Handicap mode for SWF?
Just an idea I had. When introducing a new friend to the game, if I play SWF with them, they're going to get crushed going against a red-ranked killer. If they reverted matchmaking the way it was, the killer will get frustrated going against a red-ranked survivor, but what if that red-ranked survivor was handicapped?
When you start your SWF group, let there be an option for the high-ranked survivor(s) to handicap themselves (one perk, no items allowed, 50%+ penalty to BP earned, no MMR/Rank changes), then the game can match the group against the low-ranked SWF.
This will increase the pool of low-ranked survivors for matchmaking with low-rank killers (whose queue times are pretty bad) and keep low-ranked survivors out of high-rank games (since they're not fun to have for the rando survivors).
I just de ranked to green to help my friend when they started. Go go-go dance for the killer, they like that. Your team won't, but the Killer will.
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Yeah that would be nice. Alleviate queue times a tad and encourage new players to join.
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I like the idea of the handicap but imo its not that simple. I think items wont be possible. Your friends can just give you an item ingame or you can open a chest. I also think the perks are not the real problem here. I can only speak for myself but I would give a low rank killer a good run without any perks. There is just a big difference in game experience and tbh survivors dont need perks to stomp a killer. Keep also in mind you play swf although you have mixed ranks.
I used to play kyf with my friends, with me as killer. I teached them all the important stuff and basics. After they felt more comfortable and confident we switched to live and they did pretty good even against red ranks. I think thats one of the best ways to play with your friends and help them to get used to the game.
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@T2K I agree that the highly skilled players can stomp low-rank killers while going completely perkless. But they could also do this today on PC with a $5 smurf account and they wouldn't have any limitations, but they wouldn't be making any progression on anything because they're on another account.
I figured this is a good way to have high-ranked players to be able to play with new people while earning XP/Rift shards. The limitations discourages tryharding. It doesn't eliminate it because of human nature, but it's certainly fairer than the previous (and current) system.
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But thats still 1 item less. And worse players have worse items too.
But yeah, you are right. I think the handicap should lower your rank, but not infinitely. Like 4 ranks but not more.
Keep in mind that they can just derank/smurf even right now
Post edited by Archimedes5000 on0 -
Deranking means that person is just throwing games or DCing a lot, which sucks for everyone else in the match. I'd rather the feature be effective at red ranks/high MMR and not force someone to have to downrank to play with new friends.
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Well, I got a lot of positive feedback from this thread, so I created a Feedback forum post that's formatted better: