Demgorgon re-work?

Honestly let’s all come back to earth and take a second and realize how boring and weird the demogorgon is.

I’ve been playing with him and I just keep thinking how much he needs a rework just think about it. His dash is useless every half decent survivor can easily dodge that, there is an obstacle right next to you at any given moment just press A or D and boom your safe.

His portal ability like come on, I’m usually never standing on top of one when I need to be, and the time to travel just gets you in the general proximity of a survivor especially given the a heads up for survivors to gtfo.

I don’t consider myself a bad killer and usually please the entity even with the demogorgon, I just don’t enjoy him. He is a interdenominational adapt, primed, and prime hunter who can infect, rebirth, 4 legged sprint, and is a hive mined controlled beast.

I’m conclusion could there not be a re-work just making him fun to be played and contest against, He’s just missing something. Don't take this with a grain of salt :)


  • KrispiesChicken
    KrispiesChicken Member Posts: 171

    In honesty I believe every killer is missing something. It's supposed to be a horror sided and no one is actually scared of any of the killers. Only Spirit freaks me out

  • Cronk
    Cronk Member Posts: 283

    Too new of a character let then do what they did to doctor with older characters first

  • DBD_Pinhead
    DBD_Pinhead Member Posts: 763
    edited February 2020

    When it comes to portals, you never want to place them in an obvious area like on top of a gen or totem and always keep one on you to use to get to a portal in a pinch, instead of putting them all down and hoping for the best if you can make it to one in time.

  • TKTK
    TKTK Member Posts: 943

    I'd like his portal setting times to be faster and less finicky and maybe his undetectable to be a bit longer cause it's kinda useless with how loud he is just by stomping around.

  • Coolwhy
    Coolwhy Member Posts: 12

    The only time I place a portal on a gen is when there is one gen left to do. I place a portal on the last 3, activate them, and then set up backup portals if possible. Demo does need something, but not a full-blown rework. Let’s focus on the very bad killers first, unbalanced maps, and matchmaking before making slight changes.

  • legionIsBackBaby
    legionIsBackBaby Member Posts: 32

    I regret paying for IT

    Demo needs a rework or buff srsly

  • LoverOfDemogorgon
    LoverOfDemogorgon Member Posts: 168

    As a fellow demo main I agree with his statements, this post needs a git gud vibe check

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    I think Demo is fine

  • TheDiz
    TheDiz Member Posts: 243

    I can't ever hit anyone with his dash unless I corner them or they run into a wall trying to dodge. The survivor literally just has to move left or right when you lunge and they are safe

  • MysterTal
    MysterTal Member Posts: 157

    Just as a further remark, BHVR usually designs Killers with self-defeating features built into their own Power that essentially punish you for your using your character's Power.

    As for Demogorgon, I'd say the worst thing that irks me about him is how you can't turn your camera after his Rend. Worst feeling in the world is giving Survivors easy escapes, free flashlight blinds and being unable to look aside to see what the explosion I just heard was about.

    Even if they never buff him, please for the love of god let us ######### CONTROL OUR CAMERA like with every other Killer after every other attack. FFS.

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620
    edited February 2020

    There are many people that like current Demo, I think he is not that bad either, so I dont think he should face any major rework.

    What pains me is that after watching Stranger Things, I realise how much wasted potential Demogorgon has, both in his power and in his perks, he is so much cooler in the series, and honestly some of these things wouldnt be gamebreaking to add. Demo in DBD is just completly different than in ST, this did not happen with killers like The Shape, The Cannibal, The Ghostface or even The Nightmare is not that bad, considering he got rework. Its just kind of sad that Demo is so limited.

    1. Demogorgon places the portals both while being in the Upside Down and the real world, basically half of his power is blocked.
    2. Upside Down looks more like Spirit's power, definitely not how it works currently.
    3. Demo can feel blood from enormous distances while inside Upside Down, and maybe in the real world too, none of this is in the game.
    4. He can hear people being near his portals while in Upside Down. This is represented by the Killer instinct while charging shred and surviviorvs are near the portal. But well, actually hearing them while in Upside Down would be cool, but you cant stay in there for some reason.
    5. Demo does not have Shred. Who's idea was that...
    6. Surge is quite ok.
    7. Minbreaker is definitely not Demogorgon's power as ingame description suggests, but having something from the Mind Flyer is ok, I guess.
    8. Cruel Limits is complete bullshit... Not only there was no power like this ever, but also the description and quote are completly wrong, and 100% conflict with ST lore. What happens in the Upside Down does not affect the real world, where did you get that idea.
    9. Surviviors cant enter the Upside Down for some wierd reason
    10. Even Demogorgon cant stay in the Upside Down for some reason
    11. Demogorgon cant close his own portals for some wierd reason
    12. Surviviors can seal the portal with THEIR BARE HANDS for some reason

    So yeah, what we have in game is not really a Demogorgon, but as a DBD killer he is balanced enough.

    Post edited by Archimedes5000 on
  • aGoodOldRub
    aGoodOldRub Member Posts: 267

    He is fun to play but weak imo lol.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    I disagree, the Demogorgon's power has an above-average skill ceiling but once used right it is very effective. If you don't find him fun that is entirely subjective.

    If that's the case, you're doing it wrong. His dash is kinda like Huntress' hatchets, you need to use it in bottlenecks or when they're going to a pallet/window so that they have little to no space to dodge.

  • Member Posts: 1,398

    Demo only needs QoL changes and optimisation.

  • ZtarShot
    ZtarShot Member Posts: 838

    1. Who says the Mind Flayer (the one I assume created or at least expanded and gave life to the Upside Down.) Had the ability to expand his realm under say Coldwind, an alternative universe from it's. Hawkins is also just reaped from the memories one of the ST characters. The "Upside Down" is just some tunnels thrown together by The Entity.

    2. ???

    3. He can smell blood in the ST universe, everywhere. Tis a letdown.

    4. Don't feel the need, you already explained it.

    5. The Entity's.

    6. Thumbs up emoji.

    7. Did you see how Barb's loss affected Nancy throughout season 2?

    8. I don't believe it is against any lore, but it is BS.

    9. See (1.)

    10. See (1.)

    11. I don't believe he was able to do that anyway. In the series, I mean

    12. No sense made, gotta agree.

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620
    1. I get your point but I think devs just didnt bother making it or didnt want it to be similiar to Spirits power.
    2. I meant that Upside Down is like a mirror world, not some black mass, but thats in 1)
    3. ...
    4. Yeah, this one is ok, its just that you should be able to use it all the time you are in Upside Down, but you cant stay in Upside Down, so I just dont like how they did it.
    5. Lol
    6. ...
    7. You could say that about every murderer, not just Demo. It think they meant what Mind Flyer did to Will in S2 and S3, so whatever. But that perk is still bad...
    8. When Demo destroys things in Upside Down it doesnt affect the world in any way, so I think it conflicts. The idea of this perk is flawed by itself anyway.
    9. Again, I think they just didnt know how ro make it work.
    10. ...
    11. He does that all the time. The portal in the house gets closed, the one in the tree in the forest, the ones that people were kidnapped through, the one he escapes through after getting trapped and burned.
    12. ...
  • Malik1178
    Malik1178 Member Posts: 34

    Honestly i dont think demo needs a rework. His dash is really useful but you have to put yourself in the right position to get any use out of it kinda like curving around corners with billy. His portals are pretty decent for gen pressure and exit gate pressure if you place them in the right spots. This is coming from a frequent demogorgon user

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620
    edited February 2020

    Thats why I said that DEMOGORGON AS A DBD KILLER IS FINE

    And I said this twice.

    I am just displeased that they did not do him justice like they did with Myers for example.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Yea he is far off from ST lore sadly. I personally think Shred suits him though.

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620

    Shred is cool, portals are not that terrible too.

    But his perks...Oof... I think he is the only killer whose highest level perks are worse than lower level lol. Surge is lvl 30, Mindbreaker lvl 35 and Cruel Limits are lvl 40. And clearly Surge>Mindbreaker>Cruel Limits.

  • TheDiz
    TheDiz Member Posts: 243

    I just think it should have a little bigger hitbox than it does because there has been several times that look like you hit the survivor but it must just barely miss.

  • TheDiz
    TheDiz Member Posts: 243

    it's too much like Huntress's axe when it should be a lot wider since its not nearly as ranged and can't go over things.

  • Feyd
    Feyd Member Posts: 428

    The problem starts with all the tracking perks and abilities killers have at their disposal. If those were removed, stealth becomes viable, with stealth viable we can gut the entire concept of looping and the game becomes all about stealth. Because the moment you're found, you know you're screwed fairly quickly.

    If stealth becomes the focus, you won't see people running everywhere all the time and pounding out gens with the killer nearby. Suddenly the killer is frightening and the gen speeds slow to a crawl.

    Getting rid of the tracking perks is the first step to fixing a hell of a lot of this game's issues.

  • Mak0
    Mak0 Member Posts: 251

    Demo dosent need a full power rework the main issue arises with its add ons and portals.

    The portals have way too many mechanics crammed into them at once that just make no sense for demo.

    Survivors have oblivious when sealing a portal.

    Dosent matter when portals break too fast especially when multiple people are sealing at once.

    The Demogrgon Gets Undetectable when emerging from a portal

    Useless because a survivor can hear demos footsteps from 16m away also the entire map knows when demo is traveling so that just tells them to stop what their doing and just hide.

    Shred can be used for mind games and is mainly useful when a survivor is rushing something like a window/pallet and you need to close your distance quickly. Unfortunately its held back by bad map design with so many walls.

    Demos add ons are just bad in general his pink addons are useless and it feels like theres only a few viable ones. His power is great in concept but theres parts of it that need to be addressed.

  • DaGreenBolt
    DaGreenBolt Member Posts: 453

    Also his sounds, I can seriously here his footsteps, and he's super loud.

  • xllxENIGMAxllx
    xllxENIGMAxllx Member Posts: 923

    Honestly everyone was scared of the nurse back in the day. Now almost everyone play poorly and many dropped.

    He need CHANGES not REWORK, many don't seem to understand the concept of a rework versus changes.

    Sure the demo is weak but that's because his power need buffs. the demo concepts is very good on paper (shred) but is poorly executed. His teleport ability is weaker than his hag counterpart but can be reduced by his add-ons (both movement speed and recovery).

    While i 4k very often with him addonless i do agree that he can be very add-ons reliant against good team.

    How would i change him.

    • First reduce his footstep sounds because he is loud very loud (that destroy any undetectable build for him).
    • Then reducing his teleport cooldown to 10s (and nerfing add-ons so we'll keep the same max cooldown as of now).

    Otherwise maybe change for shred but it's a hard thing to change because it's a anti loop or baiting tool so.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666
    edited February 2020

    This, make it so that when he is undetectable he moves "crawling" similar to his lobby animation, that way his footsteps dont immeadeatly give away the portal he came from

  • That crawling when undetectable would be ######### AMAZING. It would also help explain why he stomps thumping so loud.

    I think they should also remove the sound of him going through portals unless you are close to where he is entering one, and not hear him leaving one at all unless you are like almost right on it.

    Then, make his rat's liver basekit but make the rat liver addon either removed or a very rare addon with some limitation on it so they are not just using it for like 9% perma move speed buff lol.

    Then make his purple, other greens besides deer lung, and his iri add ons actually useful, preferably by making it so you are genuinely silent and hard to hear or detect when he is supposed to be, and making it so the portals are a bigger threat by vastly buffing the radius addons and such, like make them take up like that 25% of the map they are on.

    I would also tweak his shred to actually hit people when you lunge from elevations.

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    Demo: not weak, doesn't need a rework. If you aren't hitting your shreds or using portals effectively, that's on you.

    What does need to be changed is his addons. His only worthwhile addons are the yellow and brown shred recovery ones.

  • Chewy102
    Chewy102 Member Posts: 613

    As I said, here is a couple of games how I play Demo. Not high skilled gameplay though on my part nor from Survivors, everyone made several mistakes to be honest, but should be good enough to start with to see that Demo isn't just a M1 Killer. Demo needs an aggressive playstyle that has you juggle or be in random spots on the map.

    Feel free to ask questions about why I did what or point out the mistakes.

  • HP150
    HP150 Member Posts: 455

    Oh, hell no.

    Speak for yourself. Demogorgon is one of the most fun killers in the game. The only thing he absolutely needs is for his portals not to feel awkward and unintuitive to use.

  • HP150
    HP150 Member Posts: 455

    I think his non-shred related addons feeling weak is a product of his portals not feeling good to use, despite them being marketed as Demo's primary gimmick. Fixing his portals will fix his addons.

  • Chewy102
    Chewy102 Member Posts: 613

    Survivors interact with tunnels more than you think. Blindness and exhaustion add-ons for interacting with your tunnels is very much worthless as with using them for tracking, but there is some worth to making Survivors take longer to destroy them.

    You gotta make use of tunnels first to make Survivors want to remove tunnels. Take the videos I posted for example. Yes that wasn't great gameplay from anyone but those Survivors kept going after my tunnels over and over again. Why? No idea for certain. Maybe they seen the tunnels as a threat and wanted them gone. Maybe they just wanted BP. Maybe potatoes being potatoes.

    With decent placement and use Demo tunnels can give him ENTIRE map wide pressure. You can be anywhere at any time. Buff that, and it put him into being overpowered rather fast.

  • Dr_doom_j2
    Dr_doom_j2 Member Posts: 869

    That would be awesome, that was an excellent short rundown on him!

  • Happy2Heal4You
    Happy2Heal4You Member Posts: 119

    people who say demo’s shred is bad must also think huntress hatchets are bad by that logic. The mistake so many people make with shred is that they see a survivor in front of them and then just immediately go for the lunge without waiting and then they miss because the survivor expected them to immediately shred. This mind game is also used against people who don’t know how to play huntress. With both of these killers, patience is key. Holding shred and holding the hatchets are great for forcing survivors to mess up their movements to avoid getting hit. An example is that the survivor could be going for a pallet, but then then they see or hear the killer charging their shred or hatchet and realize that going for the pallet is a bad idea so instead they swerve away from the pallet leaving them wide open to be hit if the killer was just patient with their power instead of going for it.

    The shred also isn’t a inferior version of the hatchets. Sure the hatchets have the way longer range and the decreased cooldown, but shred has the advantage of the faster charge up for it, you don’t need to reload at all, the power works disgustingly well with save the best for last, and it’s on a 115 speed killer. The portals I can agree kind of pale in comparison to something like Freddy’s teleport but I think you just need to be looking at the portals as just a nice mobility bonus on top of the shred power. Overall I think Demo is last killer that should be reworked when compared to all the other killers in the game that need a rework way more.

  • DemoFrog
    DemoFrog Member Posts: 193

    I think something akin to Pig's crouch would be awesome for Demo. Stop footsteps, gain undetectable, add an element of surprise.

  • BananaBlooD95
    BananaBlooD95 Member Posts: 555

    There are so many mistake and I'm only at 1min45s. Use Shred to bait survivor: charge but don't ponce, they will juke nothing/don't use pallet/window and you'll get a free hit.

    Your first Shred was perfectly used and you got rid of a pallet without even looping, that's how good it can be when used properly. Many tiles have a somewhat long wall and a pallet perpendicular to the wall. Force the survivor to run it that way so you can precharge Shred and either bait it, get a free pallet or a hit.