Ok this should be added to the game.

First of all, face camping. No one likes it, but there is not much we can do about it. *I suppose if you get on the hook and 4% percent it, it should stun the killer for 3 seconds. OR, OR when face camped, the entity process is slowed. And Maybe perks or offerings can support that. What do you guys think?
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You already lose emblems for face camping. I believe there are perks that slow down hook progression. But they could also make it that the rest of the survivors get a boost to gen repair speed so they can get out even faster while this is happening.
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Well thats the thing, its supposed to stop gen rushing by the killer realizing he can't face camp and waste his time
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Nice nice
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Would it make sense if the entity would slow in progress the closer the killer is to the hook with a survivor on it? On another note: if you lose emblems, why not inform the player if they are "in the wrong"?
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For the second part. Because that would make sense? I mean it's a great idea. Have a symbol or notification on the killer that, 'hey you need to get out of this area and hunt someone else' etc. That would make sense.. so idk. Would be nice if they implemented that in to the game.
For the first part. I see the entity wanting more death and more brutality if you will. Chasing, hitting, screaming survivors, more hooking, more despair, more misery. Killers just standing afk is displeasing to it. *shrug*
Edit: For clarity.
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Or the killer can be sensible and go after the people doing the gens. If there broken how do the killers still keep on winning in the first place? It's not broken at all, its all about knowing your players and there gen skills.
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Well I get at what your saying and I meant if they stand still for a amount of time next to the SURVIVOR it slows. Not just generally near the hook
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Already tested, already abused.
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And where did you get this information?
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It was tested back in the game in 2018 it failed badly as the survivors just ran around hooks to make the time last longer you can gladly ask a dev if you dont believe the information @not_Queen
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Buddy i said standing still
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What @MonsterInMyMind said. I'm not going to dig through 2 years of posts to find a quote, but it exists.
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As for this, what if the killer just taps A and D? They're moving, but still facecamping.
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I recall hearing about a test of slower progression on good was tried.
Survivors aparently proceded to just look near the hook to abuse it.
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Ok first of all i am in red ranks and i still lose to killers. Like 2 games ago I lost to a killer twice because he was smart and actually went after the gens. No one knows where the killer is ever exactly, but they can't just go "oh shoot I somehow know where the killer is imma do a gen across the map". I think your just REALLY salty about losing as killer. Also the killers would stop slugging and tunneling because they could get banned, so they wouldn't do it anymore and it still proves my point.
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Tunneling and Slugging doesn't get you banned, nor does facecamping. Killers winning in red ranks I can beleive easily. I've had many matches where red ranks are literal potatoes the entire match. I've watched as someone was on hook, and 2 others were running around together from the killer while my Kindred was active. But, at the same time, it also could be a really bad map for the killer they've chosen and could have a hard time pinning down a survivor. It all comes down to the map, and the way a survivor plays. If they're going major altruistic on saves without BT, yes, the killer will most likely win.