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To new killers: teabag is actually a psychological game strategy

aurum_exe Member Posts: 182
edited February 2020 in General Discussions

In every game, where there is a minimum of competition between two distinct parts, psychological strategies of various types and genres are always applied, if aimed at achieving a precise goal. Especially when you're trying to trick your opponent into making mistakes. The world of sport for example offers many other comparisons. The much-hated "teabag" by killers is actually a good game strategy, and is easily demonstrable with simple reasoning.

The act itself should not be considered a mere toxic "offense" against the player who's playing the role of the killer, but an expedient to push him to fall into the tunneling trap. If the player gets caught in anger and this leads him into an unreasonable focus on a single survivor, then the strategy has succeeded. If you consider the "teabag" a valid justification for giving up the rest of the team to chase only one survivor for 3/4 generators, it means that you have fallen into his trap and you can say "mmmBYE" to the game. If you fall into this trick it means that you deem the act more important than the success of the game itself.

After 2100+ hours, if I can give a suggestion to new killers (yellow / green rank), since with the current matchmaking they often face red rank squadron of Satan's spawn, is: don't fall in this trap EVER. They don't do it to offend the person who is playing the killer. They do it to trick you into making mistakes and having an easy game.

A good strategy is as follows: count the number of generators on one side of the map. Let the survivors complete the generators in that part and try to protect at least 3 generators in your area. Patrol your area. Once the generators on their side are complete, they will have to come to yours, and it will be way more difficult for them. They might try to provoke you with flashligh clicking or teabag. Don't fall for it. Stay focused on generators, that's all that matters!

Teabag is a psychological "warfare". Don't fall for it.


  • aurum_exe
    aurum_exe Member Posts: 182

    Yes some players use it to have fun and brake the game, some use it as a strategy. I don't usually teabag, don't need to. It depend from the map and how the game is going.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    And him smacking you on the hook over and over while you feel his breath on your hooked corpse is to demoralize you so that you'll ######### instead of struggling and he can win faster.

  • aurum_exe
    aurum_exe Member Posts: 182

    When you face a low rank killer, it's strategy, because you know they might fall in, that's why i written the suggestion "to new killers". I'm rank 2 and i still face green/yellow rank killers, because of this problematic matchmaking, and it's very easy to make them run the whole map for 4 generators at least. That's why i said "don't fall in the trick".

  • DBD_Pinhead
    DBD_Pinhead Member Posts: 763

    And those post game messages after teabagging isn't done to offend or degrade? That's a new take. You might want to re-evaluate looking at teabagging like it exists in a vacuum. This is also what new killers face. Hordes of survivors don't respect others in the killer role so it's as much about disrespecting the other side especially when they know they're facing easy opposition.

  • PyroGL
    PyroGL Member Posts: 239

    I've always found the use of psychological attacks when it comes to competitive games to be a weak excuse to be an #########. Fact is, if you are more skilled than your opponent either mechanically, or strategy wise, you'll win without the use of "getting into your opponent's head". Competitions exist to test for skill in games/sports, not how effectively you can mess with the other person's mental state.

  • aurum_exe
    aurum_exe Member Posts: 182
    edited February 2020

    Sorry but, when you try to hide your red light, moonwalking behind a wall, to trick a survivor in thinking you're going to a direction while it's the opposit? Isn't that a mental trick that killers use to gain an advantage? Aren't "mind games" mental strategies to outplay the opponent? Teabagging has the same value if the player-killer think you're trying to offend his person. he falls in the trick.

    And to all those messages like "Just don`t get upset if i rekt you" i respond: tunnel me harder! <3

  • DBD_Pinhead
    DBD_Pinhead Member Posts: 763

    That's not a move that's known to be used specifically to disrespect players. Teabagging is. You're doing it to disrespect the other person and hoping to "get inside their head", further contributing to being toxic in an already toxic environment. No the equivalent is if I beat you like a pinata on the hook and see if I can "get inside" survivors' heads by seeing who takes the bait on altruism.

  • fleshbox
    fleshbox Member Posts: 494

    In the past i would get afffected by this and chase. Not anymore. But if i catch them, i nod and stand there. That usually results in a DC. Fine with me. I can play that game as well. In my xp unless they are super good at loops and then tbag at every pallet and are truly hard to get then i will leave the chase and go after a possible weaker link. Which can result in me getting the tbagger as well. If they tbag at the exit gates i wont be there to see it. I dont hand out free chase points unless you suck more than me as surv. Then i will.

  • Schmierbach
    Schmierbach Member Posts: 468

    I mean teabagging is usually only done by over confident survivors. Good players won't waste those few seconds taunting the killer and instead use that time to get to the next loop. I usually love it when survivors teabag me at a pallet and then go down right before they reach the next loop, usually thinking the killer will fall for a second chance dead hard *snorts*.

  • lunaticlifter
    lunaticlifter Member Posts: 426

    i don't look it only in that way, imho is a complex of inferiority, probably in real life tho, so they try to compensate boosting their ego tbagging or bullying a killer/person in an unbalanced videogame where survivors for an ''unknow'' lel reason can actually be the power role, other way you wouldn't see survivors tbagging so often.. but hey it's mho.

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117
    edited February 2020

    You aren't being an ######### by mashing a key. And if you get upset by someone mashing a key, you likely shouldn't be playing many PVP style games because they're all ridden with some type of key mashing.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,480

    I always consider teabagging (and flashlight clicking) to mean "I'm the designated distraction," so I ignore them and patrol gens. Either I'll get them later when they're out of position, or they'll be bored [BAD WORD]less because I never interact with them. I'm good either way.

  • Venzhas
    Venzhas Member Posts: 684

    Nope, for my part i t-bag just because i'm toxic 🤣

  • VoodooChild
    VoodooChild Member Posts: 319

    Nah people T bag because theyre #########. Also I feel like this is kind of toxic because youre telling baby killers to get t bagged while they try to set up a 3 gen strat?

    Baby killers do not listen to this meg, is someone t bags you, tunnel them and face camp the hook. If youre ghosty, t bag. Pig, roar, Bubba, you bet youre ass you better have that chainsaw powered, and if youre a true baby with only wraith. Ding the ######### out of that bell.

    Are you gonna lose? Probably. But whats important is hoes mad

  • OrangeJack
    OrangeJack Member Posts: 464

    The reason T-baggers are annoying is a lot of them t-bag after playing mediocre or doing the most basic stuff like bringing a pallet down. The annoying part for me is how someone can be that cocky after doing so little.

    If Its a really good survivor its still not good but atleast its somewhat earned.

  • PyroGL
    PyroGL Member Posts: 239

    Yes, mashing a key does not inherently make you an #########, intentionally tilting your opponent and trying to make them mad, does.

    Additionally, if everyone is supposed to have the mental fortitude to ignore these psychological attacks as a prerequisite for playing the game, then they wouldn't be effective, and thus there would be no need for them. Kind of a contradiction if you ask me.

  • Xetoil
    Xetoil Member Posts: 94

    This is a case by case thing. I have seen tea-baggers who were clearly using it as a strategy because they were set up with perks/items to loop me, or they wanted to abuse a god loop and were trying to get my attention in order to waste my time, allowing the rest of the team to do gens.

    Then there are people who want to hurt you.

    I wouldn't be surprised if the two tend to overlap, but I have also been in losing games myself as survivor (as a swf group) where one of us heroically teabags the killer in a last ditch attempt to save someone who would otherwise be on death hook. It often doesn't work but yeah.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    it's unsportsmanlike

  • aurum_exe
    aurum_exe Member Posts: 182
    edited February 2020

    I don't think it's unsportsmanlike. When i played killer, i found some survivors that teabagged me after a pallet stun, or simply pointing with the finger, in various occasions. I cannot hide that was irritating, but then in chat when i asked why the need of being so mean, these survivors wrote something like this "sorry for teabagging bro but i wanted to be chased, because the fun part of this game is to be chased, the rest is boring". So to my perception these survivors were mere #########, but in reality i kind of agree with them. If you remove the chase part from the game, what's left?

    On the contrary, when I played survivor, I found killers who played very dirty, and then in chat they said something like "sorry for camp and tunnel. I didn't want to play this way but I had no other choice against your toolboxes and the key. I hope you're not mad <3".

    So, in my opinion, during the game there are distorted perceptions about the person who is playing on the other side, because of the role we are playing at that moment. Some survivors find unfair all the powers that some killers have to ask for a nerf 10 times out of 10, because they feel the frustration of not being able to counter him, and frustration leads to various kind of anger and bad manners for both sides.

    I think we take DbD too seriously, to justify these type of feelings but hey, if it works it works.

  • aurum_exe
    aurum_exe Member Posts: 182
    edited February 2020

    Well because you play toxic just for fun, it doesn't mean that you're a model applicable to everyone. If i do, i do it for that reason and i know other survivors who think the same, because we play killer too and we know how hard it is to win, especially in this period. It's called diversity, we're not all equal and tinking that we are it's a generalization. It's also called "point of view".

  • Aura_babyy
    Aura_babyy Member Posts: 583

    The things toxic in this game is just actual game strategy for 300 IQ minds only.

    100 Speech

  • aurum_exe
    aurum_exe Member Posts: 182
    edited February 2020

    Why call it "purity". I just don't see the same way you do. Afterall "teabag" is a meme, because the developers didn't meant to do it by purpose. I just wanna remember that "teabag" is part of the crouching animation, then people found it funny to do it in game. It desn't always mean "i'm better than you". Also, the animations are "funny-made" to break the tension of the game. In the beginning i found it irritating, then i've understood that there is nothing so bad, and i laugh because the teabag animation is actually funny. I don't preach. It's just a point of view different than yours. That's all.

  • aurum_exe
    aurum_exe Member Posts: 182

    That's why i wrote my point of view for new killers. Veterans already know that, because in many end game chat, many killers after the teabag simply write "gg wp". So if you're mature enough to understand that DbD is just a game, and to the other side the player could be a 10 years old kid, you cannot take "teabag" so seriously.

    "why even bother pretending here that you care for everyone's enjoyment. I just don't buy it."

    I'm not selling anyting here. Just a point of view, and you are free to disagree of course, but let's put some arguements down, not just "i don't buy it". As i said it's called diversity and point of views that has reasons to exists. Moreover, why should i pretend. I don't get it. Let's try to open the vision a bit more wider than this. Why not.

  • aurum_exe
    aurum_exe Member Posts: 182
    edited February 2020

    @Amygdala it's the forum itself that notifies that you replied to me and not to somebody else. Maybe you are pushing the quoting of the wrong person then, and some of my replies are an extention to the argument. This community duuude.

    Post edited by aurum_exe on
  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,260

    Teabagging is a rude gesture meaning something alike of putting your testicles on your opponents face.

    "Its strategy to insult" - yeah, sure.

    Wherever it started, it mutated into an insult, whatever the survivors defending it are cawing.

  • aurum_exe
    aurum_exe Member Posts: 182
    edited February 2020

    It mutated in an insult because we all, somehow, accept to give it that meaning. As i said in many threads here, not all teabaggers actually think "you're trash". Proof is the many killers who says "gg wp" at the end. Not all, but a lot don't take it personally. An insult is an insult and that could occur in chat with words, but now it's the DbD collective thinking that "teabag" means something rude. Couldn't simply mean: "try to catch me"? Like the killer noddin with his head. Could that be interpreted as an insult? Why? I don't hear the person to the other side saying something rude. It's just our imagination that build up the anger. You know, we give meanings to things, but a "teabag" actually is just a spammed crouch animation. That's all it is.

    Post edited by aurum_exe on
  • TunnelVision
    TunnelVision Member Posts: 1,375

    Tea bagging means an imminent face camp.

  • DanteMorello
    DanteMorello Member Posts: 142

    It is not even real teabagging. For it to be valid you would need to stand on top of your opponent's corpse. The way people do it in DbD makes it just sport exercises.

    It is pretty pathetic.

  • Quol
    Quol Member Posts: 694

    What about teabagging as killer (GF, pig)? Is there a psychological use for this or are they just being dicks.

  • Then when they get tunneled very efficiently, and it makes it quick and easy for them to kill the rest of their team because they did so in a manner that helped keep pressure up, they get HELLA mad they got tunneled, insult and threaten the hell out of the killer post game, etc....

    So then I would say yeah, it still toxic.

    If you teabag but are legit nice in the postgame, regardless of the game outcome or tunneling, then yeah you are a chill dude. There are some good survivors out there who are not sore winners/losers and accept wins/losses with dignity and politeness. Those ones are the best.

  • GrumpyGamer
    GrumpyGamer Member Posts: 3

    I manage to get to rank 1 survivor without acting like a jerk and teabagging at pallets and what not. You can argue all you want about strategy but at the end of the day you're just being a jerk. If you only can get ahead by purposefully upsetting your opponent that speaks volumes to your actual level of skill and maturity. While you are correct that tilting your opponent can lead to a win it's also an unnecessary way to play and really reflects the quality of your character more than anything else. I manage to be successful at this game as both killer and survivor, both red ranks, without purposefully upsetting my opponent or going out of my way to make it to where someone doesn't have fun.

  • luka2211
    luka2211 Member Posts: 1,433

    I mean you aren't wrong :F

  • aurum_exe
    aurum_exe Member Posts: 182
    edited February 2020

    Of course i think it is. It could mean "See? You're not that good as you think you are" or "See? I'm not that stupid!". And for the rest of the game, the survivor will rememeber that. I mean, the teabag can also be interpreted as a sort of "friendly" challenge between killer and survivor, and whoever is better wins. I got friend on Steam with many killers i teabagged. People mature enough not to take it personally. We take it for granted that it is a personal offense because we are used to it that way. But we don't actually know the person on the other side of the network. We think that is a jerk but actually could be a nice person.

    Post edited by aurum_exe on