I fear this game will turn into Deathgarden

Its not just Ruin making the killer side of the game result in big amounts of stress from just playing as killer.

The bugs, the unbalanced maps, the never fixing of weaker perks or killers, but u can count on a constant stream of microtransactions trying to get every penny from the players and the DLCs that more often then not dont bring anything new to the game, majority of DLC perks are garbage never to be used.

Dont like where this game has and is going at the moment.


  • McLightning
    McLightning Member Posts: 949

    To be Deathgarden, it would have needed to die in 2017.

    aka - not last a year.

  • SpaceCoconut
    SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962

    If things don't change, the game's reputation will prevent new players from trying it and older players will leave for a less stressful experience.

    I don't think the devs are willing to admit their faults in some aspects of the game and will continue their current course.... wherever it leads.

  • TDR
    TDR Member Posts: 30

    I understand you. I am disappointed in their balance. But I think that what they did with the ruin will give an impetus to a more correct understanding of where to move the balance. They need to understand what they mess with the game. Otherwise, the swing will be on the side of the survivors. And we will have to play with this balance for a couple of months for sure. I am sure that they did all this, after the statistics where the kill rate of the killers was too high in their opinion. I do not like that the killer should play like some otzdrava, and the survivor should play like 20. This is not the correct logic.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    How about looking at how the game changed since release? Its gotten much better every year. DBD has nothing to be compared with deathgarden. Stop making conspiracys.

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    Lately my “less stressful experience” has been XCOM 2.