Nice rank matchmaking

what the hell is this?


  • dbizzle
    dbizzle Member Posts: 96

    omg man you did so well killing those at your rank well done

  • RFlex
    RFlex Member Posts: 12

    I havent played this game for a long time so i dropped at rank 18 but shouldnt i be matched with rank 18s?

  • hex_genrush
    hex_genrush Member Posts: 736

    Goooooood , goooooooood

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    Here's the deal, you want fast que times? You'll be matched with any rank, rank doesn't matter, you'll know who's skilled and who isn't, you want to be match with people of similar rank? Have fun with longer que times.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    I'm in the same boat. Since they nerfed ruin survivors have an easier time ranking up. Killers are depipping because it's harder without early game pressure. So the red ranks are flooded with survivors that shouldnt be there and killers very scarce cause no one is playing till they fix this mess. Once you que up long enough the match making then throws the first available killer your way. regardless of what rank you are.

    Which is why they are going to hide the ranks so you can't "see" that your getting screwed.

  • rha
    rha Member Posts: 417
    edited February 2020

    Oh please, can we stop blaming everything on Ruin change? It's slowly getting old.

    This has more to do with survivor emblems having gotten easier and easier to get over time, and then the rank reset changes. There were quite a few survivors in red ranks who absolutely didn't belong there even before the Ruin patch landed.

    The matchmaking was also broken before the Ruin change. I returned to playing survivor for tome 1 challenges. Starting out at rank 20 and stopped around 5 to not get to red ranks. I played only against a handful of green killers. Mostly yellow. I double pipped maybe 3/4 games I played actually serious and escaped, even at purple ranks. This too makes it easier for survivors to rank up if you almost never play against better killers.

    Also killers don't have it more difficult to pip. The Gatekeeper emblem has been improved. As someone who didn't play with Ruin before the nerf I can say if anything I pip more easily now due to Gatekeeper usually being a bit better. Those who did rely solely on Ruin will now have to go through an adjustment period where they will need to learn to play how the other 20% without Ruin did, then they will pip again.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    The recent changes make ranking up easier for killer, then you just combine that with potato red rank survivors and you've got easy rank ups.

  • Feyd
    Feyd Member Posts: 428

    I'd say that considering you still 3k'd in spite of the rather severe rank disparity shows that Freddy is a bit too strong.

  • Feyd
    Feyd Member Posts: 428

    Learn not to rely on ruin to screw over survivors with bad reaction times. The perk basically won the game against bad survivors and did nearly nothing against good ones.

    If it's really about "eArLy GaMe PrEsSuRe" then use Corrupt Intervention and make it so the survivors have to come closer earlier. If they hide, they forfeit two minutes for which you can find one and start a chase.

    Ruin was an unhealthy perk for the game. It taught killers they didn't need to try at low ranks and survivors felt immediate annoyance upon seeing that skillcheck. So much so that at low ranks people abandoned trying to do the gens and wandered the map all game for the one totem stopping them, often getting all four killed.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited February 2020

    It's not "ruin" that's was the problem so much as why they nerfed it in the first place. To make the game easier for newbies. That kind of behavior is screwing with the game. Every time they lower the bar for the new players it becomes easier for the skilled ones. It was a perk that only affected bad survivors. So then why did they nerf it in the first place? It helped keep those newbies out of red ranks. Now they rank up even easier than before. We got red survivors that drop pallets prematurely. Tell me the ruin nerf didn't encourage that?

    Ruin was a band aid that was thrown over a severed limb. It wasn't much but it was something. Now that its gone the main issue is still not addressed. Also toolboxes are strong now because there is nothing stopping them early game. You could run Franklins but you cant hit everyone carrying one before they complete a gen.

    Everyone just dismiss's the gen speeds by saying apply pressure or git gud. Well you cant pressure 4 people at once. Perks are not a solution to something that is broken with the core mechanics. Telling people to play a meta killer isn't a solution either. It's bad balancing. You also say that if you depended on ruin your a bad killer. I call bullshit. Many of the killers lack early game pressure and mobility. They need ruin, intervention, pgtw or something that slows down the game. And I don't care how old this argument gets. It wont go away until it's fixed or the game dies. Keep nerfing killers and buffing newbie survivors and that's exactly where its heading.

  • Feyd
    Feyd Member Posts: 428
    edited February 2020

    Okay.. and what's stopping them from running CI or PGtW then? Even new ruin can slow the game down plenty of they don't break it and you can push them off gens. Combining it with a tracking perk like BBQ, discordance, or surveillance let's you know where to go to apply that pressure.

    You have options. Lots of them. You just can't rely on ruin to do it all for you now.

    Toolboxes, Prove Thyself, huge maps, and how small the penalty for stacking on a gen is... Those are the real problems. Not base gen speeds.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited February 2020

    Ruin doesnt stop anything unless you chase them off the gen. Again, 4 v 1. You cant pressure all 4 unless they are dumb enough to all stand together.

    Intervention is okay and I like it on my trapper. People either wait for you to be chasing someone then work on a closer gen or they hide till it wears off. But once its gone you really are on the clock,

    PGTW is also great but it only works if you get a hook. 3 gens can pop by the time you down someone with an M1 killer.

    Last why do killers have to run specific perks/builds just to stand a chance? Survivors can go in naked and win. With killer, half our setup is decided for us.

  • Supr3_Angel
    Supr3_Angel Member Posts: 22

    Devs be like: *inserting black man with fake laugh*

    sorry I can’t post the actual meme

  • Feyd
    Feyd Member Posts: 428

    Killers can go in naked and win. Tru3 did an entire challenge month without perks and got to rank one on both sides. It's perfectly possible.

    I pretty much only play M1 killers: Wraith, Legion, and Doc both old and new. I was running CI before the patch and either run it or new ruin after.

    The perks aren't supposed to *make* the pressure for you. Downing and hooking or slugging survivors creates your pressure. It's not difficult to snowball with only one or two gens left and make survivor progress practically non-existent until you end up with 3 or 4 kills. You aren't expected to ever keep 5 gens past the first few minutes.

    Strategize. Pick a side of the map and hold it. Burn the pallets there ASAP and when they get down to the last 2 gens they need they have no where safe to run to as you patrol it. There are tons of plans and strategies that don't rely on survivors to be potatoes at skillchecks.