Survivors, why go out of your way to send a message when you are clearly better?
I know it has been said so many times, but what is up with all the toxic survivors. I have been playing this game for about a month as killer, and at first I loved it, it was fun, some games I would not even get kills but still have a good time. As my skill improved I moved up to as high as rank 14. I am not very good, and play just for fun, but now at 15 and 16 (I keep going backwards once I hit 15) it is losing it's fun.
Now not all survivors are toxic, when I first started some survivors would message me (I am on console so they have to reach out) with tips and tricks to get better. Now thanks to the messed up matchmaking, and probably the lack of killers, I am going against purples all night long. This weekend they were an average of 6 ranks higher, but as much as 10.I got annihilated almost every game, lucky if I got a knock down, yet alone a kill, lot's of t-bagging when trying to chase them, and at exit, and then they would go out of their way to send the famous "LOL GG" messages to me. For all you toxic survivors, you are not going to have a game to play when you drive all the killers away. Or maybe you will, because mm will line you up with baby killers to torment. How fun can that be?
The t-bagging isn't the problem (even though it is irritating, I know you are better than me) but why go out of your way, to send a message to harass a killer you are 10 ranks higher than? That is what I don't get.
Lol gg isn't that toxic, just send gg and be on your way.
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This and the MM is a serious problem with this game. It is literally pushing away new players from touching killer. Like you said, if you drive all the killers away how much fun will that be? Thing is most of these sweaty survivors just want to bully a killer even if they don't stand a chance.
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They do it cause it's a weird power over you. They want you to react to them so they feel powerful over you. Anytime I get a toxic message I just reply with a simple GG. Don't let them get to you, and move on to your next game. Let them continue being man-children over a game. Someone will eventually put them in their places ;)
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You're better off being a toxic killer and face camping the toxic survivors and blocking messages when you play this game. Then unblock messages when you move on to another game. When I see a toxic survivor, I take it as a 1on1 and go toxic on them. They usually rage quit and cry.
But I don't play the game anymore. I just watch YouTube videos and streams of PC players. The game isn't playable and the less killers they have, the more BHVR has to work before this game fails like it's other games.
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They do it because their lives are worthless forfeit they gotta put others down to feel valid I say just block don't reply just block
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A lot of people lack empathy in real life and are actually sadistic in nature. Unfortunately they spread their negativity in games and find pleasure in causing people to feel bad. They're probably just some spoiled high school kids with massive heads that probably bully people in real life too. Doesn't help that the devs keep nerfing killers to make things easier for survivors, which in turn inflates their egos. "GGEZ". It sure is when the game mechanics and map design literally favors them. Just try to ignore them and keep practicing. Play custom games with friends who can teach you how to mind game around loops and such if you must.
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It is not, but being new, and being over matched, why bother sending the message in the first place? They can see that they were ranked way higher than than me. Why even send it other than to get a response. I just delete message and move on,
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Yep they want a response. Gj bud
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Its amazing to me how many sensitive players spend their time playing a game where the objective is to viciously murder people.
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All capital letters doesn't make your statement any stronger.
If they send you a message just quote Tywin Lannister. "A lion does not concern himself with the opinion of the sheep" >.>
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All capital letters means you should already know this by now.
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Oh, I am not sensitive at all. Just curious on why someone would take the extra time to reach out and harass someone even more. I play on console, there are extra steps involved to actually message someone. It is just frustrating, I know I am not good, but I am getting matched up against survivors I can't beat, then the messages are that little extra kick to make game not as fun.
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Ooooh you're on console? Yeah that does seem pretty extra to be petty. The player base in DBD has attracted a lot of garbage personalities since they made the content "Free" through grinding.
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Yeah on console the game is worse. You dont need to friend someone to send them a hateful message. You just need to open the "recently played with" tab.
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That’s exactly why I blocked off people who aren’t on my friends list to send me messages. Sure I get the rare persistent guy who tries to add me JUST to send a hateful message but at that point it’s more funny they went out of their way to request me and be petty lol
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Ha, I thought I had that on, but I didn't. Just turned that on so tonight when facing purples at least the hate messages will not come in.
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Op is lucky. It used to be MM would match you with the lowest ranked person in a group. So youd have 3 red and a rank 18 at rank 16.
I complained about matchmaking on the forums and was told to git gud.
SOME people who play this game and frequent these forums are absolute trash.
MOST of them are decent human beings. Its just the squeeky wheels get the most attention.
Any time i got hateful messeges on xbox i ignored them or made some comment about their mommies being so proud of them.
They usually never said anything back.
One guy said i was a trash killer because i killed him when he was on a alternate account without his crutch perks.
I told him, I do suck but you still died.
Moral of the story, beginner killer is a pain in the arse. It's an absolute blast when you are matched against people at least near your skill level. Just ignore messeges or have fun with the replies. Also, pick someone every match to send a gg to. Spread some happiness around.
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Do like me and block messages from non friends. Then, equip noed and play until you are better. I didnt use noed for years because I was playing by the survivor handbook. With the ruin change I pulled out the rest of the tools including noed. Much happier now
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problem is they aren't even that "better".
it is the match making and all the unbalancing decisions that made survs go on so smoothly during a game.
That ofc did lead to some entitled babies to believe they're good.
Imo devs clearly choose to make the game easy for casual players in hope to increase clients,it might be a winning decision in short term but lack of killers will ultimately kill the game
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What got me playing the game was my 2 sons were playing and we were looking for something for us all to play. So I have been playing SWF for about 9 months, very casually, only a couple times a month. Because of my experience as survivor (and lack of skill) I tend to also follow the survivor handbook. I bet your right, I need to throw that out the window when I am being over matched.
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Throw it out the window from the get go. Survivors are not your friends.
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Turn off the messages, it is way better.
Also no mercy, since the recent killer nerfs survivors are acting even more toxic, pushing gens like crazy.
So for now just think about improving, being matched with high ranked survivors will improve your skill for when matchmaking will be better.
Overall it is now time to tunnel, slug and camp, nice killer time is over.
Good luck
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My first games as killer was likr that, blind and pallet stun left and right, messages like easy, or trash killer, baby etc. After some timr youll get high rank using dirty schemes and perks, and even a small t bag will trigger you cause the rage that we have with survs scalate, you like me will want to play killer only to ruin survivors day and punish them and all of that caused by their toxicity.
After years playing this game i say bro go play survivor its the most buffed role at the moment, and maybe you will find people to play with you so it will make the game more fun.
Dead by daylight for me is like an abusive relationship i keep playing because of the memories of the good games i had and the time i wasted grinding on it but at the end of the day i will sleep a little bit mad cause i got some punches in my face
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Having been bullied for ten years straight in school when I was younger, ggez is like harassment from the other side of a canyon lol. No lifers are ggez to spot.
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Yeah you’ll have a much better time playing with that on trust me 😂