happen again. He was nice, confused but nice
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i just went against some ranks ones that ran in straight lines and prematurely tossed pallets. least red rank killers are red rank killers.
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Being a killer in Tome 2 part 2 is a right hoot! Fun, fun, fun!
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😂 Yeah brill.
Well I think I've heard enough.
Have fun!