ghostface reveal is not good enough

okay thats personnal opinion but i think he is the most annoying killer to deal with, he camps with his ability but most of all you have a mechanic to avoid him that works when it wants.
example : once in a match i was downed and i had a small glimpse of view when he was going to leave me slugged to camp a rescue, he turned a corner and got revealed when i was not seeing him anymore
example 2 : i see a ghostface looking at me i drop a pallet stand in one side and him in another the time it takes to break his shroud gives him 70% a stalk or in most of the cases a full reveal after exposing me, and bro he is just RIGHT THERE A DROPPED PALLET AWAY IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SCREEN.
example 3: im working on a gen in the gas station map and he is behind tires leaning and stalking i reveal him by accident when only his head was in my screen.
example 4: i see him at distance and stares at him but cant reveal him but he can stalk me. (?????)
when these things happen you will get downed with a feeling that the game stole your chase.
at least make my pointing action reveal him it will be faster than stare at him one meter away and being unable to break him faster, like the point of his abilliy is to get well hidden if he comes closer i should have the advantage and he should have a chase not a free down.
or when putting my characther looking at him instead of pointing idk just fix
ps: try to break him out stalking one pallet away with him crouching and leaning and standing up, it messes up a LOT your revealing just ridiculous.
It is EXTREMELY inconsistent regardless of add ons.
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Some things to relise about ghostfaces reveal
The survivor player model can block the reveal
He has to be more towards the center you can't reveal him if hes at the edge of your screen
20% or more of him has to be visible to reveal him
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I agree. He's the worst killer in the game to play against. I'd take Legion over GF anyday. Most of them just use stealth to camp/tunnel hooks, and the reveal is so broken he's either going to get a free hit or expose you by the time you've revealed him anyway. Hell just to break him out of his power you have to give away your location.
I wish they would just delete him. He really is that bad.
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Even in that case is inconsistent
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In the ps4 there are a lot of GF i played against one 2 min ago, the feng min could blind him faster than breaking the cloack its ridiculous, and yes he camped
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His reveal mechanic is so broken. You can be staring right at him, middle of the screen, nothing happens and he exposes you.
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As a spoopy build ghostface player, i can say that sometimes I can be in chases and still not be revealed even when I can see that people are staring at me while running away
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If you can't reveal Ghostface, you are just doing it wrong. Seriously, its the easiest thing in the world. There is even a sound effect that tell you if its working or not.
What I don't like about Ghostface is that revealing him does not reset his stalk progress. Wich mean that eventually he can just "cloak" in front of your face and stalk you for 0.1 seconds for an easy underserved insta-down.
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Well maybe because GF is high tier killer and Legion is 2nd worst killer in the game lol
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Revealing is broken, but it needs a bugfix, not a nerf to the killer
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I had a Ghostface stand at the top of the stairs of the basement as I ran up with the survivor I just unhooked and stared at his entire body and face as I ran up and somehow he still marked and instadowned me? I thought you could break him out of his power if you could see a certain percentage of him? It's happened on several occasions so I think the mechanics are messed up.
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I never have an issue revealing. The spot to reveal is not center of the screen for survivor. Its more to the center right, like over the shoulder. That's why it seems more inconsistent is the look spot is off center.
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yeah but is only a matter of time to people come here and say we are doing it wrong when actually the reveal is not working properly, they didnt test it enough. Its not a nerf to the killer asking a fix or another way to reveal him like pointing.
when pointing you do not walk most of the cases the dont will expose but will get afirst hit and i think thats good enough
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Devs dont care.
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I disagree. For as many times as his power screws you over, it also screws him over.
It needs to be more consistent for both sides, though I've never had any trouble revealing him, I understand many do.
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Hes the most buggiest killer ever released. You can literally stalk survivors through walls.
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You can also get revealed through walls.
Also, that doesn't happen on Xbox because we don't have Dedicated Servers :D
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How does XBOX not have dedicated servers but PC and PS4 do?
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Because Microsoft has saved us from the hell that is Dedicated Servers. Considering what I've seen and heard, I hope we never get them.
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If GF is camping they suck at GF. Running in straight lines, lack of situational awareness, and lone players reward his playstyle.
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Was he leaning from the wall adjacent to the stairs or literally standing in the center? There's a sweet spot ghostface can lean from where he can stalk while safely not being reveal able by people in that direction. To counter it you should wait out of view for him to come down towards you or walk away. Either choice he makes you're wasting his time by doing nothing. If he was standing still in the middle of the stairway then I can't guess why he wouldn't be revealed without a video.
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Seems like a proxy camping, stair blocking killer. I'm not surprised. A style of gameplay that I refuse to use. I have been on the receiving end of such a tactic, and it sucked. When revealing gf, I have the worst luck. I can be looking in the opposite direction, and reveal him, which gives away my location, which also sucks. I don't think that revealing him should give you away.
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You cannot block basement.
Camping is coolio.
Revealing him should give you away, otherwise he has zero clue what just happened or where he was spotted from.
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Object of Obsession was a good Counter against him. I don't know why they just nerf it.
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Because it destroyed his power and there was no way for him to do anything about it
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He can still stalk you. I have been exposed when I was Using Object. He can still catch up to you.
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Then I'm not sure why you are using OoO if you cannot loop.
If you allow him to stalk you when using OoO, it's kinda on you.
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I am not an expert player. I just play because why not. At times he gets me down because I wasn't paying attention at times.
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OoO is generally used by people who excel at looping the Killer. Not saying don't use it, merely pointing out the players who generally use it
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I use Soul Survivor because I like the I can see you but you can't see me type of thing
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You are a braver person than I am, I wouldn't use Sole Survivor ever lol, but hey! Good perk diversity!
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I guess i am more of situational perk user then META. Soul Survivor is can be fun to use. Like a killer had dear stalker and he had a hard time finding me. It is a good counter of BBQ and Nurses. Try SoleSurvivor, Iron Will, Calm Spirt, and Urban Invasion on a dark Claudette. You will have fun!
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I'll have to try that, thanks!
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Wait till later, There is a bug that solesurvivor is not working
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Oh no! Have you reported it in the bug section?
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A lot of people did. I am glad I am not the only one who notices it
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If your having problems with ghost face watch this video time stamp is 7:30
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I'd settle for a % reduction. Like even 5%
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I just had to say this; the reason for the nerf wasn't only that it affected GF - it practically made the wraith and Michael Myers a liability against SWF
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Myers was already immune to detection perks.
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They changed it to where he wasn't for a period, has to do with the undetectable change they made a while back.
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THANK YOU, and well my toughts are that the ghostface is a little bit ridiculous still.
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i think that see where you are being revealed was something that the devs put in the ghostface cause they knew the inconsistency that is his power, in my opinion he should only know the revealer position after he is uncloacked
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yeah they need to fix it i followed a ghost face around for like a minute just staring at him and it didn't reveal him so i thought you know maybe he had addons to reduce the detection range and turns out nope he just makes no sense