Can we stop comparing Streamers to Average Player.
I'm just posting because see a lot on the forums that people throw the "Well Streamers and Youtubers can do this and that so you should be able to do too."
I really don't want to get into ruin because that's beating a dead horse. But I just keep seeing people telling killers or even survivor well so in so streamer does well so why you crying get good..
Well guess what ? Most of us have Jobs and don't have the time to invest in this game like the streamers we watch. Most play the game for living. It's like comparing a Professional basketball players to the miner league players.
A multiplayer game concept as simple Dbd shouldn't cost someone high blood pressure. Lol True story.
Point being not everyone has time to become God Killers. No offense to my survivor friends I know many don't have time to master survivor either.
To be honest I think the days of casual play is over for the killer role and is never coming back. Either play sweaty or Play for fun and depip and get message Ez Every game. Sorry for being a little salty. I play red rank killer so don't say I am noob. I only play 2hrs a day if I'm lucky.
Casual play has existed throughout the years, if you're low ranked. However if you're high ranked casual play doesn't really exist as killer. That's the harsh reality. If you play enough you will unfortunately start stressing when playing killer.
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I know Clown isn't bad he's one my favorites. I just get tired of using slugging builds for him.I wish I could Play clown a little different when going against try hard survivors that's all. If I had more time to play.
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Problem is with Rank, is that you can easily pip when you end up facing potato survivors as killer, so really, anyone can rank up easily. And we all know how amazing red rank survivors can be lately since it's so damn easy to hit those pip requirements.
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Oh boy I know I had 3 super bad games in row where I got the whole Arsenal of SWF good ones too. I got so in raged my blood pressure got so high I passed out and wife had to call a ambulance. I'm surprised I'm still playing this game. But point being a game shouldnt get so stressful.
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Because a lot of killers / survivors come here complaining about things that are non issues. If the individuals were actually as good as they thought, their complaints wouldn't exist.
Therefore streamers are a good resource and barometer for people to reference.
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If you watch some of the biggest streamers and think they are god tier survivors or killers in the need to look closer.
I'll actually go through a few here...
ANGRYPUG - He's mildly above average. He has the most escapes in the game (which is actually true), but he also plays more than anyone else. It's a time based thing. If you watch him play, you'll see his spins are, for the most part, awful, and as a killer his main playstyle is tunnel/insidious camp. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but it's not skill based in the least.
Vince - He's an average survivor and a below average killer who has amazing gimmicks and entertainment value (Officer Leathercock, anyone?).
Cahla - She might be the most wholesome DBD streamer you'll see who isn't StreamDad_, and as a killer, she's decent, but she gets tired of killer quick these days and switches to survivor, where she is slightly above average as a survivor.
Tofu - I mean, he can be good. He's like any of us. He has good games, he has bad games. He's unlike most of us in that he doesn't take it personally and throw his PC out the window when he loses. Though, he does seem like a survivor main who plays killer rather than a killer main. He has this "i won't use spirit fury because it's unfair for survivors" attitude. Mostly though, he performs as good if not slightly worse than your average killer. Great guy, though.
The only god tier survivors are really No0b3 and Zubat (and Edgar to an extent - he's an amazing looper. Still a shame what BHVR did to him). God tier killers are Marth, Zubat and...well, really thats it. Hexy is a great killer too but he uses tactics survivors don't approve of.
What I'm getting at here is that DBD isn't a hard game. You can be as good as them with a fraction of the time.
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Killer is ezpz lemon squeezy at yellow and brown ranks even after Ruin. If you rank up and the competition is too fierce, you'll just be knocked down a notch. Just don't be upset if you lose a couple of games here and there until you get deranked, or if matchmaking pulls the occasional fast one. Just take it as a test and a change of pace. You'll be back in shallower waters very fast.
On the other hand, if you wanna be a rank 1 killer, then you have to accept that things aren't going to be as casual. It's the way it is.
The talking about the big streamers is all connected to the Ruin nerf and it hasn't much to do with what seems to bother you. When they nerfed Ruin, the outcry was that the devs were balancing the game around the bad players instead of the best ones. It's an argument that kinda backfires, and that's why you see the comments about the big streamers as a counterexample, because they are in the pool of the best players and they consistently smash as killers even without ruin.
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Balance shouldn't be based around casual players.
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It's a casual game, though. Straight out of the devs mouths.
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The last paragraph is so so so true and real that there is nothing to say above this :))
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I don't disagree but some players have different IQs. So not everyone is going to just pick up the game. I play 2hrs day and still made to red ranks on both sides. But we still have to consider making things a little better for Higher rank killers who don't play as often. And I would stay in lower ranks but chases are boring and It wouldn't be fair to the potatos still learning the ropes.
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This pretty much sums up how I feel about some games lol
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Ranks will be meaningless soon with the new MMR. It will be skill based matchmaking.
Though, the fact that you can't accurately measure skill in this game worries me about that system.
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You make a valid points . I am rank One and don't get me wrong I like a challenge but sometimes some components of the game make it very unfair and helpless some games. I know both side experience this.
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All controversy aside, Jendenise isn't a bad Survivor. And what about that chick with the red hair? Those are the only two I know of lmao
Post edited by Rizzo on1 -
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From what I've seen, Umbra's pretty good at Huntress.
Post edited by Rizzo on2 -
Tru3ta1ent is the most competitive streamer I watch, but at least he admits it. Puppers is the most chill I watch.
All streamers are different. I watch what is good for me.
This depends whether you want to learn/see competitive play or have a laugh
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Iosefka is pretty good
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No matter what game you play the higher you are in whatever system they use then it's no longer casual.
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FYI - I dont think this game needs a post game chat lobby at all. It's pointless and offers very little to the game experience itself. I think eliminating that dumpster fire of a chat box would solve a lot of the toxicity issues.
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I would personally add Scott Jund and Umbra to the list of extremely good killer mains. They are excellent players.
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Players can remove it themselves. I personally love it and all the positive interactions it encourages.
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Umbra is such a great and chill killer. Definitely the best female I’ve seen on DBD.
I know Jendensie is a pretty good survivor as well, I just don’t watch her.
Post edited by Rizzo on0 -
I think the issue stems mostly from killers, a lot of them accuse BHVR of "Balancing towards lower ranks". But then you show them high ranked streamer gameplay and killers have a fit saying "you expect me to play like (insert streamer name) when that's all they play" It's just the double standard coming out, is all.
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Resumed everything, we get the sweaty survs and suffer, or the game is competitive or not, we need to settle things how the devs want a casual game and put ranks on it, of course everyone will want to be number one and for that they will use things until the most minor abuse to overpower themselfs.
There is no casual killers anymore they are going away even i a rank 1 killer stopped and become a survivor cause i know the mental triggers i got playing the game.
I suggest ranked match with no itens and addons, thats the only way to get real data from this game on how killers and survs power are different on the basics so we will be able to fix it, later maps and later perks, after a long health fix to the game we can get new killers and thingss
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I mean...Scott mostly plays one or two killers, but I can't really put him on a list that makes him any better than any other killer main. Not that maining killers is bad. He's a good killer, sure, but no better than any other killer, really.
As for Umbra, I mean, she's good and all...but like, I do think she's overhyped. She's a very cool person and everything, but having a following does tend to inflate peoples opinion of you and your skill.
Neither of them are even close to Marth or Zubat on a list of god tier killers, though. Not that they are bad, cause they aren't. Marth and Zubat are quite literally just...head and shoulders above the rest.
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You know that a rank should avaliate and put players together based on their skill?
Devs say remove ranks skill matchmaking to avoid showing that uncontrollabe error they have, and how do you thing the new matchmaking will work?
Put a high scape streak survivor agains a high kill streak killer? Well so thats the way it is right now.
The want you to believe in something that will be a placebo effect
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I'm aware of all the issues with their plans. I don't believe they can pull it off for a second (for all the reasons Scott Jund listed in his video and post); but we'll see.
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Scott mains Oni and used to be a very good Huntress main, definitely the first to popularize Huntress and be very skilled with her. I do think he’s slipped from “top Huntress” though. Umbra and Zubat take that crown. However in the past he’s played all killers extremely well (except Nurse) and proven he’s one of the better players in the game that play killer. His guides are very well put together and have helped me a lot.
I watch Umbra’s streams regularly and the way she plays is so smooth and perfect. It’s like she has the mechanics of the game down pat. I rarely see her struggle or lose and she doesn’t use add-ons on most of her killers and she can play them all pretty solidly. I am a fan of hers though so my opinion may be a bit based.
I do think Zubat is great though for all round killer players though. I haven’t seen as much from him. I’ve seen more of his survivor gameplay (which I believe he and No0b3 are two of the best survivor players). I guess I just believe Umbra is a better Huntress player.
Marth on the other hand I can’t speak on because I’ve never seen their content but I’ve heard nothing but great things about them.
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Again - them being content creators means nothing in terms of skill. For every content creator that streams DBD, or any game, there's someone out there who doesn't stream who is head and shoulders better than they are. Marth included. Marth and Zubat are just the best we know about. Again, I'm not saying any of them are bad (and I would put Ralph ahead of Zubat in terms of Huntress skill), they are just "nothing special" when compared to than any other red rank killer main. They are fun to watch, and that's why people hold them in such high regard.
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the problem with "any other red rank killer main" is Red rank occupies an absolutely massive skillgap because the rank system doesn't work.
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Thank you.
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I totally agree. I thought it was obvious that we were referring to players that we know of. Of course there is going to be players who are not streamers that are better than the players that are well known. Just the best players that we know of.
However this game does have a skill cap. Once you reach the cap you pretty much have already peaked, can’t get much better than that. There are better players for sure but I wouldn’t say they are “head and shoulders better” than players who are at a high skill cap.
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That's true, for sure, but you KNOW (mobile FTW) what I mean.
I'll even go one step further and say none of them are probably the best killer/survivor content creators. There's hundreds of skilled players who are streamers sitting at 0-3 viewers, and YouTuber's who are amazing sitting at 1-2 views a month because they don't clickbait like almost everyone else.
For example (kind of), @SpaceCoconut is a relatively small (in scale compared to others, but he's gaining a lot of ground) content creator who is trying to make their mark. He's not as big as Scott, Marth, Zubat or any of the "inner circle" of DBD streamers out there, but I'd say out of all of them, even Marth, he's a better Hag player.
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True, but there's a reason why streamer opinions are valued a little more, and its not because they just decided to open OBS one day. Its because they have thousands of hours of recorded proof of skill, compared to another person who is the same rank, but we've never seen them play a single time. It has nothing to do with being a streamer like, as a job, its just they have recorded proof of things, that's all.
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I mean, having thousands of hours in a game isn't streamer exclusive though; but yes, that does help with the credibility.
But you can't deny the following size is a huge leverage point. A tiny streamer with 8000 hours in DBD who has streamed all of it and uploaded it all to Youtube could say...disagree with you or Tofu about something and their opinion could end up dismissed because of the amount of people who watch you vs them. So it's not always about recorded proof, but it is a huge factor. But that's a community issue, not a skill issue lol
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And I would argue that smaller streamer has just much of a weight in the discussion, then. But like you said, yeah, that's a community issue.
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Survivor is pretty basic compared to killer. You gotta know map layouts and how to conserve pallets. You can list a lot of good survivor players (No0b3, Zubat, Enaria Jendensie, etc...) and there is other good survivor players we don’t know of, but it’s more difficult that killer.
Streamers definitely have more leverage since they have a fanbase but a majority of them have already hit a skill cap when it comes to how skilled they are. They can’t get much better than they currently are. Some things are opinion based like “Umbra is the best Huntress” or “Ardetha is the best Nurse” or “SpaceCoconut is the best Hag” but someone is bound to be just as good as they are. Once a player hits a skill cap they’re all pretty much in the same league.
And it is also up to the survivors that the killer gets. Potato survivors can make one killer look like a million bucks but the next match they’ll struggle because they get competent survivors. The skill of the survivors have a big impact on whether the killer is skilled or not.
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I mean just because ur a streamer doesn't mean your that good anyway. Especially youtubers I mean u watch a short video of there best games. They choose not to show humiliating defeats. I have played with streamers and beat some in private lobbies. The result I was banned from the lobby just saying.
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Tru3 is not the best killer , he's just one of oldest players and has vast wannabe fan base .
I'm surprised that no one mentioned Otz
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Well, I started to close the chat entirely and focus only on BP and fun chases instead of being ultra competetive. It's probably the way of playing Killer. And as Survivor, I focus on my own BP and that I at least black pip when I know I got a bad team.
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Here’s the thing, if you aren’t as good as “insert streamer here,” then maybe you shouldn’t be red rank like them?
I have a job and life so I’m happy in the purple or green ranks.
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I just need to say it's insane what you said about killer casual being over... I was just saying in a post of mine essentially the same thing.
Survivor play has leveled up to the point that The infamous 100 games experiment has finally come to fruition. THE PROPHECY HAS BEEN COMPLETED, YA'LL
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Not on console
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Wait what did Bhvr do to Edgar?
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I don't know how he stacks with some of the other big streamers but I watch Lefty because he's a trapper main.
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Whhaaatt! Fungoose is one of the best out there. He is an educational streamer, killer main but plays a lot of survivor as well
I would argue one of the most technically skilled and knowledgeable killers in the game. Check him out if you get a chance. Granted he has like 8000 hours in game, so I wouldn't compare him to the average player.
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Agreed with most of these. Zubat is a gaming prodigy. I watched him play some Apex and he was just the best thing on the team with very little effort. Some people are just good like that. A lot of the best killer mains have over 5k hours on one killer. If you can't master Huntress, or Billy when you play ONLY them for 5,000 hrs, you may just be bad at the game.
One survivor who I think is on par with No0b3 is Al Boyo, but he plays around a lot and tries for techs, but if he played seriously he'd probably loop killers to oblivion.
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I don't really watch survivor streams but I have a question about Noob. Isn't he a convicted hacker/cheat? I know he has been banned more than once. Why does he have such a high following?