are 5 minutes matches fun for survivors? real question

I went against a rank one survivor SWF squad with 4 toolboxes with brand new parts last night on springwood. 3 gens popped within a minute or so, about the time i got across the map. Got a quick hook 10 second chase with insta-down. the last two popped as i sprinted away from the survivor. i opened the gate and they left without tbagging or anything. the whole match was under 6 minutes or so. ive had several matches in a row like this. i'm a low rank survivor so i have no experience with this level of efficiency. is it still fun as a rank one survivor to get quick matches like this?
To me, a game is about how many BP I get, not necessarily pip'ing. If the game is going by way too quickly, I'll farm a little. Whether that means baiting the killer, cleansing totems, etc. To me, a fast game isn't fun, it's just a waste of time, ironically enough.
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I think working as a team and being efficient is fun. I think escaping and winning a chase is fun. I don't bring in toolboxes because I feel that is unfair with the Ruin nerf.
Unfortunately with efficient survivors the game can go fast. For me I want to escape and get my team out. If I don't pip and still escape that is more of a win than pipping and dying, for me.
Also as a team mate I feel I should optimize my time in game for the team. So if there is a long chase going on I am going to pound gennys and totems. I see and know how this can be frustrating for killers, in the games current state. This is the reason I think we should not be bringing in toolboxes for the time being.
So to answer your question, minus the toolboxes it is fun to escape IMO. Although I would prefer it be in a game with some chases and hook rescues.
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i think opening the gate prevents the bp farming? maybe ill stop doing that when i get demolished.
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Yes, I will usually 99% a gate and hover around the area unless the killer is coming my way. Then I can either dip or continue to farm a little. I've gotten myself hooked for doing that so I try and be careful, either way.
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as a killer i don't get upset when everyone escapes. as long as chases happen win or lose. Its great when I've hooked everyone 3 times, but that's rare in the higher ranks.
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Nope. I actually prefer short matches as Killer because it means I can just play more of them due to the short que times.
As survivor, short matches usually mean that I was found first and killed early. So no. Short matches aren't fun.
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It's not fun at all playing against a bad killer. Nothing worse than getting in a game and not seeing the killer at all because he sucked. Happens too much nowadays. Hopefully they get matchmaking right and great players can play against great players.
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When I play survivor I don't genrush a lot. I want the game to last a bit. As a killer main I know how unfair gen times are.....
People who genrush do it either for fun (want to destroy someone's day) or because they are çúñts
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I genrush because I can. Unless it's abused it won't get fixed cuz not enough people will complain. So I bring toolboxes and pound gens. Hopefully they will fix it. It's not fun. I much prefer looping. But if I'm not chasing, I'm knocking out gens. I agree that's not how it should be. But... Is what it is for now.
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Just play survivor.
It's where the 'fun' is at.
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Yesterday I played several games in the afternoon and in all there was more than one toolbox and in all of them it was a spectacular genrush. Some of them did not last 7 minutes and all of them with less than 18k.
But genrush is not a problem and ruin is. It is normal for killer to camp and tunnel, because otherwise it is impossible to play. Nobody came to play, just to demonstrate their skill with the m1 and to hide, then obviously gg in the chat and if your camp or tunnel is a monster
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The fact that the made a challenge to complete 10 gens doesn't help with the people who are trying to gen rush.
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Yeah stuff like that isn't really a challenge, it's just time consuming.
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Pretty much. That and the get 5 bronze light bringer emblems. Just a waste of time honestly. Though I suppose at least the gen one you can progress through quickly.
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So that's why killers bring moris...
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I don't want to hang around in a match against a killer who can't even pressure gens properly. We're both getting out with low bp and I have no qualms about that. The only sad part is that sometimes it's not their fault, it's matchmaking :(
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Far from it
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No More than 2 min matches from a camping Bubba.
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That isn't true at all. Gens are the survivors objective. What are they supposed to do? Sit in a corner? That is just nonsense.
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camping is the opposite of fun. hence the sprinting away from survivors even after the gens are done.
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moris cause survivors to "gen rush", they also don't want to be in an unwinnable situation. its a whole cycle of violence, man!
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the flashlighty guys seem to be having a laugh riot. i might give that a chance.
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If they bring in multiple toolboxes it is.
Otherwise, I agree with you. I mean, it is their main objective. The fault is on the Devs for letting the game get to where it is today.
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I know. I said it with the thought of having 4 purple toolboxes with brand new parts and prove thyself XD
The others just do their job :3
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No it is boring af.
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I enjoy my 4k under 3 minutes as spirit too
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As a survivor, I have a collection of around 40+ toolboxes in my inventory that I'm not carrying. Since the ruin change I no longer take toolboxes. When I play as a killer I'd much rather play against survivors with medkits instead of toolboxes any day
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killer should get an insane bonus for pulling that off.
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It's not fun. But someone has posted that it's a vicious cycle at the moment. Killers need to sweat, survivors sick of sweat so they go sweat and vice versa. Yesterday my 4 man swf wanted casual, even went for no mother power hour, meme builds and experimenting with builds. Got a doctor who was swing happy, 1 gen done and starts slugging and tunneling... Okay so we are going sweat got it. First friend gets hooked and 3 gens pop, 99 last gen, save, pop and escape. Killers push survivors to be toxic, survivors push killers to be toxic and all anyone wants is to "win" whatever your definition of that is
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People play for different reasons. I consider a win to be a 3k, a 4k, or me escaping, and typically the most fun thing to me is winning and always trying to improve. If I win in 1 minute, 5 minutes, or 10 minutes, it's all the same to me.
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I've started actively goofing around in matches where gens are going fast to slow the game down just a little bit. Red rank queues are annoying as it is, so why not have a little fun?
I have to say that I've run into a lot of killers recently who seem to appreciate the goofy games in red ranks.
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You mean doing Archive challenges?
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Its actually not fun. Teammates play like toddlers when they genrush, then get tilted when there's NOED. They become so focused on Gens they don't cleanse totems, I'm usually the only one cleansing them if by a miracle of God there's actually a teammate on my team that does them with me.
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Hmm bnps do the same thing
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No they are not. I purposely stop doing Gen's, and open chests to find the best item if I find the game is going too fast. Then again i'm also incredibly selfish when I play survivor. I try to force the match to take 9 minutes as much as possible. I understand I can double pip and die, and the killer can't even black pip unless the game is longer than 5 minutes.
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I prefer these fast games
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A killer dominated game can still be fun. A gen rushed game cannot be fun. I used to watch videos of players looping the killer for like 4 gens. Wow, 4 gens. Now I realize that 4 gens could be like 2 minutes. And that could be with a long wall jungle gym, next to the meat tree, next to a combine, next to a pallet gym, and another hay bail pallet and they did that without even going to the main building. I'm not particularly skilled and I could probably last 4 gens with that setup. Luckily that's only 1/4 of the resources on Rancid.
This a good amount of defenses for a rank 17. Shockingly OP for rank 4.
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What about 1-2 min 4ks?